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Everything posted by Exystem

  1. @Yeah Yeah from a solipsists pov there is no real life and there are no babies having dreams. Dreams occur on different layers. In the REM-phase you dream vividly, close to daily life experiences. In deeper sleep phases you are still dreaming, but more about abstract forms, diffuse feelings and ambiguous contents, according to scientific research. More like the low resolution, blurry scheme-style perception you would expect a baby to have.
  2. Life is my actual real path, and it contains meditation, inquiry, yoga, psychedelics and contemplation. But mahasamadhi as a goal.. for real?
  3. Spirituality, depending on its definition of course, ends the moment you realize there is nothing else but the present moment, there is no time, there are no words, it's illusions all the way down. It ends the moment you don't think about it. And then you may get hijacked again to believe there is something beyond ... As I said, depends on the definition. But if you consider it a time based process, it always ends now.
  4. Well I kinda feel stupid just to reply to this thread but here we are @TruthFreedom When you dream, do you believe all the characters have their own thoughts? Do you believe they still exist when you wake up? Do you believe someone who tells you your dream wasnt real does not apply enough logic to his reasoning? Don't believe in solipsism, it's not for you. The fact that you listened twice to Leos episode and still have no understanding of the matter could be a sign that your nervous system just couldn't handle the realization and you would have a psychotic breakdown. So better stay away from solipsism.
  5. Hey @Leo Gura, Just wanted to thank you a lot for the new video and all the work that went into it (also the decades of personal development work that became obvious again)!!! I really enjoyed it, it was not only very clear and clean, I am convinced it also helps me a lot to talk about the profound insights of postmodernism in a way others with a more (pre-)modernist can understand it. It seems obvious to me that the greatest part of your style of presnting this topic is the fact that you really speak a language a lot of people can understand while maintaining a high standard of abstraction und universality. You are like a great scientist who discovers entangled virtual strangeloop-quantum-ripples and expains it in a few sentences, so even children can get a hint what it refers to while other scientists get stunned by the same words and get new insights that recontextualize their models of reality. I intuit this is really just the beginning, but it was a great pleasure to listen to you already! My heart is filled with love right now, I am deeply touched by the beauty of the fact that I can listen to this talk and have much more satisfaction than watching AI porn or a great movie. It feels more like my favorite band has released a new album and it is tuned in 53edo instead of 12 (the future of music in my opinion). Parts of me just feel very seen and connected, I have rather few people with whom I can dive down these depths (at this level of abstraction and holism) and everytime I watch a video of yours there are parts of me that feel like you meet the only friend with whom you can talk about a specific topic or who understands you. I know this is just the beginning, but the teasers you gave at the end were just... Awwwwwww Thank you Leo!!! I am really looking forward for your next videos <3
  6. Oh dammit, ALLLL those hot which girlfriends I denied!!! I could cry a river... Interesting, it's crazy how the mind copes with it. In deed! In my story, I guess it also made me more resilient to suffering. For example each time I get a pain a thought comes up: "well, still worlds better than torture." @MarioGabrielJ happy to read your appreciation, thanks I hope it reaches the right ones. In the last thread about it I didn't have enough time at that instance to answer in detail. There are so many reasons why this religion is flawed in general and I wish I could help people free themselves from those bondages, but I stopped forcing it on people long ago. You need to be ready and willing to face the truth, otherwise these doubts make things worse. That's the really bad part: even though people intuit its inate bs and can't rationalize the belief system anymore, they are too scared to let it go and try to vomit out the red pill.
  7. You may ask her who else shits on his carpet... That's just a belief. No I have pictures of sadhguru in my head asking: So it's necessary to get a direct experience of that one, isn't it so? Who else wants to see it with his own eyes, hello?
  8. I realized that actually my dad is overcompensating his own insecurity with his faith. Of course he was refusing to look at the abyss where all his beliefs that helped him escape his own hell would crumble (before he became christian, he was into occult powers for the wrong reasons and was kind of haunted by demons). But I have compassion with people running from their greatest fears since I do it myself. Otherwise I probably wouldn't imagine this human world I guess Kind of true... I mean I was a child, I sometimes forgot about that and just played around and had fun. I even was a bad child in the sense that I did some heavy pranks on people. But sometimes I was quite desperate and had no one to turn to. All my friends were happy going to heaven and told me to shut up since I made them question their beliefs. Now I am so glad to not be stuck there anymore. So much more liberated than they want you to believe they are... Oh damn, that's heavy! Glad I didn't have that treatment. I wonder how it was some hundred years ago, I guess standard procedure. That sounds quite shitty! I know that feeling, every time I couldn't find my parents quickly thoughts arose like: "Were my parents raptured and now I am left back with the sinners?"
  9. Thanks @shree Interesting! Yeah, it was quite a pain in the ass. The other part was my father didn't really have the sensitivity to know which stories of the old testament are definitely not meant for children. And he constantly reminded me that we already live in "the end times". In those times, christians get killed, locked away and tortured. Problem: "if you deny Jesus, Jesus will deny you" (bible). So under extreme torture, according to him you should stay strong and stay true to jesus. Of course my creative fantasy was beginning to imagine all kinds of horrors. In my mind I tried to invent different suicide methods that can work even with a completely fixated body... So these were my prospects as a five year old: Either you get tortured to death and resist the temptation over and over again to end that by denying jesus or you get tortured forever Or in short: How you forge a serious philosopher Now I really love my parents and see how they acted out of love, they were worried about me and my future. They didn't know better. And of course, it was actually me pranking myself. Such a great bullshit I could convince myself of for a while! Wow!! 🤯
  10. I was being raised fundamentalist christian, this was preached to me in early childhood and gave me nightmares and sleepless nights en masse. I couldn't love Jesus wholeheartedly because of this, I realized my faith was worth nothing if it stems from fear and not love, so I had to accept quite early on I am not really a christian, which made things worse in the beginning, until I broke out of that dogma. Now I can appreciate this, since it made me very interested in philosophy and rational reasoning from very early on, I spent hundreds of hours to solve that dilemma. So I can empathize with everyone quite well who suffers from these thoughts. They can be absolutely life crippling. So here are some things I can share that may help: Concerning the bible itself: - the word "hell" is a very, very bad translation, there are actually 3-4 different words for it, all translated as hell (thanks Luther et Lucifer). For example "gehenna" which was a place, a part outside of jerusalem where corps were burned. It was a place of definite death, a place where things vanish and never come back. Complete destruction, no life whatsoever. No living on for eternity, just death dead. Or the word "the sea of fire", where in the end everything gets completely destroyed once and for all. Also "the second death" refers to not only the death of the body, but also the death of the soul, so no sentience is left over. All the words actually refer to complete death, destruction, annihilation, not an eternal torture chamber. Yes, this death may be tortorus, but it ends. - the word for "eternity" is originally greek and is "from aeon to aeon" which actually means "from age to age", it means a particular timeframe. It can be wrongly translated as eternal, but actually it is just referring to a large time frame. So the part where things like souls and satan will be thrown into "hell" is a particular age with a beginning and end, and after that, the whole design/setup will be thrown into "the sea of fire", where it all gets destroyed completely, the second death, the death of death. - there are Christian sects like the adventists who dismiss the idea of eternal hell completely. They say your soul just gets annihilated. - how could you reconcile a loving god with hell? Have you seen these people preaching about hell being in a loving energy? They spread fear, arrogance and rage with every fibre of their being if you listen behind their hypocrite poisonous words. They need to convince you of that crap because they are deeply unease and unsure themselves. - jesus died for ALL the sins, not only for those who accepted him. But those who accepted him will be rewarded according to the bible, since they can live in his presence. The others wouldn't enjoy gods presence, the light, since their deeds are meant to be kept hidden, secret, so they fear the light of truth, gods presence. If there is no way to change that with free will, repent and ask for forgiveness, let yourself purge with gods light, arent you just a shadow of yourself, a soulless robot that Moment? In which way does a loving god enjoy torturing crying robots endlessly? Why not get rid of those sad mimimis? - would a real christian prefer mercy or justice? The whole new testament is about how the old rule "an eye for an eye" doesn't account anymore, but now "if someone hits you on the right cheek, turn your left cheek towards him". Christians say god is mercyful, yet they have no better option than to say god is condemned to let you suffer forever since that is what is required of him because god claims to be just and god needs to be exactly how he says. When you argue with christians they will say something like " nah, hitler can't go to heaven, he was too evil and didn't accept jesus, it would be unfair to the jews." But wouldn't a christian jew, forever in paradise, shit on his 5 years in hell and say wholeheartedly: "ok hitler, you tortured me five years. Well, I'm in paradise forever because jesus died for all my sins and safed me from the hell I would have earned like every human being according to mainstream christianity, of course I will not want you to suffer forever because of my hipocrit revengeful sadistic thoughts of hatred and inhumane "justice"."?? Wouldn't every sane man with a tiny bit of love in his heart have enough justice after thousands of years of torture to forgive his brother for what he has done wrong on earth? Ask those christians whether they would forgive their tormentors. They have to say "yes" because jesus preached it 24/7. But they will weasel around and say something like "the tormentors who don't accept the forgiveness want to be tormented". Then ask them if they accept your forgiveness because they torment you with these ideas. If they don't ask for forgiveness, say them they obviously want to get tormented and they shall not wonder when jesus will reject them in heaven because they have no love in their hearts and they will be judged by the same measure they judge others, which means they think it's okay to be tormented forever when you don't accept forgiveness. Then they will say something like: "only jesus can forgive your sins." Then you can answer like: "in the name of god, I am Jesus!", give them a sad compassionate look with a hand on your heart and slowly turn around and walk away. This will probably make them reflect on their hypocrisy. For the greater good of all. Non-biblical reasons: - get a serious awakening, realize you are inevitable, you are existence itself, there is nothing else existence is existing for but itself (you), you are not just a product (Haleluja-clapper) for a consumer (god), you are the cause, the means and the end of existence, the alpha and omega itself. - eternal refers to a never ending time. Time is a measure of change. Something that doesn't change (like a very bad mood forever) will less and less be registered by conscoiusness since the more constant something is, the more it becomes part of identity instead of experience. You would literally become the bad mood itself, not suffer from it for eternity. If you become the darkness, you won't know about that, since there is only light you can perceive. Everything balances out within time. Every bad becomes the new neutral over time, if constant enough. This is not just a mechanism of the human psyche, but existential for consciousness. If there is a realm of pure darkness, a single beam of light becomes infinitely bright, as written in the bible "a single candle can light the darknes". If there is nothing but darkness, who could define it as that since there is no contrast? - Suffering = pain x resistance Pain is the alarm of the body to be close to death. And to suffer, you need to resist. You can only resist something that is not eternal. For eternal suffering you need to resist eternally. And have a body who constantly alarms you to die. If you are able to resist eternally, the you who is capable of that obviously doesn't have to fear death since it resists (lives) eternally. So the pain (alarm that you may die) is seen through as complete illusion. In high awakenings you can exactly see through that game. No pain. Just a prank
  11. Nice thread! I want ro promote the option of black&white-mode as a tool, it really helps to not feel so attracted by the colours and reduces dopamine spikes. Videos and apps get far less interesting so you become more motivated to really listen instead of watching a Video. Also the app "blocksite" let's you block websites that you don't want to visit. Forevery Phone without focus mode it offers that possibility too.
  12. 1. How to use PM philosophy to deconstruct PM philosophy (how to argue with a postmodernist on their level to get them realize the limitations and flaws of PM) 2. Which principles does PM accept/reject to do "valid science"? What about logic&mathematics? 3. Baudrillard refers to terms like simulacra and simulation. It has been picked up in the entry scene of the matrix. I would really love to see a spicy introduction of yours to lead us down into the crazy rabbit whole of PM where it first seems there is no way out. When I was in school around 14 years old I had an existential crises - I realized for the first time that I really don't know anything at all actually. At that time my favorite quote was "I know that I don't know". I asked a philosophy teacher lots and lots of questions, like "how can I know that I don't act completely selfishly 24/7? Is there even anything like"true love"? At that point is every act of love just a desperate attempt to make me feel like a good guy and prove that I am not selfish?" I also kinda intuited some aspects of solipsism at that point. That I may actually only live for myself and that everyone may be a kind of means to a selfish end for me. He was quite wise and gave me answers like: "if you knew that "true love" definitely exists, wouldn't it then be a "necessity" to act out of true love? Would it be possible to act out of true love if you have to? Only by not knowing whether it actually exists or not but still deciding to act like it exists in good faith you can potentially act out of "true love"." Of course this line of reasoning can be attacked again but at this time it gave me hope to reason myself logically out of the rabbit hole. I used to try to answer almost every existential philosophical question in this kind of (rational) way like the question of free will. "You can either Believe (B) in free will or Not (N). There is either Free will (F) or everything is Determined (D)." So there are four options: BF, NF, BD, ND. The last two are irrelevant since you could not decide otherwise, if everything is determined I am not responsible for or existentially stupid because of (dis)believing in free will, I would have done nothing wrong either way. But in the first case I may not believe in free will (NF) although free will exists which would be a bad choice since I may not be so motivated to "act good", would reject my full potential and live a life worse than when I believed in free will. At that time this was a line of reasoning that made me convinced it is better to believe in free will than not. So I thought maybe every serious question can be answered in ways like that. Almost like a game theory approach to philosophy to find "the best strategy". I realized everything was relative but there are different relations between/proportions of the elements, which can be explored through logic and mathematics to at least determine a bigger/smaller, better/worse. I at least had some kind of orientation again. Before that, I struggled because I realized I don't know anything at all, could be a completely useless selfish parasite without even realising, completely deluded and lost. This scared me. I had no grip on reality to determine what is right or wrong, no starting point and no direction. I was raised extremely chrisitian so for me this was dangerous territory, I was used to have this fundament of someone telling me the truth of what is the right way to live. Maybe that story helps you to understand a little better how normies can experience things like a postmodern shock.
  13. @Keryo Koffa Hahahaha Laughed so hard at this! You have a good sense of humor, I enjoyed it in other threads as well already! And we definitely need you as the designer of all the charts, menues and teasers! I would like to host one of the nondual competions, maybe some meditation competition with joe rogan as commentator. Main price goes to the first mahasamadhi guy.
  14. Same with you, thanks for your appreciation and the earnestness behind your questions and comments! Enjoyed it and like your eagerness <3
  15. Pleeaaaasssse invite me!!! Yeah, have fun, why not? But what if what you experience is ALREADY the fun of Reality Master Control? No need to reach it when you play the game already. Hahaha! Don't take too many steroids my friend Yeah it feels that way, for sure. But on the other hand, the most genious prank of god is to play that stupid little dumbass I am or you are. It's so funny how stupid god can pretend to be!! I always realize it when I play chess and use the engine to analyze my moves afterwards. Of course I as god know "every perfect chess game" from the first to the last move, it dumbs itself down into a computer which is still ten times smarter than my human brain on that regard, and then it imagines to be little me making big mistakes every other move. Genious design!
  16. Honestly, I don't know. I wanted to write something in the thread "What is god" from princess arabia, but then I realized every definition is just complete bs. "Everything" may be a close answer. "I believe it should embody neutrality, neither more nor less" - yeah, but who is to say what is neutral? What to you is normal/neutral, for someone else is heaven, another one would call it hell. What is neutral? Is light neutral? Is time neutral? Is negativity less neutral than silence? Why? To me god is neither attached nor detached, it may appear to be attached but is neither attached to be attached nor attached to being detached. Neither is he detached per se, God can experience itself as extremely attached. I don't know what god is. God appears as attachment and detachment. Imo the spiritual schools and paths that teach you detachment are half-truths. God is all-in, complete detachment is half-awakening. Going full circle is more embodied, why not embrace your attachments to reality and others, love life?! Don't get too attached to detachment I would say.
  17. Yes, everyone aspires to wield power in some form, as long as it is a scarce resource. God doesn't need any more power. For a self-realized being, power is the last thing it will think about imo. A perfect being cannot be anything other than its true nature, otherwise it would be flawed, yes. But what if its true nature is not graspable, cannot be pinned down/defined? Right now, god imagines to be a human with interests/intentions/biases/preferences. If you say god is or isn't this or that you need a limited dual experience like "being human" to meaningfully do so. From this perspective you cannot escape the fact that you project your limited view/lense/logic/whatever onto god, whether you say "god is curios", "god is bored" or even "God is not curious about anything; it simply exists without any interest." All these statements are constructs, concepts, ideas, thoughts, opinions, etc. One doesn't make sense without the opposite. So it's all wrong. At the same time, from a certain perspective, within a moment in time, each statement can be true in some sense. The problem is you cannot really talk about something you are. It creates a mess of paradoxes. You can become conscious that at that point you can throw aristotelian logic in the trashcan.
  18. @Keryo Koffa Yes, maybe. I think we must acknowledge that these are states and borderlands which maybe no one ever has explored before in the sense that whoever tells you "what to do" or "how it is afterwards" and "what is the right way" may be like a dreamcharacter telling you how it will be when you wake up. Whom to trust? And why at all? I didn't have the balls to do it, but I don't even know whether I even want these balls to be honest. For what? I had enough full-circle strangeloops so I think if there was a goal, I would have done/reached it already within this infinite moment. So here I am, not knowing, in awe of the beauty of "reality". That's fine. Maybe one day I will pull the rug, pull the plug. But I have (infinite) time for that why accelarating the climax when I still enjoy the foreplay?
  19. You could also say God created everything out of curiosity. Since God is truly devoid of desire, God has also no desire to be desireless, to not be bored/curios. So every conception of "God is this" or "God is not this" is ultimately flawed, god isn't either or. It can imagine to create a rock that is so heavy God can't lift it. So of course it's not (not) (il)logical. I would of course reject! To never be harmed as a limited form means to be stuck in boredom forever! Shit I would go crazy after a thousand years! Hell no, I wanna die one day, forget everything and shapeshift again, that's way more interesting to me. But that's just a bias again, of course. God has no problem getting stuck as a coke can for years like on salvia. If you wanted to project a humanoid intention onto god, god would wish to experience limetedness since God is constantly unlimited. I once had an awakening where it felt like I could have manifested EVERYTHING I wanted out of thin air, like a lucid dream/astral projection with infinite potential. I got so fucking scared cuz immediately I realized that this would screw the illusion I manifested so perfectly beforhand instantly (maybe FOREVER?!), so I didn't even try. It became absolutely evident to me that my life was sooo perfect! A genious masterpiece! All my fears, social anciety, pains and aches, I love them! They make reality seem real, and that's what I want. I don't want to be a lonely god talking to puppets forever. You take the design for granted. All your wealth is worth nothing when you can't share it, when no one cares, when you can triple it instantly, when there is no scarcity it gets more boring than the air you breath right now. Even a billion dicks sucked by infinite virgins get more boring than the taste of your mouth right now. The idea and real-seeming fear of death is such an infinitely genious masterpiece of a design!!! WOW! Wow, wow, WOW!!!!
  20. Seems almost like a psychopathic behavior to me. This is definitely not (!) how a friend acts. He didn't do it with heart, he even said to regret not to ask for the money beforehand. This is not (!) your friend!!! He asks for a big amount of money, it seems calculated, unfair and cold. This is a manipulation scheme. You should educate your self a little bit how to spot a narcissist or psychopath etc. This behavior will probably not be the only strange behavior he displays. Don't let yourself manipulate that way, it will only get worse from that point. Don't give him that money, he will invent new schemes to suck even more out of you, maybe he claims to get blackmailed etc. See what happens when you don't give him money at all or just the appropriate amount Salvijus calculated. He will probably not act like a fair friend anymore and maybe even invent stories like being blackmailed etc. See for yourself.
  21. My absolute favorites would be: https://m.youtube.com/@samvaknin/videos And https://m.youtube.com/@EmersonNonDuality/videos And here is a list of others: https://www.youtube.com/user/conscioustv/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/NewThinkingAllowed/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/RebelWisdom/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/scienceandnonduality/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/AubreyMarcusPod/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/SimulationSeries/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/CloserToTruthTV/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/timferriss/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/metaRising/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/SpiritualawakeningNetplus/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/AaronAbke/videos https://m.youtube.com/@AaronDoughty44/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/MindvalleyTalks/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/CosmicSkeptic/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/TomBilyeu/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/higherbalance/videos https://www.youtube.com/user/ThinkingAllowedTV/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/VishuddhaDas/videos https://m.youtube.com/@DrBrianKeating/videos https://m.youtube.com/@DrJamesCooke/videos https://m.youtube.com/@NextLevelSoul/videos https://m.youtube.com/@seancarroll/videos https://m.youtube.com/@SimplyAlwaysAwake/videos https://m.youtube.com/@yourmatetom/videos German channels with >50.000 viewers which talk about psychedelics+nonduality+mysticism who almost definitely would love to have a conversation/an interview with you (in english of course): https://m.youtube.com/@ManuelHaase https://www.youtube.com/c/FlowFinder/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/highermind/video
  22. This a nice piece of philosophical art imo. I enjoyed this conversation, it's fascinating how well Alex O'Connor performs in general in using philosophy and strict definitions to nail down people. If you are not cautious, you can become victim or perpetrator of that kind of strong dualistic logic which uses a "yes-or-no" type of question-answer-setting. There's a whole book of Scopenhauer if I remember it correctly where he points out all the rhetoric tricks to win an argument. One for example is to pin your debate-partner down and force him to constantly turn 99%-clear answers into a yes/no, do it a hundred times and show how he claims the exact opposite of the statement at the beginning. I think philosophy can quickly turn into that rhetoric shitshow of who is more or less aware of the sophistic traps layed out by the other, but it can also be an honest approach to seperate the wheat from the chaff. Alex O'Connor interacting with his debate partners is a nice case to study, I especially enjoyed his skill to pin down Peterson. But look for yourself and enjoy his conversation with ChatGPT, it's gold
  23. https://pablo-amaringo.pixels.com/featured/transformacion-del-chaman-en-aguila-pablo-amaringo.html And... https://thegallerist.art/paintings-by-jonathan-solter/ Also great artists!