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Posts posted by Henri

  1. @TimStr  A good and important question...

    The best and most complete answer is given by the Yoga Sutra`s of Patanjali.

    Check this out http://www.yogastudies.org/wp-content/uploads/Science_of_Yoga-Taimni.pdf  You go to part 2 of the book 3-12 or page 120-143

    To my knowledge one of the greatest books of mankind and the best translation I`m aware off. A must for the sincere seeker.


  2. In the West people are happy with the idea of reincarnation;`Great to have many lives`. 

    In the East they have a different opinion about it, they see it as failure to be born again. It means one is having left some karma and got to deal with it in an other, new life. This karma exists also in being born as a baby where one has to develop both body and mind first (!), before even be able to start with burning the old karma. Being born is karma and before getting rid of ones ego one must first suffer in creating a developed ego. 

    Life in this existence is all about karma.

  3. It`s a needed step on the road of development to come to those conclusions. 

    It`s a big step to see life as it is on each level, it always hurts.

    Questions will come if you just stick with it, because you`ll transcend it, it`s the law of life.

    If you want to speed it up you`ll need to do your spiritual work!

    See it as insights you have obtained, even if they are painful. 9_9

  4. Hi mate, you have had kind of a hard life you tell...

    Just dealing with the mind will not be enough for you. Old impressions get stuck in your physical body as well as your energy body and your emotional body. Just meditation is not enough.

    I would advice you to learn some pranayamas (breathing techniques) and do some program for your body as well, for example hatha yoga. In this way you will heal your complete self of past impressions. Dealing with the emotions will go by itself.

  5. @vizual Actions change the world as well, though the intention behind the action is of key importance.

    Your responsibility here goes as far as you are able to see. When we have to wait to take action till everyone is enlightened the world will be gone.

    In freedom you`ll find responsibility, in responsibility you take action, and you take action out of love. The final consequences you can not oversee and are up to the divine. Karma yoga it is called, the fourth limb of yoga. 9_9

  6. Forget about it, the more you`ll watch the more you`ll see. It`s of no importance and gets you carried away to the relative world with its distractions and its relative values and truths. Weird stuff can happen when you are developing, especially in the beginning. See it as it is; weird and move on. People who get stuck in those events end up chasing aliens, visiting the psychic world and are in a developed sense, stuck in the magic worldview. Move on, something sweeter is awaiting you.9_9