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Posts posted by Henri

  1. A topic not well understood by the most people who visit this forum. And understandable.

    In the late eighties I got involved in The Art of Living where I have got the opportunity to gain a lot of experiences on meditation, yoga, pranayamas and knowledge. An integral part of their program was called Seva (selfless service).

    In the beginning I was obstinate to it. `What the f**k, I just want to meditate and learn and grow.` In a way really only concerned with my own development. `Isn`t it so that you can only help people when you have first developed yourself?` All those barriers and excuses came up in my mind and I had a hard time dealing with it.

    However their approach to developing is an integral one, it combines all the different approaches to development, all the four limbs of the yoga-system are involved. And during time I experienced the benefits of doing selfless service for others than just me. I experienced that by helping others you are helping yourself also, getting a new meaning to the doctrine `we are all one.`

    I have learned that the real Seva you do in a meditative state where the intentions are most important. You`ll experience that in a certain way it is not even you who is doing the job. That was really an eyeopener.

    So I am able to understand how the majority of this audience looks at Seva, or karma-yoga as it is also called. Nevertheless I am also able to understand that this is the missing link for lots of people who do self-development. The Integral Yoga is about four limbs and not about two as most will see it.

    The common excuse that first one is having to develop one self is terribly wrong. Every opportunity in life to help someone is a gift where one can show ones responsibility, is an opportunity to grow and is a opportunity to express your love and this expression gives enormous joy to one self.  It`s not about the results its all about the intentions and The Art of Living has proven this aspect widely in today`s world.


  2. @NoOne  Well, the point of `nothing to lose`is the best starting point thinkable.

    I suggest the main importance for you right now is to have experiences that will bring you up a bit.

    To learn some new things by experiencing new things. Not seeing, hearing or reading them.

    Real `spiritual` stuff so to speak where you are able to really experience things like joy, love, inner peace and real relaxation.

    Take a course you are interested in for a few days where you are able to learn all this. Some meditation, pranayamas and yoga.

    This will lift you up and give you the energy and tools to do it yourself afterwards.

  3. @Nomad Only mentioned Graves because you are calling every one `blue`. So I am talking your language. I prefer using Graves only in practical social and cultural sense. 

    The thing one can be sure about is the fact that one is someone or something that experiences. That`s where all the Asian traditions have their starting point; experience. In the West we start with the thinking, so we say I know that I don`t know. That`s quite a difference.

    Self- transcendence is indeed something else than self- actualization. When you aim for actualization, it`s your good right.  But attacking the ones who did show a way to enlightenment is, let me carefully say, not developed? 

  4. @Nomad Well, talking about Graves it looks like your stuck in orange mate.

    May be its good for you to have a look at the developmental lines by Wilber, its not just about the ego... There is a lot more.

    You can find out there why it is that you are so rude in your posts, may be took a wrong turn?

    And yes, I`m an integral thinker so I know its not only about the thinking. Do you?

  5. The seeker should remember that he is born with virtues; otherwise he could not have been a seeker.

    If you think you do not have virtues and then try to cultivate them, you will fail.

    You often compare yourself with others on the basis of virtues. Do not compare yourself with them. Simply recognize all the virtues you appreciate in others, and realize that they are already present in you in seed form. You only have to nurture them.

    When you think you do not have a virtue, then you come from a space of lack or deficiency. 

    That is why we don't need positive affirmations!

    Affirmations do not work because you think you do not have those virtues, and with affirmation you try to have them. 9_9

  6. Well, a bit different as your approach, but in a way complementary.

    Worked and working on an integral approach on the `interest of the child`, as mentioned in the Universal Declaration of Child-rights and in our national laws. To create an alternative for the government based organisations on this topic as Child-protection and Youth-Care. An alternative based on integral development and human values. @Nic

  7. To my opinion your goals are not in conflict with each other.

    Don`t forget that psychologically spoken you are in the middle of your development as a youngster. So a study as well as some cash will provide a lot needed security for all your developmental lines. A sense of security is a must in Maslow `s pyramid.

    Off course you listen to your parents but in the end it`s you who should make any decision about your own future. To get stronger here, meditate on certain aspects of it.

    As a person who is defining himself as a person with many interests I would suggest to start with studying the work of Ken Wilber and his Integral Project. This will give you a solid base to all your interests and the key to unlock your potential.9_9

  8. @adramaay This self-actualization stuff by Leo is just a way next to many other ways.

    Leo found his way and shares it with who ever it may concern. 

    Taking the classical point of view, yoga has four limbs; raja (meditation), jnana (knowledge), karma (service) and bhakti (love). You see on this site its mostly about jnana and raja.

    As I understand your message correctly, you give me the feeling you need more bhakti and karma. So check it out.

    Everyone is having his unique character and having his own unique way.9_9