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Posts posted by Henri

  1. THE way is doing selfless service to others without YOU expecting anything in return.

    You`ll develop your heart chakra within months if you do it on a daily base and you`ll notice the changing attitude from people towards you. The key then is to continue this process and to not make it part of your ego!! This is essential. The heart makes the mind to shut up and is much more powerful including the minds of other people.

    Next to this you can cultivate devotion towards a deity, guru or whatever. Listen to devotional music. Develop your heart, follow bhakti yoga and intellectually learn the chakra psychology. 

    The idea behind is that you are undeveloped in the heart chakra compared to other chakras. The key is to develop this heart of yours and you will become the most beautiful person in your family because they all quit developing it after their 14 birthday. Especially in the west. 9_9
