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Everything posted by Henri

  1. @Isle of View No I don`t agree. There`s no right sadhana for people who`s top chakra (7th) is damaged. Real damage done there is incurable!
  2. @Isle of View It`s good you mentioned the use of drugs (Ayahuasca) as a danger for opening the 6th chakra, the third eye. In the Ashram I have met some people with all kinds of negative chakra stuff going on, in despair looking for help. By the way, only western people... It`s tragic to find out that for some of them it`s incurable and irreparable. Walking around like lonely wolves with despair in their eyes.
  3. Increasing awareness is the key here... Continued meditation preferable with some pranayamas.
  4. Oh mate, a lot of mental mind stuff on developmental issues involving body, heart, mind and soul... Just try it and look if all your questions still remain... Any given answer here will give raise to so much more questions.
  5. Listen to Bhajan music... Lifts up your spirit, gives you joy...
  6. Once a gentleman came to a doctor complaining that there was something severely wrong with him. He was hurting all over and was very sad but all the tests came out normal. The doctor said, “There is nothing wrong with you. Go to the circus and watch the clown there. He will make you laugh.” The gentleman said, “Doctor, I am that clown.” It is one thing to entertain others and be humorous, but quite another to be happy yourself. Happiness does not come by a talent or skills that you develop. Unless you realize who you are, what the nature of consciousness is through your own introspection, happiness remains a far-fetched reality. The spirit of self enquiry in the true sense which leads to meditation is absolutely essential in this quest for happiness. The 6th century Indian philosopher and thinker Adi Shankaracharya has said that it is dispassion towards the ephemeral and connection with the eternal that brings true joy. In fact, he goes further and asks, ”What joy does detachment not bring?” The word for solitude in Sanskrit is ‘ekant’, meaning ‘the end of loneliness’. Loneliness cannot end by changing company, even if it is more sympathetic and understanding. It can only end when you discover your real nature for yourself. Robin Williams, though he made millions of people laugh, could not end the deep seated loneliness inside him. This shows clearly that only spiritual solace can take you out of despair and misery. External pomp and show, wealth, admiration and adulation are not helpful in dealing with inner discontent. While alive, he made people laugh and in his death, he gave people a message to lift their eyes above the mundane towards something higher. You can bid goodbye to misery by connecting with an altogether different dimension, that I would say is solidified silence, a bolt of bliss and a glimpse of eternity, which is in you as you. You simply have to tap into it. There is little use in having a machine which you cannot operate without a manual. Spiritual knowledge is like the manual for life. Just like to drive a car, we have to learn how to operate the steering wheel, the clutch, the brake and so on, to move towards stability of the mind, we must know the basic principles about our life force energy. This is the whole science of pranayama. When our prana or life force keeps fluctuating, our mind also goes up and down through the roller coaster of emotions. One cannot handle the mind from the level of the mind. It is for this reason that although counseling or psychiatry seems to help in the beginning, it is not able to provide a complete cure in the longer term. Just forcing positive thoughts on oneself is not enough and more often than not leads to a relapse. Medication like anti-depressants also seem to help only in the beginning and eventually make the person dependent on them rather than free him/her from the tendency. This is where knowing the secret of breath can really transform lives. Breathing techniques like Sudarshan Kriya stabilize our life force and consequently the mind. The inner dimension unveiled by the practice of meditation deeply enriches us and its impact slowly spills over to all aspects of life. As prana rises in the body, one starts to feel a transformation as direct experience and not as a forced mental exercise. One starts becoming happier, creative and more in command of their mind and emotions. Another thing that can be really helpful in coming out of depression is developing an attitude of service. Thinking ‘what can I do for society’, getting involved in a bigger cause shifts the whole focus of life and can take one out of the rut of ‘what about me’. Societies where values of service, sacrifice and community participation are ingrained do not have these issues of depression and suicides. The Sikh community is a great example of this. Life is a combination of happiness and pain. Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.Having a broad perspective on life gives you the strength to move forward through painful times. Know that you are very much needed in this world. With all its infinite possibilities, this life is a gift for it can become a fountain of joy and happiness not just for oneself but for many others as well.
  7. @JevinR It all starts with self knowledge. When it`s there you reached the ability to be creative in any field you can think of. As example; I`have given lawyers advice on specific topics while hating everything that`s got to do with law in the past. Never studied it. Currently I am developing new strategic tactics in the field of law. Like life purpose had to find me rather than opposite. With self knowledge you can do whatever you want to do, master everything you like.
  8. @round3 To me it sounds you have some blockades in your energy system or pranayamakosha. You need some cleaning up work to do. Look for a teacher who can teach you some pranayamas with some breathing techniques. Remember; you can`t solve mind problems from the level of the mind. You need to go deeper and you`ll be fine.
  9. @Tristan You know the third eye is associated with alertness and awareness. When you are alert, awake, more into knowledge then naturally the energy has moved from the lowest chakra to the highest. The lower things no more interest you. You know when you are very alert and awake the sexual energy has transformed itself into a different quality of consciousness. The sexual energy is when the back portion of our brain, our head is activated. Alertness, perception and awareness happen when the front portion of the brain is activated; the pituitary and pineal glands are getting activated. In the brain also they are on the opposite sides of each other. So it is mythologically said when the third eye opens then the gross desires simply evaporate, not that it is bad but they simply don’t make much sense anymore. That is why the intellectuals and the highly spiritual oriented practitioners always put something on the forehead, some sandal wood paste because they are focusing; doing some yoga and meditation so they put some sandal wood to cool the forehead, to cool it a little bit. When the frontal lobe of the brain becomes more active, more alert, then thinking, intellectual work, creativity, memory they are all enhanced because all of these things are in the frontal lobe of the brain and sensory pleasures are all at the back of the brain. It is intuition, don’t think there is an eye opening like this and something is popping up from your head. You get a bump or a hole in your forehead, no! You know you close your eyes still you feel some light; you may see or you may feel, it can be both ways. If someone says I am going to open your third eye and this and that, just don’t go into those things. I tell you, definitely not, it is simply hoax because I have seen so many people claiming to open the third eye and nothing happens really, people get a headache, an incurable headaches many times and you get into problems. You know many such cases come to us for repair, so if someone says I want to open your third eye tell them, thank you very much, I am happy with two eyes. The deeper you go in meditation your intuitive ability develops. Quote; SSRS
  10. @Socrates haha... Well, Kali is not the devil... Though he`s meant to scare the shit out of people. When one`s able to love Kali, your enlightened! Haha, new definition of enlightenment?
  11. @Socrates Once, in Orissa India, I spent some time with a Sadhu, dressed in red. He was follower of Kali and practising some kind of left-hand path stuff, meaning eating flesh, drinking alcohol, just doing as he wanted. He scared the fuck out of the locals. Talking to him was just about deconstructing things. You remind me of him.
  12. @Epiphany_Inspired Well okay, anyway hard to say something without knowing the entire situation, but I give it a try... The last thing you should do is everything what`s got to do with lawyers, courts and blabla... What you also should not do is the mediation stuff.... To my opinion you should at first use all your skills to do it all on your own! You know the father and you know the way to speak to him, the way to connect with him. It sounds to me you are a lot more developed than he is and that`s exactly what you have to use. He`s angry, he lost his wife and it looks like he`s going to lose his pride, his daughter and his money. And all because of you. So foremost try to get in touch with him considering that`s what`s going on in his mind. His anger can only stay if there`s fear to feed it... So take away his fear first. And you do this by being honest to him in the way he understands. He needs to know that he`ll ever have access to his daughter first, be it shared custody in some way (it`s for later discussion). Make him understand there are three lives on steak here.... You are both adults, lets do it right. Be as careful as possible with all the money things, that`s finally up to the judge and your national law. Make him understand that you want to become an independent woman in the near future. Save his pride and his face. Tell him you both have to make good decisions for your daughters sake. Otherwise with the money you have to pay for all the jerks who want to get involved, you can easily spent a fortune which will better be used for your daughter (growing up, studying). That`s much more wiser. Try not to get involved in child-protection issues. Get informed about them and tell this the father. No one of you get out of that uninjured. Especially the father! Because in the end you as a woman will win this anyway on his costs. But try to avoid this at all means. In a way you are in control, you are the `wise` one. Use that, take that responsibility with courage and with strenght. But take the route way out of any official things first! Let me know..
  13. @Dodoster chapter self help products and book reviews.
  14. @whuddafuks According to Vedanta the categories of the mind are memory, thinking and emotion, ego, and the intellect. The functions are reasoning, perception, thinking and judgement. You can easily spot where you are doing `overtime`, so to speak, for being a better version of you than you actually are. It`s not harmful, you are anyway aware of it now. With continued meditation everything will eventually be `reset` again. Continue your spiritual work and you`ll be fine.
  15. @Epiphany_Inspired A few questions first. Remember I`m not native English speaking, some is hard to understand for me. You are still married? Father is close by? Seeing your daughter regularly? Having parental authority? His future plans? Abusive in what way?
  16. Don't focus on what others want. See what it is that you want. When you stop looking inside and look at others, that is when you miss the boat. See the possibility that people and things can change at any time and don't hold on to judgements. Your life is infinite. You are as old as these mountains and you will remain for ever. Do not be feverish about success, if your aim is clear and you have patience to move towards it, nature will support you. Recognize and honour your uniqueness.
  17. A lot of money for a 22 year old... Earned it yourself?
  18. @Hardik jain Your action was out of desire. Desire for easy money without working for it. When life is an illusion you should know that economy is an illusion within an illusion. No facts and reality found there. You got cheated because you are ignorant. Hope this was a good lesson. When you make a mistake only once, you grow up fast.
  19. http://www.iahv.org/us-en/wp-content/themes/IAHV/PDF/Universal-Declaration-of-Human-Values.pdf
  20. That`s hard... Just some words of my Guru; Once a gentleman came to a doctor complaining that there was something severely wrong with him. He was hurting all over and was very sad but all the tests came out normal. The doctor said, “There is nothing wrong with you. Go to the circus and watch the clown there. He will make you laugh.” The gentleman said, “Doctor, I am that clown.” It is one thing to entertain others and be humorous, but quite another to be happy yourself. Happiness does not come by a talent or skills that you develop. Unless you realize who you are, what the nature of consciousness is through your own introspection, happiness remains a far-fetched reality. The spirit of self enquiry in the true sense which leads to meditation is absolutely essential in this quest for happiness. The 6th century Indian philosopher and thinker Adi Shankaracharya has said that it is dispassion towards the ephemeral and connection with the eternal that brings true joy. In fact, he goes further and asks, ”What joy does detachment not bring?” The word for solitude in Sanskrit is ‘ekant’, meaning ‘the end of loneliness’. Loneliness cannot end by changing company, even if it is more sympathetic and understanding. It can only end when you discover your real nature for yourself. Robin Williams, though he made millions of people laugh, could not end the deep seated loneliness inside him. This shows clearly that only spiritual solace can take you out of despair and misery. External pomp and show, wealth, admiration and adulation are not helpful in dealing with inner discontent. While alive, he made people laugh and in his death, he gave people a message to lift their eyes above the mundane towards something higher. You can bid goodbye to misery by connecting with an altogether different dimension, that I would say is solidified silence, a bolt of bliss and a glimpse of eternity, which is in you as you. You simply have to tap into it. There is little use in having a machine which you cannot operate without a manual. Spiritual knowledge is like the manual for life. Just like to drive a car, we have to learn how to operate the steering wheel, the clutch, the brake and so on, to move towards stability of the mind, we must know the basic principles about our life force energy. This is the whole science of pranayama. When our prana or life force keeps fluctuating, our mind also goes up and down through the roller coaster of emotions. One cannot handle the mind from the level of the mind. It is for this reason that although counseling or psychiatry seems to help in the beginning, it is not able to provide a complete cure in the longer term. Just forcing positive thoughts on oneself is not enough and more often than not leads to a relapse. Medication like anti-depressants also seem to help only in the beginning and eventually make the person dependent on them rather than free him/her from the tendency. This is where knowing the secret of breath can really transform lives. Breathing techniques like Sudarshan Kriya stabilize our life force and consequently the mind. The inner dimension unveiled by the practice of meditation deeply enriches us and its impact slowly spills over to all aspects of life. As prana rises in the body, one starts to feel a transformation as direct experience and not as a forced mental exercise. One starts becoming happier, creative and more in command of their mind and emotions. Another thing that can be really helpful in coming out of depression is developing an attitude of service. Thinking ‘what can I do for society’, getting involved in a bigger cause shifts the whole focus of life and can take one out of the rut of ‘what about me’. Societies where values of service, sacrifice and community participation are ingrained do not have these issues of depression and suicides. The Sikh community is a great example of this. Life is a combination of happiness and pain. Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.Having a broad perspective on life gives you the strength to move forward through painful times. Know that you are very much needed in this world. With all its infinite possibilities, this life is a gift for it can become a fountain of joy and happiness not just for oneself but for many others as well.
  21. @Dodoster Spirituality spoken, there`s no difference between the UK and Bulgaria. Both western and christian nations.
  22. To my opinion the first and most important issue here is the well being of your child. Your child is the consequence of you and the father and this trinity should be your major concern. All the following stuff about yourself is less important. You must take full and consciously responsibility.
  23. The Dalai Lama once stated that in life it`s better to dig one deep hole rather than a lot of shallow holes. Meaning it`s better to dive deep into a certain tradition rather than pick-up a little from many traditions. When I look at the audience on this site I think most of us are digging lots of shallow holes. And to my opinion many questions, problems and misunderstandings arise because of that. Share your opinions please.
  24. @Socrates In my country there`s a war going on right now against the `political correctness`. There`s no middle path of politics anymore, it`s extreem right or extreem left wing. It`s a riot against all the shadow parts of green influence that has poisoned the culture for too long now. Yesterday the voters voted against some european trade-law with the Ukraine. The papers consider this as the beginning of the end of the European Union. Lots going on here...