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Everything posted by Henri

  1. Yeah, that`s some kind of choice. Thinking about planning your life without knowing what life is planning for you. No one can tell you, this is totally up to you. And whatever your decision will be, make sure it`s your decision, that you`ll be responsible. Contemplate on it, strongly and consciously. and leave the question while doing your daily duties. Try this for a few weeks and see what`s coming up.
  2. Impossible when you are a slave of society (!).
  3. @littleBIG When you do meditation, you make the subject the object. Meaning you observe your thoughts rather than being the thoughts. With continued practice the same will happen in ordinary life. When someone is fat, you`ll notice, but without the judging. It will be a natural tendency as a result of continued practice of your spiritual work.
  4. @Epiphany_Inspired No problem, it gives you a good opportunity to lay down the foundation of the following tactics. In front of the father were the psychologist will be there also, gives you a safe space to tell your opinion about the whole situation. And if you think you need someone to support you, just do! (as long it is not someone the father really dislikes). In a way you can take control about the last meeting tomorrow. This because you`ll come with a statement probably no one is expecting, so the father and the psychologist have to `reset` themselves in a particular way. This means you have to be honest, relaxed and open, otherwise they`ll get into some kind of defense-mechanism. Better to start with a statement first. Just tell you thought a lot about the situation and you have the opinion that there are indeed three lives at stake. Your opinion is that you all have to deal with this in the best way possible, meaning as a responsible father and mother with the knowledge one day both your daughter will find out all about it. The first priority is the interest of your daughter meaning she is having two parents. And the love of the child towards the parents is always unconditional. With this you take the heath out of the conversation, you`ll give the father time and space to release his tensions. May be it`s even a good idea to tell your psychologist in advance so he`ll understand it and can give you support by handling and directing the conversation. This should be your first goal, lay down your intentions. And yes, it`s hard. Remember there is no control about all the aspects and happening in life. But know that there`s always control about HOW to deal with all the aspects and happenings in life. There`s the freedom. And by being honest, trust-worth and open, support will come in unthinkable ways. And know in the back of your head that no one is able to take away your little daughter, that`s just not going to happen. Your big freedom, your big responsibility lies in the way YOU act, think and handle all of this. You are your daughters big model. Yesterday, the past, is like a dream. Tomorrow is your responsibility. Kind regards
  5. @WhoisJon I had the luck to be a long time around an enlightened one. Luck or good karma, who knows... At that time I was the skeptical one. Weeks I have tried to find something that would proof he is not enlightened at all. It never happened. As critical as I was, I looked, searched, asked, investigated, thought my brains out... At last I had to confess there is really nothing to be found wrong with the Guru. The funny thing was that I had wandered around India for years, met a lot of so called Guru`s, but never took them seriously. As a matter of fact I always made jokes about them and around them. There was no one who was able to convince me. Up till now I am highly critical about all the so called enlightened ones mentioned on this site. But the one who took me on his travels was the one I actually met in my own home-country which was some kind of evidence for the old saying that the true Guru comes to you rather than the opposite. All the experiences with him changed my life. I never could have imagined to experience so much love in this world. It`s hard to describe those experiences with words. He is the embodiment of all the knowledge I have stored in my life concerning spirituality and wisdom. It`s amazing to gain knowledge by sitting in silence with your Guru, that incredible power of silence! Even gaining knowledge in dreams, gaining knowledge in weird situations.... It`s like he is all the time walking with you, looking over your shoulder, whispering in your ear. Hard to describe... I wish everybody to have, even just once in the life, an experience of divine love in the human form. Questions disappear, knowledge flourishes, joy wells up and an incredible confidence about the future of humanity dawns.... I salute my Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Jai Guru Dev
  6. @zakur0 You had an experience that was totally different from your normal waking, dreaming or meditating experiences. It was an experience you had no control about. You where a victim without any influence to take control. Does it sounds like a flash of an enlightened experience? It`s more like experiencing a flash of hell, where the lost souls go for a while after life, the psychic realms.
  7. Tantra is very real. Evil eye and black magic not.
  8. @cetus56 To my opinion these lesions do not in any way effect your prana distribution and your chakra`s. It would have been another story if the cause of MS was to be found in the pranayamakosha... But something else; there are some good effects on MS by people who are practising the Sudarshan Kriya of the Art of Living. Just check this out; type on google; sudarshan kriya multiple sclerosis. Already on the first page a lot of information is to be found there. Regards
  9. @likhil You should doing proper spiritual work. You are not doing this. Meditation, pranayamas will be good for you. Common mate, all this knowledge is coming from your own country... Where are you from anyway in India?
  10. Looking Satan straight in the eyes is a bit the same with Kali in Hinduism. Kali is dreadful figure, everybody is afraid of Kali. The one who is able to see Kali in the eyes is ready to get enlightened, because in the middle of the eye is the light, there is the love. Kali is love in disguise. Nice writing!
  11. @Isle of View Yes, the pranayamakosha is the driving force behind the physical aspect of the senses and the operation of the physical body. It allows our true self to be able to animate in the external world. The breath which exists of oxygen and prana is the connection between the physical body and the energy body. The chakra`s are like crossroads of the nadi`s. There are so many problems people have which can be overcome by doing pranayamas, in a way it`s a `magic` tool. You are right with your statement that by addressing body issues we can do some repairs. However that`s not always possible. The body is the gross and the energy body is the subtle. The gross comes out of the subtle and not vice versa. Not to mention that by using drugs there is always the danger one`s experiencing, and getting information from the other, even more subtler bodies. Even when you, with your bodies, are not even prepared. Impressions out of the more subtle bodies are able to destroy your pranamayakosha and the chakra`s. That`s really irreparable. By this one is understanding why and how a yogi undertakes such a rigid and ethical training and behaviour. Regards
  12. @Socrates yeah, just pointed out it can be an obstacle when one wants to know, to experience absolute truth.
  13. @Socrates In the end, yes . But as long we are in this relative world there`s maya, there`s the relative and there`s the absolute.
  14. @Socrates Yes, but as relative as this world.
  15. @Socrates That`s not what I meant. All the psychic stuff and the psychic realms is territory pre to enlightenment. Siddhi`s are just an achievement naturally coming after enlightenment or mastering some trans-personal things. There are innumerable examples of that fallacy. You cannot compare siddhi`s with the psychic stuff. They are from total different levels/stages/states.
  16. @Socrates pre/trans fallacy? I`m sure you`ve heard about it.
  17. @Isle of View The irreparability is based on the nadi`s in the pranayamakosha, the flowing of the prana. Regards
  18. @Epiphany_Inspired Okay... By `own your own` I mean without all the so called professionals like lawyers, mediation, child-protection workers, psychologists, neighbours and who ever... They all make money at the side of the conflict. There is no conflict! There was a little turbulence in the past, that`s all. And you both are aware that it`s better to separate but keeping in mind that the interest of the child is your foremost responsibility. Both acknowledge that. That`s the story to work on. That`s the work you have to do if even a little bit possible. You have to get the father as far as possible in that direction. Try to get together an agreement before going to court or the mediator (is mediator obligated?). What you need to understand: You are the mother of your daughter. No one in the world can come in between. You are protected by the law as a mother. In this case; anything you say can and will be used against you in the court, meaning when there is no information there is no case. You have to understand that people like the child-protection workers will never look for good information. They are only after bad information. That`s why you don`t need them. They can never do something for you but only against you. That`s their job. The day the first one of those jerks take a step into your house, you have to deal with them for years to come! So watch out. All the information given in your last paragraph is of no use, is of no value. The judge doesn`t give a damn about it, so does the law. Further on, don`t talk in any way negative about the father to `official` workers. It does not having anything to do with YOU being a good mother! This is very important to understand. When things would go really bad and the father is attacking you in court, you`ll still be relaxed and would understand the fathers reaction because he is so fearful and angry. Be aware you are protected by the law, every bad thing the father could say is not working. The judge will surely know who`s the `best` parent. It`s family-law and no criminal-law! It`s not even about `proof`. So with these `tactics` you can move on in whatever direction you`ll have to go. This gives you more room and space. But first do whatever is possible to take the father with you in the best direction. That`s ultimate the best for everybody. Take care and let me know how it`s developing. Feel free to ask questions if needed.
  19. You can dive into those stuff the rest of your life to find out you have not learned a thing. When you are after real knowledge, just skip it. It`s of no importance. Interesting ego stuff only that keeps you away from truth. It`s relative knowledge, just like this world. @Andy pandy
  20. @Saarah Get out of your comfort zone and start to comfort others... You know what you`ll going to get out of it? Joy!
  21. @Natasha When you have a normal life there`s no danger involved to your aura. To develop the aura and your chakra`s just do your spiritual work like meditation, pranayamas, devotional music and an ethical life. Healthy and fresh food is also good, due to the amount of prana in it.
  22. @Natasha That`s the gross explanation, I do not know about that. Now for mind altering drugs: If you take them your crown chakra will open and therefore make it possible for high frequency energies to enter your aura. So the experience you are having are not just a chemical reaction, in fact they are very real! The only problem is you have no control over it. After frequent use the crown chakra will stay too open. Daydreaming, problems with concentration occur. When an aura is damaged panic attacks can occur. These happen because high frequency energy enters directly without being filtered and can affect your organs into releasing hormons, like adrenalin. When this happens suddenly and without warning it feels like a panic attack. Another symptom of a deficient aura is depression. This occurs when vital energy is leaking out of the aura instead of feeding you. Also other entities which exist in another dimension can now gain direct acces to you.
  23. @Isle of View Yes, a lot of care is given. They are taught some techniques, mostly with the breath, to `cool down` the system, to arrive at a certain resting point. Higher techniques are restricted and they are not supposed to stay for a long time in the ashram. Anyway, the normal procedure is to ask for permission for a certain period of time to live in the ashram. But those people desperate for help just run in. So the best is done possible.