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Everything posted by Henri

  1. @Light_Ray How does one deal with self-doubt? Understand doubt: doubt is always about something that is good. Someone tells you ‘I love you’, you ask them ‘Really?’, and they say ‘I hate you’, you never ask ‘Really?’ So, a doubt is always about something good. You doubt your abilities; you never doubt your weaknesses. You doubt happiness, you never doubt misery. Isn’t it? Nobody doubts their depression. ‘But well, I’m not sure if I’m happy or not, well I'm not sure'. So when you understand that the doubt is always about something that’s positive, your mind shifts to a level, a different level altogether. Doubt is simply low prana. If you do more pranayams you will see that you have come about that.
  2. You as a moderator wants to do dope and tells about it in the self actualization forum....... What`s wrong here??? @DreamSpirit
  3. @Dash Us Pain That`s a great one!
  4. Well, this post is from a relative, dualistic point of view.... A creator is rare nowadays. In a way everything is invented already. True creation is the aha-experience, an idea out of the blue. To my knowledge the last real new inventions of the human species were the computer and the discovery of the DNA. And it does not look that soon something major will be invented. In India they also have a weird relation with Brahman, the God of creation. There is only one temple in the entire country dedicated to him. It`s like; `Brahman created everything, now his job is finished`. Makes no sense praying to him.... The preservers are more common in our society. Just think of everything what is called traditional, the status quo, family life, the beaten track and the mentality that comes with it. Being a teenager it`s where you fight against, tear down, break down, revolution. But is logical that without the preserving energy society will collapse. Following the rules will give you prosperity, a decent life and an honest job. In India that`s Vishnu, to many the highest s God., also known as the one who protects you. But a society has to develop, otherwise it will collapse also. That`s where the transformation takes place. And when transforming is not possible there will be destruction, destroying the old patterns. Here the high energy is found, it`s fresh, it`s breathing, it`s promising, it`s new. The transformers take risks, go bankrupt and start again, are creative out of the `Vishnu-energy`. This is Shiva, the rival of Vishnu, also for many the highest God. Delhi and Dallas are Vishnu. Mumbai and NY are Shiva. There is a big difference in energy and culture. So one can say in society there is the eternal battle between Vishnu and Shiva. No room for Brahman anymore. But when one looks at ones own development, actualization and enlightenment, there must be room for all three Gods or aspects. The journey towards the Self is impossible without the creative influence of the Brahman-aspect, the preserving influence of the Vishnu-aspect and the transforming or sometimes even destroying influence of the Shiva-aspect. Would it be possible to say that the balance in our life, our society and the world can only be obtained by giving the Brahman-aspect his right place? In other words, only self realization can do that job?
  5. Yeah, well just words right (east, west)? Wanting also just a thought... It`s simply not possible to get truth merely just by words. I think we can agree on that.
  6. non-duality=oneness not correct, non-dual means not-two. Monism is oneness, that`s different school of thought. 3 states of awareness not correct, fourth state called turiya. But I agree, that three is more relevant and `powerful` than the western duality. Duality always gives room for fight and controversy.
  7. Education has five aspects Information — Often we think information is education, but it is only one aspect of education. Concepts — Concepts are the basis for all research. You need to conceive in order to create. Attitude — An integral aspect of education is cultivating the right attitude. Proper attitude at the right time and place determines your actions and behavior. Imagination — Imagination is essential for creativity, for the arts. But if you get stuck in imagination, you may become psychotic. Freedom — Freedom is your very nature. Only with freedom, do joy, generosity and other human values blossom. Without freedom, attitudes become stifling, concepts become a burden, information is of no value and imagination becomes stagnant.
  8. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Sadhguru
  9. http://www.artofliving.org/nl-nl/yoga/health-and-wellness/yoga-for-glowing-skin
  10. My God, Aladdin tells his story and now he`s having to read 70 reactions...!
  11. @abrakamowse Yes, I agree. In Hinduism you have the trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Being the creator, the preserver and the destroyer/transformer. You can look at people the same way. A minority is creative, Brahma, creating something out of nothing is approximately 5% of the population. Vishnu, the preserver, is like most of the people, about 80% of the population. They do not like changes, they want everything to stay just the way it is. Around 15% of the people is like Shiva, they want to change, blow up the old patterns and transform it.
  12. @Dash Us Pain You are not getting it... That`s okay
  13. @Dash Us Pain I am in you as you, you are in me as me, what a blessing!
  14. @Dash Us Pain You say that nothing exists when not observed or measured. I say it just appears to be that way. You say everything is a reflection of who/what you are. I say it just appears to be that way. You are being dualistic, I am being non-dualistic.
  15. The tickling sensations of the body is just the energy, the prana you are aware of. Your other experience sounds definitely like the kundalini energy rising up. What kind of practices did you do in the past and what are you doing today? Because it`s not regular to experience this by just doing your meditation. I mean when you`ll continue you sure must find a teacher who`s authorized to teach you everything about the kundalini force and about the pranayamakosha. When the kundalini rises a lot of harm can be done to you if your system is not cleansed before. This is the real yogi-stuff. @Franz
  16. @Aladdin Thanks for your story. Yes, hard times can be there to wake you up, to get back to the point; `Where`s life about`. This is the human experience and during time many answers and solutions are given to this existential problem. And I`m telling you, good answers are given to that problem over time. Can you tell a bit more about yourself? What`s your age, do you have any experience with spiritual practise like meditation, yoga or whatever? What`s your look upon life nowadays, your orientation? Kind regards
  17. @Dash Us Pain If you do not understand my addition, how can you understand your own post?
  18. Nice topic! There`s a brilliant book written by Ken Wilber, The Marriage of Sense and Soul. He speaks there about the old fashioned `narrow` science, meaning the science of the senses and its extensions. And he speaks about broad science, which is the more developed version of science. I think it will be interesting for you to read. Remember by the way that the yogi`s of India always refer to yoga as a science. This is the same with the science of meditation, the science of pranayamas and so on. The NGO The Art of Living is a foundation that has its roots in the ancient Vedas and in modern science. Nowadays there is no need anymore to abandon one or the other.@MarkusR
  19. @JevinR Your Canadian mate, don`t behave like an American.
  20. The whole idea that the creation was ‘created’ is false. Who said it was created? It was never created. A mirage is never created. A mirage is an illusion of what appears to be, but is not in reality. You put a pen in a beaker of water, it appears bent. When was this bend created? It was not created. It just appears. So in that sense, nobody created this universe. It simply is. It just appears to be that way. It is not real.
  21. @round3 Contact: Lilja Sigridur Steingrimsdottir Address: Grundargerdi 7 artoflivingiceland@gmail.com 108 Reykjavik IcelandEmail: hjartanslist@yahoo.com Phone: 00354-6928302