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Everything posted by Henri

  1. http://www.iahv.nl/files/dc%20summary.pdf Scroll down to learn more about the International Declaration of Human Values.
  2. One can avoid those unpleasant physical pains; taking good care of the body, proper rest, food, etc. Also a good pranayama-program will be very helpful. The system needs to be ready to undergo all the experiences.
  3. @Dominick_Nec @Dominick_Nec @Dominick_Nec @Dominick_Nec When study is your passion, go for it. Take up integral knowledge, that`s the future and you`ll learn about all kinds of subjects.
  4. @Keyblade Viking The centre of gravity of Swedish culture is definitely green, Off course there is still a lot of blue and orange stuff to be found, that`s inevitable. A good example is the reaction of the media and the politics after the rapes by Afghani refugees, typically a `mean green meme` reaction. That Obama managed to take the shift from orange to green as the centre of US culture is something very few understand and that`s got nothing to do with a war going on somewhere. In that way Obama did a remarkable job probably understood proper years from now.
  5. People with schizophrenia are definitely worst off... The main reason is an irreparable cause in the 7th chakra, according to chakra-psycholoy, despite the common western insight that it`s cause is a biological one. Drugs abuse can cause the same result, ruined chakra and ruined prana distribution. Perceiving spirits and all kinds off stuff by a person who suffers from schizophrenia are not from a healthy type. They need medicines to keep their feet on the ground, otherwise they are lost. With kundalini-yoga one can experience effects that look a bit familiar as those who are schizophrenic. Mostly one makes a category-error by diagnosting pre-ego experiences as trans-ego experiences and vice versa. Ken Wilber calls this the pre-trans fallacy.
  6. Do physical yoga exercises together with pranayama, the ujjayi breathing technique. Afterwards you can meditate and this will be easier also.
  7. Many layers of knowledge according this question. The final answer according the rishi`s; there`s no creation nor creator.
  8. @Keyblade Viking Your from Sweden, so your country has developed already into green. @Leo Gura According to the Integral Institute the US is now really stabled into green, thanks to 8 years of Obama. I`m from Holland, green as well. Believe me, extreme green is no fun at all. Unavoidable anyway.
  9. Science is of the senses or extensions of the senses, so quite limited.
  10. We have to distinguish the three different ways of enlightenment. There is enlightenment in feeling and being, which can be fully `achieved`. There is enlightenment in thinking, which can also be fully `achieved`. And there is enlightenment in doing/acting, which is impossible to `achieve` a 100% due to the countless karmic consequences that will follow even one small action. An act is considered a good act when the intention behind it is enlightened. So even a million people can benefit from a good act, there will always be a few who`ll experience bad consequences. This is the nature of the duality of our world. It`s the reason most of the well-known teachers and guru`s stick by their teachings and inspire their followers to take action in the world. Rare are the guru`s who take action themselves. Paramahansa Yogananda got inspired by his Guru Swami Yukteswar Giri. Vivekananda got inspired by Ramakrishna. More recent Osho was famous for his actions and nowadays it`s Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who`s taking full action by reintroducing Human Values in society and countless social projects worldwide. Taking action is taking full responsibility which means automatically be a target for criticism in our dual reality.
  11. Doing service, also called Seva, is considered to be an essential tool in the spiritual developing process. Next to knowledge (jnana), meditation (raja) and love (bhakti), service (karma) is one of the four limbs of spiritual developing. But it is a topic not really well discussed on this site though I found that Leo thinks it is of most importance after I saw a video of him. `Your service is your inner attitude, not the action. To take is the nature of animals. To give and take is the nature of human beings. To give without taking is the nature of the Divine. Through giving, we grow in divinity. Kept to ourselves, our happiness will become stagnant and fade away. To increase our joy we must share joy with others. Giving is essential for spiritual growth. A willingness to share what we have and to help others is called seva. Seva is our own inner joy pouring forth into action. It is not a compulsion, duty or uncomfortable obligation, but instead a natural state of mind that is poised to offer what is needed according to time, place and situation. Seva connects us to others and makes them a part of us. The barriers dissolve that separate our happiness from their happiness. Lingering moods of unhappiness or depression dissipate when our focus is on helping someone else. We come to realize that the true measure of our lives is not how much we have gained for ourselves, but how much we have given to others. We can serve others in endless ways by using our own creativity and imagination. When one looks for opportunities, it is easy to locate small ways to help even amidst busy daily routines. Seva is love in action,` So my question to all of you is in what way you are being in service, or doing seva, for your neighbour, the society and the world? All personal experiences can be a great inspire to others.
  12. Sounds like a fine way to overcome the ego... That means really a year for big developments! Your blessed mate!
  13. You can influence them by speaking on their own level and just a little ahead of them. @vizual Not always like that. It can be important when you work with different people on a project. These levels of cultural development can be a real burden for any progress.
  14. The best book on this topic; The marriage of sense and soul by Ken Wilber.
  15. @Ayla True... But there`s a lot of acting involved in territory I dislike so terrible. I even considered to write the book, throw it on the market and disappear again... But that`s simply not the way.
  16. It`s a bit like Satsang...
  17. @Ayla If you could have - do - be ANYTHING, what would that be? I would like to have an answer to that question, it drives me crazy. My life has been about being and doing and right now it`s like the `having` part forces to dive in. Due to a personal drama I was forced to consider the question; How the fuck deal with it, in what way are you responsible? And is it my responsibility to make a change so other people will not have to experience the same tragedy. My life is gone, blown away. No more travels, retreats, fun or whatsoever. I am fucking stuck with a overwhelming sense of responsibility to make something happen in the fucking society I fucking hate! No problem with lots of stuff. Have a tremendous totally integral (Wilber-stuff) plan, framework, idea. I can vision it, no more questions to it, solid as a rock. It`s about nothing less than take a part of social welfare out of the hands of the government. But!! Now I am faced with all the stuff I don`t have... I have no social network, I have not the quality to `sell` my ideas, I am not able to find same minded people with the same amount of knowledge, I have not the quality of fundraising, webdesign, be patient with lawyers and much more. It makes me angry, freaked out and scared. It`s a fucking turquoise enterprise and it looks I am way ahead and lonely.
  18. One`s able to see when you experience an `out of body experience`. I guess that counts for blind people as well?
  19. My girlfriend needs medicine to lower her blood-pressure. She is not responding very well at those pills, she tried already several different ones. Is anyone familiar with alternatives?
  20. The main impediment of many seekers in the path is that they want to surrender. Don’t say that you want to surrender; know that you already are surrendered. Wanting to surrender becomes an impediment on the path. This is like a child saying to the mother, ” I want to love you.” No child ever tells the mother,” I want to love you”, love is evident there. Surrender is not an act, it is a state of your being. Whether you acknowledge it or not, it is there. The wise wake up and see, the unwise take a longer time. Know that you have no choice, you are in a state of surrender deep within you. You are a happening in this ocean of consciousness. Your heart beats by itself; you're not making it beat. Your breath moves by itself, sleep comes, you feel hunger, you feel thirsty, you feel good, you feel bad. All these phenomenon are happening in your life. When this realization comes, a deep relaxation, a trust, a feeling of "at home" and fullness arises in you. That is surrender.
  21. Memory starts with thinking. Thinking starts at 3 years of age. That`s why memories don`t go back further than 3 years.
  22. No, most ways are about expanding the ego and then finally dissolve it. The hard way is on your own with a lot of thinking and philosophy involved, without a teacher and without a community.
  23. You can learn Sanskrit?! 100 pages English will be 10 pages Sanskrit...
  24. Can you be wordless? Can you be without words? Can words truly express how you feel or what moves you inside? Our spiritual unfoldment is beyond words. Yet we like to chatter on about it. It is the ego that immediately wants to say something, to make it small, to say, "Me! I have had this experience. This happened to me!" The ego wants to see that its record of achievements is better than someone else's. In spirit, ego is transcended. God is wholly present in each one of us, one hundred percent. We are full. And the Master's love and guidance are always entirely available for each and every person. It's that way for everybody. Words reduce our experiences to a concept. They only solidify things. Can you simply enjoy the autumn leaves and let go? Can you be totally with the experience of their mystery and beauty? Yet the mind likes to put words to it. When we speak them out, that beautiful deep feeling gets solidified into those words. If we repeat the words over and over, that silent, deep, mysterious feeling becomes lost in the words. Then we are left only with words. Be willing to be wordless. Then if words do come up, they become poetry. Or prayer. Or singing. These words move us deeply. Do you think that maybe, after all these years, you've said everything you need to say, perhaps even several times over? Can you be wordless ... for just a little while? Prayer within breath Is silence... Love within Infinity Is silence... Wisdom without word Is silence... Compassion without aim Is silence... Smiling with all the Existence Is silence! Silence is the language of God, the Divine Presence speaking -- the music of the Eternal. Silence is the seed of creation... The purpose of words is to create silence... True laughter and celebration are born only out of deep silence... Inevitably one experiences profound silence in the presence of the Master... Questions disappear... Worries, anxieties and desires disappear... One is left speechless...