Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj

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Everything posted by Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj

  1. A little bit about reaching the point of no return. I find this quite hilarious!
  2. Vipassana, they are free I think.
  3. I'm struggling with this right now. The longest I have reached is about 10 days, here are some effects from just 10 days: -More energy -More productive -Deeper meditations -More interested in girls EMBRACE THE DARK NIGHT OF THE FAP!
  4. I started doing this on family members a few months ago after a few enlightenment experiences. Not reacting at all or reacting with a smile of precense when your family members yell at you and are super stressed projecting stuff onto you was quite interesting. I had to stop and thaught it was bad but now I understand it better. Another thing I find interesting is that beeing in nature probably wil get you into beeing-cognition, because you never even think about applying value to a fucking tree or something, lol.
  5. Yes it is for most of us here including myselfsometimes . Just don't use it as a playground and you will be okay!
  6. Easier but not deeper. Yes more alive!
  7. Honestly I don't know how it works, havent recearched much but I and many others get more energy and dicipline when abstaining from porn and masturbation. Google the benefits!
  8. "Enlightenment is an accident. Meditation makes you accident prone." -Zen saying
  9. I have experimented with NoFap reccently. I made it to about 10 days and I relapsed yeasterday. On day 9 and 10 I meditated for about 5,5-6 hours without any serious effort. After my relapse my meditation got way harder. Give it a try!
  10. I haven't read Jeds ToE but I have read his trillogy and I AM THAT, I really enjoyed those books!
  11. I heard Jonestown got over 900 people enlightened in one day during a retreat there, too bad it's not there anymore. On the other hand you can use your own home, a tent in the woods, Peter Ralstons retreats maybe?
  12. Jim Jones was a great spiritual teacher! He got over 900 people enlightened in a day during a retreat in Jonestown.
  13. Anyone who practices meditation. Beeing a yogi means beeing a human who devotes his/her life to meditation.
  14. I really love Jeds trillogy. They are good reads all of them! However Peter Ralstons books are practical and Jeds aren't really. Jeds books kinda put me on the pain of no return, they made me really hungry for truth even though they weren't practical. Just don't start to see him as some kind of super guru guy or something.
  15. Hmm... Was about 6 months ago but it is more about how to deal with awakening, pitfalls that you can make, traps, cheese chasing etc. than how to get awakening. I can't reallt explain it very clearly but it kind of grounds you. Peter know what he is talking about... I had the same feeling of beeing grounded in my work when I read "The End of Your World" by Adyashanti which is one of my favourite books aswell. "Pursuing Consciousness" has probably effected my life as much as "The Book of Not Knowing" but it really helps you if you've had one or more enlightenment experiences. I haven't understand the depth of any of thoose books by the way. Cheers!
  16. What would be the wisest thing to do? Maybe you can do both?
  17. Yes! Peter knows you a lot better than you do, it's defenitly worth the read. Just don't forget that to do the work you gotta do the work!
  18. The Book of Not Knowing is probably the deepest and most practical book I have ever read. It's so fucking deep... His other book "Pursuing Consciousness" is also a great one but should be read if you have read "The Book of Not Knowing".
  19. Here is one! Be patient, don't strech anything too hard...
  20. I think I understand what you are saying. Meditation can be a scary thing, you get conscious of all your personas, but in the end it's a good thing! Yeasterday I became really conscious of some of my social conditioning. I was ashamed, felt unlovable and everything in that spectrum, I cried over it over 7 times yeasterday. This "I'm useless and unlovable persona" got up and did it's thing. Now I'm quite happy and my self esteem is back to normal. Shinzen Young has talked about this a little bit here:
  21. I can see that you are having a bad time. I can relate with you with most of the things you mentioned. When I am in some kind of mental breakdown I always meditate much. Meditation has helped me a lot, it's FUCKING POWERFUL but it's not everything. Deep down you probably know what to do but maybe not...I'll give you a little list of what you might do! -Work on your self esteem -Meditation -Terapy -Honesty, watch Leos video called "How you lie!" -Nature is just amazing of you have the oppurtunity -Work out -Eat Better -Eliminate addictions
  22. Perfect analogy!