Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj

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Everything posted by Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj

  1. I have done meditation and then combined meditation and sel f inquiry and then i just went ful inquiry and now I'm back to both. I would reccoment both but more inquiry.
  2. Psycadelics!
  3. And oh for me it tends be like that for a few days and sometimes for two days and then it goes away. Feeling pressure on the forehead can also be a sign that you are supressing tears but that has not been the case for me or the case of anyone I have heard of.
  4. Yup! It comes and goes and likes to play games with you. Nothing to worry about...
  5. It sure as hell works. I have been dropping into samadhi like every evening with do nothing/no manipulation lately. I would reccoment not only doing a technique the like only requires surrender but combining it with a focused technique like self inquiry aswell.
  6. It had a tendency to kill the little ammount of humor I had but if you have found that I can be hilarious like a fucking kid when I hang with people (rarely but sometimes). It can be like being drunk on emptiness and it is hilarious. Reducing ego makes the personality smoother.
  8. How you look at you look at your potential future when you realize that you have been medtating like hell but neglected shadow work... OH SHIT!
  9. They way you explain these things are facinating. Thanks for the insights on feeling significant and that stuff, I'm currently working on that too. Keep at it!!!
  10. "For forty years I’ve been selling water By the bank of a river. Ho, ho! My labors have been wholly without merit." -Sogaku Harada Roshi
  11. Take a walk at a graveyard and look at how old they got, especially the ones who died young and just walk there and look at the stones and just pounder it. And also:
  12. I haven't watched this video but take a look!
  13. Stewie Griffin using awereness to auto-correct his behaviour before it was cool.
  15. I have been having that picture on my mind ever since you posted it. It's quite funny but wtf is this kind of whichcraft?!?! I can't get it out of my mind.
  16. Kind of what Leo said. Just sitting becomes like "do nothing" without "do nothing" in a sense. You can also translate it into what Shinzen Young calls "note: everything".
  17. Do nothing is more like dropping the intention to use your attention and non manipulation is more like just sitting there just being and experiencing everyting that's there. It's called "Shikantaza" or "just sitting" in Soto Zen. Some Soto Zen masters explain it as the "do nothing" techniquie and some explain it as "no manipulation". I've done the "do nothing" technique for about a year and I have been doing the other one for a few weeks now. For me it feels better to just sit there and experience everything. I tend to get the same results and feelings from both techniques but just sitting there feels more effortless. Experimentation my friend!!!
  18. Become a Zen monk here in the west? It will probably cost you under 5000£. It will cost me about 2600£. 5 hours of meditation per day. 8 Sesshins per day. Thats a 7 day meditation retreat with 10+ hours of sitting per day. All that shit for a low ammount of money!
  19. Try to notice the increadible precence a baby has and how it facinates the people around them. It's caled shaktipat. It's not a fucking baby. It's a little Roshi you have with you.
  20. Depends on how much you want it. I doubt that 1 hour per day is enough. Just practice and slowly increase your sittings or add more sittings to your day and see where that takes you!
  21. I have not tried doing it and I intend on keeping my Self Inquiry. Shinzen Young told me that Rinzai Zen probably has the most enlightenment per capita so yes koans are probably realy effective. But the thing is that it fits the intuitive persons and everyone is not that intuitive so it happens that people get lost in Rinzai Zen not knowing wtf they are doing for years...
  22. Actually no I haven't but check out Shikzen Youngs video!