Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj

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Everything posted by Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj

  2. Yeah she played a bunch of new songs actually, I liked all of them and one of them will be released pretty soon.
  3. I saw her live yesterday. It was AMAZING!
  4. Why do you have to compare yourself to these people? This thing isn't about some "other people over there", it's about what's actually happening...
  5. What do you think awakening will do for you? Do you feel like you have to be someone who is good at doing things to become enlightened? Do you believe that awakening has anything to do with a particular lifestyle? Look closer...
  6. Ego backlash after awakening
  7. I had similar experiences last year so I guess I'll share the "mistakes" that made it more complicated then it needed to be. On the physical level I was sick so I couldn't exercise and now when I can do so it feels way better. The biggest mistake that I made was getting caught in this "OHHHH MY GOD I'M HAVING THIS SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE", in ways I tried to push it away and in another way I got attached to the experiences and this had a lot to do with problems on the psychological level and the emotions that came up so it created a weird relationship to these experiences. Just let everything be as it is. If you think that this is something cool and special, go ahead. If you get scared and think that this is weird, go ahead. Fixating on these experiences will NOT produce insight but not fixating on them can feel like meditating at a music festival. LIKE HOW THE FUCK AM I NOT SUPPOSED TO LISTEN TO THE MUSIC WHILE FOCUSING ON MY BREATH? Let the music do it's thing because it's a part of what's happening.
  8. Mt Baldy isn't very far away I guess. But Shinzen Young told me that the community there was a little sketchy about a year ago but I don't know. WARNING! Get your psychological trip together before making such decisions.
  9. It seems like Shinzen Young understands this pretty well, maybe you should listen to him. I have no idea but it seems like it's easy to get one sided...
  10. When you get interviewed on a TV show, the host asks you who you are and you actually find out.
  11. When the dream character realizes that it is not that which awakens... But gets on with life like never before anyways.
  12. Who says that anything is inferior? P.S. Look closer