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About Logoi

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  1. Have read different perspectives about it. Like the instant awakening is that, instant and "accidental" . Meditation will make you more accident prone to it (think It was ken willber that said it) As I read somewhere that meditation itself is connected with an effort of the physical brain and needs to be transcended in order achieve spiritual meditation, as a disciple needs to transcend his Master in the end. Whatever that means. For me its the way to connect deeper with Self or "I am" . Although if someone wants to experience some more. A group or even better a mass meditation (some are organized on the internet) can be highly recommended. There is this meditation that goes on every sunday same time that i do. Some hours or even days prior to it I experience some mental churning, then a hightened state of energy or bliss, there are those days that i cannot handle this positive collective energy that i get "blissed out" and drowsy that i fall peacefully asleep an hour prior this meditation and wake up an hour after its done, sort of feels im with the meditation but in a sleep state(?), it can become a very healing experience unlike a regular solo meditation.
  2. Elementals + your imagination? We need the thing you're smoking in order to know
  3. The absolute non-relative reality does not accept plurality. It needs maya to become differatiated when it "desires" to know itself. It becomes differatiated into two extremes, spirit (cousciousness) and matter (substance), subject and object. Energy (divine love) is the thing that glues spirit and matter together after its differintation as two sides of the same coin and becoming the mysterious "bridge" between subject and object. So there are three main aspects to the macrocosm, spirit, matter and energy. But the absolute reality will BE (-ness) whether there is a manifested universe or not. (As it is "attributes" as space, motion and duration.) Spirit which is almost identical to the logos of the absolute and needs the differintiated matter to manifesti itself as many rays from the One. Everything of being and non-being are aspects of absolute. This is according to the esoteric eastern theory. I dont know if its True, it sounds good. Maybe your theory is more representative of the Truth. The question is, why did "God" being a law "created" me and you(?). What purpouse? To know that we are All the impersonal cousciousness? Or to have itself realized that everything is the Absolute which is uncomprehensible?
  4. What makes you interested in the throat chakra that you have seeked "upwards for five years"?