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Posts posted by Insightful27

  1. Recently I've been working on becoming less materialistic. The easy part was detaching myself form things that I only had to gain approval from other people, or things that only produced hedonic pleasures. But I've found it extremely difficult to detach myself from things that I use to Self-Actualize (i.e.. Self-Improvement Books, Nootropics, Psychedelics, Notes & notetaking software, etc.). How do I detach myself for these things when they help me work toward my goals and guide me on my Self-Actualization journey? How do I become okay with losing all of my notes and all of my tools?


  2. @neovox I have a large variety but video games was the main one I wanted to seek advice on. I would say I play for about 1-2 hours most days (normally with friends), some longer and some I don't play at all. I would say it can be compulsive but most of the time I notice it and for that reason do something else instead. I try and use it as a way to relax and connect with friends while at the same time doing something I'm intrigued by.  

  3. On 11/22/2020 at 11:07 PM, longusername12345 said:

    Here are some songs that convey messages that resonate with spiritual truths I've learned or that I can vibe with on such an emotional level that it is almost spiritual: 

    That's Alright by EBEN

    Scared of the Dark by Ty Dolla Sign, Lil Wayne

    My Life by NF

    California by Anthony Russo

    Sooner or Later by Mike Stud

    Saccharide Trust by Holy Sons

    Everything is New by Slow Club

    Pretender by Steve Aoki, AJR

    Problems by Petit Biscuit (Taska Black remix)

    High by JPB





    NF is a truly inspiring artist.

  4. @snowyowl

    On 11/28/2020 at 9:36 AM, snowyowl said:

    yeah, like hedonistic happiness = conditional, impermanent; and deep happiness = unconditional, timeless. 

    But when we start on this path, all we know is hedonism and can't imagine what unconditional happiness or love is like, being content whatever the external circumstances. Like, we think nirvana means going to heaven where's there's no challenges, but in reality it means keeping equanimity in the middle of challenges. 

    yeah exactly, it took me a long time to learn that.

  5. Is seeking enlightenment for the sake of happiness the wrong way to go about it? I’ve heard a lot about seeking Truth for Truths sake, but at this point in my development I don’t see a reason to do anything other than for the point of happiness and joy. Not in the sense of hedonistic happiness that is mainstream now, but in a deeper sense. In a way that’s all I see self-actualization being about, reaching the deepest and most profound forms of happiness.


  6. Recently I have started to take a deeper look at what brings me happiness and I’ve found that having things (all my notes and keepsakes) as well as others validation ranks high on the list. My question is what is the best way to move more toward doing and being happiness? How do I become okay with losing all of my notes and sentimental things I’ve  collected over the years?

  7. During this quarantine, I have been trying to find new high consciousness hobbies and habits to start practising. Does anyone have hobbies that you enjoy? I'm just looking for ideas of things to start doing besides the normal Self-Actualization stuff (Meditating, Journaling, Reading, Contemplating, etc.) I'm open to any new ideas!

  8. Recently I was involved in a biking accident that left me with 3rd-degree road rash (there was no skin left). Obviously, it was excruciatingly painful. I have tried to be mindful of the pain and worked toward accepting it. As well as taking time to detract myself with other things. But it continues to be really hard to get my mind off of and to move on. Does anyone have any advice or has been in a similar situation?

  9. 3 hours ago, Nahm said:

    What’s the ‘problem’?  Is this difference arising in a way as problematic? For you? For her? As a couple? 

    No, not at all. Christianity isn't "a problem" it's more the dogma that comes with having parents shove their belives down her throat. And right now it isn't a problem at all. I was thinking about our future and other relationships. Because being a couple can be hard when you have different world views.

  10. I'm in an 8+ month relationship with a girl who takes her beliefs after her parents. She is open-minded and wouldn't be put off by the idea that enlightenment and self-actualization are true. However, she still believes more in Jesus saving her and "God" having a laid out life plan for her rather than meditation, ego, psychology and things like that. I'm beginning to see the dating pool of self-actualized and truly spiritual people is very shallow. Is there anyone who would have advice on how to handle this? Or who is currently in a serious relationship with a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist etc. Will, I just need to be prepared to not marry a self-actualized person?