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Posts posted by Insightful27

  1. 21 hours ago, Ry4n said:

    Not only that but you may struggle a lot with integrating these experiences and want to escape the "petty things" in your life for this stuff (again, not healthy). 

    You misunderstand what I'm saying. What I'm taking about is getting a taste for what higher states of consciousness would be like, and realizing that all of my shallow survival habits & priorities (material pleasures, popularity, etc.) are wastes of time. I am not saying I want to use psychedelics to escape, quite the opposite actually. I want to confront my lower self and create change.


    22 hours ago, Ry4n said:

    Give me one good solid legit reason for doing it

    Its hard to narrow it down to just one......

    But if I had to It would expanding my consciousness and deepening my understanding of God, Reality, Consciousness, Fear  and Truth. I understand that I can do these things sober, and that's what I have been working on. Psychedelics are merely a tool to go deeper than I would be able to go normally sober. As people like @Carl-Richard have mentioned this could backfire and and I could deconstruct my mind too quickly, which is something I'm now very mindful of. 

  2. 4 hours ago, JuliusCaesar said:

    Yes it's good that you've used them, as they will at least indicate whether the substance is likely to be dangerous(25-iNbome reacts very differently to these reagents than LSD does for example)

     For future reference should I test with both Ehrlich and Hoffman of the same dose? Or could I just use one? I've heard Ehrlich is better for LSD and Hoffman is better for DMT. I don't want to use up too much of a dose on testing. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    The challenge is to balance survival and truth-seeking, because those two are largely antithetical to eachother. It's wise to get your foundational survival straight before trying to deconstruct your mind, and in an individualistic society, that includes things like finishing high school, becoming economically self-sustained and psychosocially integrated. Deconstructing a mind is tricky business, but it's even more tricky to deconstruct a mind that is still under construction.

    Honestly, this is very compelling to me. The need to balance truth-seeking and survival isn't something I've thought about before. My question would be even if I don't fly off the edge with psychedelics, wouldn't it still be advantageous at my young age to deconstruct my mind and survival habits that way I set my life up around Truth and not survival? 

  4. 54 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

    I ask because I thought I read that you are not interested in school. No. Take full advantage of being a good student now because it's your education that will make or break you.

    No, I'm actually extremely invested in school, I have a 4.2 GPA, take all the advanced classes, etc. My point was that I feel there is something deeper and more important than simply surviving and I want to explore that. Your thoughts about foundation and not "going off the edge" so to speak were eye-opening tbh and after reading some of the other responses on here I've deciding to not dive into Truth seeking fully until I'm able to be financially independent and have my life set up. My worry is that by that time I will have spent so much time surviving when I realize the truth I'm going to want something totally different and perhaps more authentic than I do right now. I want to use the valuable resource that is my youth to build my life around Truth and not survival. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Tim R said:

    This definitely includes a trip sitter. 

    A trip sitter must be responsible and knowledgeable when it comes to psychedelics.

    Do not employ someone as a trip sitter who you don't know or trust fully, or who doesn't know how to properly trip sit!!

    If you don't have such a person, I would think all the harder about whether it's a good idea to do this. 

    Thanks for the clear answer, I'll wait a until I can find someone like that to do psychedelics. I know that the responses on this thread are in support of me waiting for a more stable mind, foundation, etc. Those are valid concerns form an outside perspective, I've worried about all of those same things as well. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Javfly33 said:

    The brain is particularly plastic ("under construction" as you said) until 25 according to current science studies ??‍♂️

    By that logic we shouldn't take psychs until 25, or maybe taking psychs before 25 is actually better than when your brain is not so plastic. Who knows. 

    imo I give more importance to set and setting than age

    I agree 100% on your brain not being developed until 25, and for the longest time I didn't think I was going to do any drugs (weed, alc, etc.) until I was 25. But with psychedelics in particular I think using them to expand my mind before its done growing might be a good thing.

  7. 1 minute ago, Carl-Richard said:

    What does your life look like atm?

    Go to school, play lacrosse, spend time with friends and family. For about the past 2 years I've been working on raising my consciousness and self-actualizing. I bought Leos life purpose course, I started some healthy habits including meditation, worked on emotional mastery and breaking my addictions. 

  8. 59 minutes ago, Tim R said:

    your brain is literally under construction

    The plasticity of the developing brain may be advantageous for the work I'm looking to do. I urge you to watch this interview with Mark Haden (starting at 5:10) where they discuss effects of psychedelics on the adolescents brain. I would argue that things such as Adderall and anti-depressants have a much more negative effect.


  9. I managed to get some LSD and DMT with the intent of using it to expand my consciousness and awareness to places its never been before. I'm taking as many precautions as I can (reagent testing kits, tons of research, etc.). I would prefer to have a trip sitter, the only issue is that all of my friends are extremely close-minded and have no interest in even the shallowest parts of self-improvement. They also have never done psychedelics or anything like them so they would probably be shitty trip sitters anyway. I've heard everything from "its better to do them alone" to "you must have a sitter 100% of the time". Should I wait until I find the right person or would I be able to manage it by myself?

  10. @Mu_ yes that makes sense, I don’t want to stop doing these practices. I just want to be able to let go of the fear that I will lose them. The thought of losing all my notes makes me feel fearful and anxious. I don’t like being dependent on these external things for my happiness. Deeply, what I’m wondering is how do I let go of my need to self-actualize? Or at least let go of the need to self actualize effectively?