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Posts posted by Insightful27

  1. On 3/17/2022 at 11:01 PM, Leo Gura said:

    misunderstand what charisma is. It's not about getting people to like you or saying things you think they want to hear.

    Then what is charisma fundamentally about? Also, would you say after forming deep relationship socializing becomes higher consciousness? I know you've talked about deep romantic relationships taking on a spiritual aspect before....

  2. I'm worried that in an attempt to develop my social skills I'm going to start caring a lot more about what people think about me. Building charisma is centered around saying the right things in the right way that gets people to like you. I know you can have great social skills without caring about what other people think about you, I'm wondering how you would go about developing that? The same thing goes for pickup, how to you develop social skills in a high consciousness way when it is something that is inherently lower consciousness?

  3. On 2/1/2022 at 3:43 AM, Leo Gura said:

    keen calibration to her receptivity. Get good at feeling when a girl is receptive to touch or not. If she is, escalate heavy and own it.

    @Leo Gura How can you be accurate when judging how receptive a girl is? Seems to me like some girls will reciprocate more than others even if they are equally receptive depending on how shy they are. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Bando said:

    Did you miss any obvious signs of unease?

    I really don't think I did. She didn't say "no" or "stop" or "I'm uncomfortable". She didn't try to move my hands or push me away. When she pulled away to dance with her friends I let her go and only tried to dance again after she moved away from them. I guess I should've noted that she didn't seem that into dancing or that she was dancing more with her friends than me but I chalked that up to her being shy. There weren't any clear indicators that I should stop otherwise I obviously would have. I don't know how she can possibly claim SA and tell my friends that.

  5. 5 hours ago, Yarco said:

    I'd text her apologizing if there was a misunderstanding

    Yeah I texted her and asked her if we could talk and she said that "she wasn't in a talking mindset" so I just told her I understood and she could take her time. 

    5 hours ago, Yarco said:

    I guess you have to do the cringeworthy "may I have this dance m'lady"

    Could she seriously make a case to police? Unconsentually dancing at a school dance?

    5 hours ago, Yarco said:

    I guess you have to do the cringeworthy "may I have this dance m'lady"

    I actually asked her if she wanted to dance and she said yes... Guess we have different ideas about what that meant.

    5 hours ago, Yarco said:

    Don't beat yourself up about it too much. Try to just distract yourself from feeling guilty for a while until it passes.

    Its been tough. I'm just worried that she's going to make it a big deal and spread the story around to all of our mutual friends to try and garner sympathy. I seriously feel bad for making her feel uncomfortable, but from what I'm gathering I wasn't that far off base.

  6. For some background I'm 17M and I went to a school dance with a girl I was talking to (18F). We have hung out a handful of times, and liked each other. One of those times she made out with me and straddled me. Anyway we go to the dance and everyone is dancing, grinding etc.. I try to dance with her, hold her hips and pull her into me.  Moving with the music, just like some of her friends and the people around us were doing. About 3-4 times she pulls away from me to dance with her friends (they tend to be very clingy with each other) and after she leaves them I try and dance with her again. I get tired of this and leave to find my other friends, then later, her group of friends come up to me saying I sexually assaulted her and she's crying about it. Never touched anything other than her hips, didn't even kiss her. For the past like 12 hours I've felt so ashamed and embarrassed. She never said no, moved my hands away or anything like that. She was actually moving with me. What should've I done different? Am I just being socially negligent? How could this possibly qualify as sexual assault? I'm scared about this ruining my reputation and I'm not sure how I will ever be able to escalate with girls again. Literally any opinions or advice on how to move on is helpful.   

  7. 11 hours ago, Michael569 said:

    Although you are unlikely to find nootropics in their database

    Yeah I they didn't have any of the nootropics that I'm taking

    11 hours ago, Michael569 said:

    Rule of thumb: if unsure, don't use it

    So I shouldn't use nootropics while on prescription drugs or antibiotics? Because there is no way to be sure until I try taking a nootropic with these drugs. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Mada_ said:

    you're probably not as mature as you think

    Yep right along with every 16yo ever.....

    2 hours ago, Mada_ said:

    If you're going to ignore everyone here

    Like 4 people have said this exact same thing which is funny because there have been a good handful of people here who have told me to do it regardless. Believe it or not I have listened to the reason of some who have commented, my original plan was much more radical. I was going to self-inquire for hours every day while taking breakthrough amounts of DMT back to back, my goal being to kill my "self" or sense of self in order to discover the Truth about what I am. I understand now what a grave mistake that would have been and how I would've fucked everything up. 

    2 hours ago, Mada_ said:

    but psychedelics will show your truths that are harsh, and if you're not in the right frame of mind when doing them you will have trouble accepting them

    What about doing micro dosing for productivity and creative reasons rather than expanding consciousness?

  9. On 10/9/2021 at 2:54 AM, FlyingLotus said:

    Leo's actually a good example of this.  His childhood passion was to become a game designer.  He learned a bunch of skills to make that happen.  Got hired by a big company, then left when he discovered he didn't like it.  Thing is, he applied all those skills to develop an online business that provided the financial capital to do  So, choosing game design wasn't a waste.  It was a great stepping stone. 

    Yeah that's an interesting insight. All of our past failures contribute to our overall success.  

  10. 8 hours ago, OneHandClap said:

    You want to trip, many people have offered good reasons not to do so at your age, and still you carry on by saying how everyone is wrong. Why even make this topic if you just wanted confirmation bias? 

    Reread my original post. I never asked for advice on whether or not I should trip, I asked about a trip sitter. However, I do apricate all the perspectives that people have shared, and many of them have opened my eyes and changed my mind. But at the end of the day I'm going to make the decision on what I think is best, not what strangers on an online forum think is best.