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Everything posted by Insightful27

  1. Very true. However, the differences between many of the types are trivial at best
  2. No, they are not. Each of these are highly processed and contain an incredible amount of processed sugar which is largely stored as fat and (in excess) causes insulin resistance. Just because it sounds healthy (like fruit juice) dose not mean that it is. Read the nutritional information and you'll see there is not a big difference between a serving of Oreos and some of the "healthy" yogurts you will find at the supermarket.
  3. I'm worried that in an attempt to develop my social skills I'm going to start caring a lot more about what people think about me. Building charisma is centered around saying the right things in the right way that gets people to like you. I know you can have great social skills without caring about what other people think about you, I'm wondering how you would go about developing that? The same thing goes for pickup, how to you develop social skills in a high consciousness way when it is something that is inherently lower consciousness?
  4. Then what is charisma fundamentally about? Also, would you say after forming deep relationship socializing becomes higher consciousness? I know you've talked about deep romantic relationships taking on a spiritual aspect before....
  5. For some background I'm 17M and I went to a school dance with a girl I was talking to (18F). We have hung out a handful of times, and liked each other. One of those times she made out with me and straddled me. Anyway we go to the dance and everyone is dancing, grinding etc.. I try to dance with her, hold her hips and pull her into me. Moving with the music, just like some of her friends and the people around us were doing. About 3-4 times she pulls away from me to dance with her friends (they tend to be very clingy with each other) and after she leaves them I try and dance with her again. I get tired of this and leave to find my other friends, then later, her group of friends come up to me saying I sexually assaulted her and she's crying about it. Never touched anything other than her hips, didn't even kiss her. For the past like 12 hours I've felt so ashamed and embarrassed. She never said no, moved my hands away or anything like that. She was actually moving with me. What should've I done different? Am I just being socially negligent? How could this possibly qualify as sexual assault? I'm scared about this ruining my reputation and I'm not sure how I will ever be able to escalate with girls again. Literally any opinions or advice on how to move on is helpful.
  6. Update: Talked to a mutual friend and they said she had done this with 3 other guys, apparently one of them had sex with her and ditched her so she claimed SA. Not sure the accuracy of info, but after this whole shit-show it would make sense.
  7. @Leo Gura How can you be accurate when judging how receptive a girl is? Seems to me like some girls will reciprocate more than others even if they are equally receptive depending on how shy they are.
  8. I asked her to talk and she said "I don't ever want to talk to you again" so I left her alone.
  9. Did you even read the post?
  10. I really don't think I did. She didn't say "no" or "stop" or "I'm uncomfortable". She didn't try to move my hands or push me away. When she pulled away to dance with her friends I let her go and only tried to dance again after she moved away from them. I guess I should've noted that she didn't seem that into dancing or that she was dancing more with her friends than me but I chalked that up to her being shy. There weren't any clear indicators that I should stop otherwise I obviously would have. I don't know how she can possibly claim SA and tell my friends that.
  11. She had told me that she had, which is why I was taking it very slow and wasn't really making any first moves. Maybe the past trauma changed how she saw the situation?
  12. Yeah I texted her and asked her if we could talk and she said that "she wasn't in a talking mindset" so I just told her I understood and she could take her time. Could she seriously make a case to police? Unconsentually dancing at a school dance? I actually asked her if she wanted to dance and she said yes... Guess we have different ideas about what that meant. Its been tough. I'm just worried that she's going to make it a big deal and spread the story around to all of our mutual friends to try and garner sympathy. I seriously feel bad for making her feel uncomfortable, but from what I'm gathering I wasn't that far off base.
  13. I've been slowly getting into nootropics for a little while now. My question is when creating a stack, how do you make sure that the supplements your taking won't have unintended affects when mixed with each other? Also, how do I know how the stack will interact with other prescription drugs that I'm taking? Any help is appreciated!
  14. Have you tried them?
  15. No, Ive looked into it though
  16. Yeah I they didn't have any of the nootropics that I'm taking So I shouldn't use nootropics while on prescription drugs or antibiotics? Because there is no way to be sure until I try taking a nootropic with these drugs.
  17. I managed to get some LSD and DMT with the intent of using it to expand my consciousness and awareness to places its never been before. I'm taking as many precautions as I can (reagent testing kits, tons of research, etc.). I would prefer to have a trip sitter, the only issue is that all of my friends are extremely close-minded and have no interest in even the shallowest parts of self-improvement. They also have never done psychedelics or anything like them so they would probably be shitty trip sitters anyway. I've heard everything from "its better to do them alone" to "you must have a sitter 100% of the time". Should I wait until I find the right person or would I be able to manage it by myself?
  18. Jody Hatton has some quality ones He also has a website where you can download them
  19. Yep right along with every 16yo ever..... Like 4 people have said this exact same thing which is funny because there have been a good handful of people here who have told me to do it regardless. Believe it or not I have listened to the reason of some who have commented, my original plan was much more radical. I was going to self-inquire for hours every day while taking breakthrough amounts of DMT back to back, my goal being to kill my "self" or sense of self in order to discover the Truth about what I am. I understand now what a grave mistake that would have been and how I would've fucked everything up. What about doing micro dosing for productivity and creative reasons rather than expanding consciousness?
  20. @diamondpenguin you have 800+ posts.......
  21. Yeah that's an interesting insight. All of our past failures contribute to our overall success.