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Everything posted by Insightful27

  1. Not sure why nobody commented on this so I will. I had the same exact problem you are talking about, and it all went away when I stopped watching porn. Masturbating to porn over and over again will absolutely damage your sexuality. I can almost guarantee if you stop you will be able to cum way easier with a real partner.
  2. If you haven't read The Way of The Superior Man by David I would highly recommend it he talks about it in there. You can channel your energy into work on your LIfe Purpose or other creative work. Going to the gym is also a good option.
  3. Obvious SD isn't a masculine or feminine thing, but when you look at examples of stage red and green it seems as though pair loosely to masculinity and femininity. Stage red examples have a lot of masculine appeals (MMA, dominance, power, etc.) even from stage orange men. Stage green consists of a lot of stereotypically feminine traits (emotional sensitivity, kindness, giving). I think it would be wrong to say that masculinity or feminity is better or more evolved, but I couldn't help but notice the overlap with SD. What are your thoughts?
  4. I'm prescribed Vyvance for ADD, but I have seen a lot of positive things about Modafinil. It would be hard to get my prescription switched to Modafinil, so I have been researching to see if it is worth it to buy Modafinil 3rd party. My questions are: If you have taken both, what is the difference between them? Is Modafinil safer for long-term health? why? Are there any other alternatives that you would recommend?
  5. I'm leaving for college in a few months. It's not a long-term thing.
  6. I've been dating this girl for about a month. She was raised in a small town with a really abusive family and has significant trauma from it. It is clear to me that she has accumulated a lot of spiral-stage blue baggage. For example: -Politics: She thinks that Trump was the last great president (though she doesn't like him as a person). Didn't get the COVID vaccine and says she won't get the flu vaccine. -Says things that are casually racist, homophobic, and transphobic -Strong religious views: thinks that atheists are going to hell, abortion is a sin, evolution doesn't exist, shouldn't donate organs, she has physically seen Satan, she physically sees auras around people, she feels God's presence, etc I never thought I could date someone like this. But despite the stupidity of her worldview, she is a kind and loving person. She is into meditation, chakras, nature, and other stage-green spirituality stuff. She is able to have deep conversations about things like masculinity/feminity that other girls wouldn't care about. I can feel how deeply she loves me, and I know had she been subjected to a different upbringing things would be changed completely. What am I supposed to do when I am attracted to someone who is clearly way lower in spiral dynamics than I am? -
  7. I'm trying to figure this out myself. My hope is that deep down she is green lol.
  8. fair enough. Deep love relative to my past relationships.
  9. I'm pretty turned off by the idea of buying drugs online in general, but getting a Modafinil prescription isn't easy in the U.S. so it is what it is. Are there any test kits you can use to ensure you aren't getting scammed or buying laced pills? Thanks.
  10. I think that is wise. I was trying to look on Reddit for credible sources.
  11. Unfortunately it’s not. You have to buy it from some Indian company.
  12. I don't drink at all, which makes things complicated when it comes to pick-up. At parties and clubs, virtually every girl has had something to drink, meaning they are technically intoxicated to a degree. Obviously being totally wasted is one thing, but how exactly do you determine when it is too much? The laws are somewhat ambiguous and I really don't want to get into serious trouble. I know there are a lot of people on here who don't drink and do pick-ups at clubs, how do you guys navigate this?
  13. Do you ever get paranoid taking home tipsy girls when people know you weren’t drinking?
  14. Free to watch*
  15. I'm 17, finishing high school and planning out the next stage of my life. I recently bought the LP course, but then began wondering what would be more advantageous a) Finish LP course and spend the next years developing my career/business b) Put all my focus into self-inquiry, introspective and enlightenment I have been back and forth. I'm understand that in the end I will need to make the decision for myself, I am simply looking to get new perspectives from others who might have gone through this before.
  16. Super powerful even sober...
  17. If that were to be my life purpose, wouldn't I still need to find a way to monetize/ make a career out of it? Because then my LP would be antithetical with survival.
  18. I've never thought about it like that before....
  19. Have you watched his video about strong negative emotions? I think the concepts still apply.
  20. You believe they can be done it tandem?
  21. This was my thought process as well. However, I also thought it wise to first awaken to what I truly want to create before starting a career? The post you mentioned was helpful.
  22. Which do you think would be better in this situation?
  23. Great Ted Talk I found on the effect sugar has on the brain and body. Products like Coke and Pepsi are seriously poisoning people and in 50 years are going to be seen as such.