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Posts posted by Insightful27

  1. @OBEler

    On 4/19/2024 at 8:35 PM, OBEler said:

    some observations: almost all people who do leos life purpose course end up with the life purpose, which is leo doing in some form (becomin a spiritual teacher)

    Right, but "spiritual teacher" is actually pretty vague. There are a lot of ways to be a "spiritual teacher", for example I want to earn my PhD is Psychology and become a psychedelic therapist. 

  2. @Thought Art I don't have a problem with Aikido, what I am skeptical about is the training partner moving across room when he barely touches him, it's ridiculous. 

    It makes me sad because I have a lot of respect for him and he has a lot of good things to say in his book on body awareness, things like this tend to discredit him in my mind. Perhaps I am being dense and something is going over my head, but I don't know how you get around being skeptical after seeing something like this (there are many more videos online).

  3. I am re-reading Ralston's book on body awareness. He talks about how he got into martial arts work in order to get better at his consciousness studies, not the other way around. I thought that was super interesting and that is why I am doing it. I love the idea of showing up to the Dojo day after day to understand consciousness and self better.

  4. I recently bought the Claude Opus 3 after seeing it on Leo's blog and found something really creative that you can do find your life purpose and ideas for task/projects to get you there. I generated a PDF from OneNote with all my notes from the Life Purpose course, uploaded it to Claude, and asked it questions to help get me on track. Some of the best questions I asked were:

    -Given what you know about me, what are some different ways I could formulate my Life Purpose statement to make it sound more authentic? 

    -Give me a vision of what my life could look like if I was living my Life Purpose, be specific

    -Give me a list of tasks and projects that I can do in order to get on track with my Life Purpose

    -Brainstorm a list of people who have a life purpose similar to mine and a brief summary of how they did it

    It's not a substitute for doing the real inner work but I think that it is a great tool to use especially if you took the Life Purpose course and want help brainstorming an working on your Life Purpose

  5. Training Notes 4/3/24

    -When you take someone's back make sure to roll to the side and not straight back because this will make is easier for them to get away

    -When you get to a mounted triangle you can pull up on the head just like in a normal triangle to finish it

    -If someone is in turtle and you can't get your hooks in you can grab their ankle and take them to technical mount

    -From side control, if someone is framing really well against you, you can fall forward so that they can not bench you off them and isolate their far side arm and go for an Americana or if they straighten their arm you can pull up and sit on their head squeezing your knees to hold them still. Now, you can either hit a kimora or fall back into an arm bar.

    -When you fall back into an arm bar, keep them as close to you as possible so that your body is touching them the whole time. If you give them space they can pull their arm back in and get their elbow to the mat and escape.

  6. On 3/23/2024 at 9:30 PM, MuadDib said:

    hope you don't mind us clogging up your journal, lol.

    No I love it man! It's great to share this journey with you guys! Let me know what you think about your first Jiu Jitsu classes and get ready to get smashed lol.

  7. I'm taking a really intense philosophy of mind class at college right now, and I got to thinking back when Leo has talked about academic philosophy and that it's a limited, pyramid scheme, etc. Obviously it is massively flawed and, (at least in the class I'm taking) is totally caught in the materialist paradigm. Nonetheless, has anyone here found any value in it? Do you think that it helps with complex reasoning skills that are important for understanding reality?

    Curious to hear your thoughts.

  8. Today we learned more half-guard and I had some really productive sparring. Key takeaways:

    -When in half-guard keep your bottom hip on the floor (like when you are sleeping) that way if they pass the knee shield they don't pass your guard totally. 

    -When you do an over-under pass make sure to keep your head up and use good posture that way you cause them more pain and they will give you the pass faster

    -When you shoot your leg and arm through from bottom half guard, if they get a wizzar, you can roll them. If the post with their arm then you can jump up and take their back. Also, if they get a wizzar, you can throw your leg as high up on their back as possible and shoot your leg through for a triangle

    -When doing triangles, you can leg go of their arm and use the free arm to hold their head as you cut the angle.

    Not really something that I learned but today in sparring I was able to do a duck under and take the back, do a toraondo pass, do an over under pass, and sumbit with a zipper choke from the back all in the same roll. It is really cool that I am retaining the things I am learning and that I can use them in a real roll.

  9. Training Log #1: 

    1. When doing an over-under pass you need to use your bottom hand to grab their leg and use that to keep it in place as you step over. DO NOT just gabel grip the far side leg and hold on for dear life. This is something that I really want to add to my game as I think that I could get to it a lot by trying to knee slide and hoping they put up a high knee shield. \

    2. We are not allowed to do dangerous throws, but when you are going for a throw both of your feet should be facing the same direction as your partner.

  10. I want to start this journal to document my journey on improving my brain and motivating myself to higher value activities. You could think about personal development as having 3 main levels, Neurological, Psychological and Philosophical (or Metaphysical). In order to do serious work in the proceeding level you need to have mastered the previous level, and that is what I will be focusing on. 

    Main Goals

    - Leverage Dopamine to be motivated to do things that align with my Life Purpose and top 10 values

    - Cut out all the activities that give me dopamine that are actually not worth doing (i.e. bad habits)

    - Create a vision that is powerful enough to keep me on track

  11. I'm a college student and I have been prescribed modafinil and Vyvanse for my ADD. So far I have used them extremely sparingly, and have worked on things like my diet, sleep, stress, etc. to better my health and focus. Recently though I have been asking myself why I shouldn't take them every day, or at least more consistently. There are potential side effects that aren't fully understood (and maybe couldn't be understood) that I am risking. But in a cost-benefit analysis, because the benefits are so great (Life Purpose progress, earning more money, productivity, better grades), what reason could you give for it not being worth the costs? 

    My thinking is something along the lines of choosing to risk the costs of psychedelics because the spiritual benefits are so great. The only reason I can currently think of for not using modafinil consistently is that I don't want my ability to focus on a drug. But even so, I could use it in such a way as to not let that happen. For example, taking extended breaks and using modafinil as a way to be more productive in improving my health and earning more money to invest in my health.

    I wanted to come here and get some perspective, and see if there is anything I'm not thinking about or if I'm being biased in some way.