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Everything posted by pink

  1. Heroin common drug of aa "Drug Addict" Amy Winehouse is a crazy drug addict. Amy Winehouse is a heroin whore. Enlightenment is true essential absolute source and the discovery of a whole dimension of yourself hidden in plain sight that you had never experienced before "your true Self". This dimension is not perceivable with the senses because it’s not within the field of your awareness. Instead, it is the source and ground of your awareness itself. Therefore, you can’t know this dimension with the mind. You can only know it by being it, which activates a dormant cognitive device far superior to the mind. This is achieved by forgoing all mental distractions and allowing every bit of your awareness to return to its source. Because when the full weight of your attention rests idly on its ground, a sinkhole opens up into this dimension and you become your true Self. It is feeling spirit that dwells in all life, "oneness"
  2. Courage, it takes being courageous to be present in truth To be a wild embodied mother.
  3. hey, only you know devils can't help being devils.
  4. A great tool to track it & give awareness to it!
  5. Most kids (sorry l am calling you a kid) don't get it & this forum may not even be the right group for you- Elle's work is wonderful - if you could listen to this, your fight or flight functions are pretty negative
  6. l feel, let's use the throat chakra, for all the public speakers here, the difference between expressing myself outward through the front-outward chakra & the silent embodiment of dropping into the back chakras. So what l am saying is consolidate wholeness, listen & choose to embody presence, then express speaking your message embodying the deeper, you.
  7. Just being alive on the planet makes each person Political. @pink says- well some of us may still look to be a very young female but actually are complex women who have actually lived through a lot & are just awake and truthful in response about whatever it was you just tried to pull off at the grocery store. Deal with it. How l deal with it is my karma. As my yoga teacher would say- 'Stay on your own mat'. also- Don't take it personally means that people are allowed to be selfish and do things that are only in their own interest. lt says more about that person (than the other person). so remember, Don't take it personally!
  8. lndeed, this is what my mouse mind says . . . . . .run- run as fast as you can & as far as you can- just run= bolt . . . . .never look back . .. . . exit plan
  9. Talk to your Dr about helping you with the sleeping pills and to find you a therapist, too! You can do this- you can be your own friend.
  10. Re-read your own post from watcher- bolt from the boyfriend- be your own friend- begin again.
  11. kinda funny - as a newbie l am thinking a lot about purpose yet talking about poo-- just try it . . . Manuka honey
  12. Local Honey is wonderful and nourishing and at the same time it is not From The Manuka Flower so it will not have the Medicinal Properties as the miracle Manuka Honey does- just sayin . . .
  13. Just do this....MANUKA HONEY MGO 550 . . . FOR SURE!!!!! Bees will work miracles.
  14. just start, aware of changing DNA, play, experience & situation: first unknowable pink level complete