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Everything posted by pink

  1. @Anna1 great post Anna said- "Actually, I order my groceries online and pick them up the next day. Its fabulous! But, I have to order some snacks, because I don't live alone, but I did order some healthy foods too." l notice ppl that are skinny do not focus their attention on food so l would look into the emotional need. So, pay close attention to the 'one' that pays attention.
  2. Colorado
  3. Out of comfort zone ; Ask the client for the true value money exchange that is fair actually, not going at the expense of my receiving and embodying resource. Receive and build an overfill of blessing and happiness.
  4. @lightnessofbeing So sorry this has been your experience. Neurofeedback could help reprogram your "fight/flight and freeze response" and can release the trauma out of the nervous system helping to root yourself from the ground level up and then your brain has the potential to optimize & embody balance. So sorry and at the same time you can do this healing.
  5. What if you took leadership? What would this look like?
  7. Awareness.
  8. Hey, but, wage labor got me here. How is the gap feeling for the next level potentiality?
  9. Here is info on the use of the flower essence aspects in healing: Manuka – The Essence of Purification- Exercise and practice lighter. Self-regeneration, metamorphosis, in touch with own power, depth of inner experience, balanced sexuality/sensuality. (imbalance) blame, victim, Jealousy, hatred, suspicion, intense frustration, rage, temper. Manuka tree raw Honey from manuka flowers.
  10. Maybe if wobbly is the problem, Rolfers are really good. There are lots each of are receiving, of changing past attachment & downloads and we need to learn to let go. Like the wave it (l) arise up and then hallow back one ocean. Beautiful.
  11. 30% more accurate, the stats are in favor of intuitive guidance
  12. keep loving what is it's the heart
  13. love you folks sharing dreams 'imagine me boiling a basket of kittens in hot oil' that's the nightmare l had- terrorizing
  14. l met Jesus Christ at a Jewish seder Sufi dance just last summer in New Mexico: For real!! Also- if we actually track our life, paranormal magic has never, not been there!! lt is way too easy to dismiss & for light ppl anyway could easily access their core vein of gold. We could choose holograms & choose to allow abilities to be recognized. Many light ppl are able to be waking up now. Everybody has a vein of gold. They choose to recognize their value, vein of gold. l experience a miracle just last month. lt colors me every day now.
  15. avoids the "issue" this is the best we all can do & guess what all the forums around and my own conditioned messy, don't really feel like the forum is really working for me, colors are "oneness"
  16. @pinkYesterday l was thinking, oh, this forum has so many triggered ppl. Then last night realizing, l am triggered! It is actually more like the ocean metaphor of love- the wave rises up into this personal experience like oh, yeah- l am triggered & then goes back into the ocean of 'l am light' "l am love" the ocean of oneness- all of this is oneness, all of this is love. Whether you call it conditioning (it was expected mine looks super different & warm and fuzzy) or what?? Love is everything, not just my expectation (that it is supposed to feel warm & fuzzy). And we are the pink light ppl. All of this is what we came to get, the ocean of oneness LOVE, no matter.
  17. Just sayin, many times this goal alone puts you in a sabotage position with yourself. This is a post for today's share about The dharma of the living being is to render service either directly or indirectly. Thank you @Leo Gura for choosing the way things are. My feeling is his videos are good guidance.
  18. The dharma of the living being is to render service either directly or indirectly. Thank you @Leo Gura for choosing the way things are.
  19. These are the 4 main archetypes (Carolyn Myss. Caroline Myss is of whom l was referring to. l studied intensively with her decades ago when she first wrote "why ppl don't heal." Myss writes about primary archetypes also.)+ (and she wrote many more individualized ones): one could have strength or weakness in these areas: 1 prostitute- where we are very willing to participate in selling out our self ie -Generally insecure, lacking self-respect, heroin hoe 2 saboteur- where we are driving on an off-ramp, not on the main road that has a sense of quality for us 3 victim- mistakes, generally challenged with loss 4 Child- young, inexperienced, underdeveloped, they smile & are innocent We all know these way too well- each is human vulnerabilities too, no matter.