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About Monad

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  1. I understand everything you are saying. Ego, purpose, meaning, duality, freedom etc. are illusions from absolute perspective, correct. Meanwhile, you rarely maintain such state of consciousness for long and most of your time inhabit a world of forms and dual expiriences and perseptions. Even if you are deeply enlightented and already blured the non-existing lines between dual and non-dual you still exist in a reality mostly perseeved as dual and in this linear halucination you move toward something, interact with other parts of the Consciousness (people) and most importantly create part of this reality (Consciousness ). In your Creation you need to follow an idea, an inspiration to continue to be a Form before merging the Absolute. With this pompose prefase, my questin is: After aknowledging all these illusions (ego, purpose, meaning, duality, freedom etc) when you get up early in the morning, after your routine 1hr meditation (I suppose), what you do? What do you create?
  2. Axiom 1: The purpose of non-dual existence is to exist. The purpose of dual existence is to survive/generate meaning (ego). Axiom 2: Purpose = Meaning generator Premise: Both are indistinguishable and ultimately One, but you can shape your life purpose either in dual or non-dual state. Question: What life purpose an entity in dual state should follow, in order to fulfil its non-dual purpose - just to be? Hypotesis 0: No dual life purpose can do so. Therefore, life purpose is unnecessary imaginative exercise. If you still define it, it will ultimatively makes you suffer (your ego) and/or be worthless if you are mostly in non-dual state. Hypotesis 1: Such life purpose exists but it cannot be manifested only in the world of forms. You need to partialy be egoic when you follow it. Hypotesis 2: Any life purpose will lead you there, no matter what you do.. More questions: How to construct a life purpose without generating meaning? Is a life purpose without even a droplet of develry possible? Background: I am an entreprenuer leading several businesses. So far, I am trying to develop each upcoming venture in more conscious and awaken fashion after expanding my spiritual path for the last couple of years. Looking to establish the most enlightened business possible.