Ya know

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Everything posted by Ya know

  1. And of course if you can get him to meditate ASAP that'll streamline his progress, but truthfully I think he needs some wins in the material world before he comes around to the idea, let alone the practice.
  2. This is a rough outline of the material I think is best for him Wes Watson / David Goggins / Rich Piana (No Joke) / Elliott Hulse / Mayyybe Dan Pena ? Unsure. (Coming out of depression - initial action steps, 6-12 months) Jordan Peterson / Tony Robbins / Jeff Olson / Jim Rohn / Early Actualized /Any notable self help teacher (Leaving behind misery - coming into independence) 1.5 / 2 years Actualized spirituality / Jesus / Eckhart Tolle / Buddha / Krishna / David Hawkins / Fredirick Dodson (Encountering illusions of materialism, transcending)
  3. If he's in grief which is typical of a victim mindset - try to get him angry about his life and situation. It's better for him to ''move up'' to the level of anger which will generate energy into action, rather than moping around achieving nothing. Sounds counter intuitive but it works. Once he begins to make positive changes he can shift into courage, neutrality, acceptance.. then into higher states of consciousness, but for now anger is the best place for him. Get him to think about how pissed off he is that other people have it easier, why they have advantages over him, and how his life is bullshit!! Then get him to shift into aggressive action. Smashing the gym, writing down his goals, being hyper focused on achievement. The best thing for him is this type of stuff. Leo's work will be too soft on him. This will shock him out of apathy / grief and into action. Good Luck.
  4. That second graph is interesting. I was in that hyperactive realm about a year ago - and was having ''success'' but hating it the entire time. After moving up doing some spiritual work it's funny to see the results and sometimes wish you were achieving the same level, despite the fact that your present moment is so much better than what you were inhabiting before.
  5. @Leo Gura If I could choose to be anything - and my past is entirely imaginary, why has it occurred in this way? Why would I choose to make needless suffering for myself?
  6. @lmfao I'm thinking aesthetics and consciousness are similar - appreciating beauty in something, rather than shooting stuff over and over. Maybe there isn't much development to be had, but its an improvement over the latter.
  7. @Carl-Richard Haha they should. I think of personality as something so fluid, constantly changing and evolving over time. Even proclivities such as a penchant for humour come and go based on a bunch of other factors - sleep, hunger level, etc.. it's hard to pin point who you are when its made up of so many biological, cultural and socio economic factors. Then rigidly clinging to something when it could be a combination of unforseen extrinsic factors that are subject to change.
  8. How do you guys deal with the questions - I feel energized when talking with other people? Whenever I read that I think sometimes I do, and other times I don't. It depends who i'm hanging out with and what the context is. It's too black and white to state whether I do or don't.
  9. I've received around 4 different results each time i've done it, years apart and in different moods. When I take it now I intuitively know what responses will lead to whatever result and I'm biased towards getting whatever one I think is the coolest at this point in time. I've been INFP lately. Do you guys believe in this stuff? How valid do you think it is? Will it serve my life in anyway or is it another excuse to bolster a false sense of self?
  10. Dude and Castaway!! When wilson leaves tom hanks
  11. And blue is the warmest colour
  12. Lost in Translation Lord of the Rings - Return of the King (Frodo and Sam break up - or is that the two towers??) Star Wars - Revenge of the sith (Mustafar scene) Call me by your name
  13. Hello, I've been playing basketball at a local church for the past year, and recently became friendly with the pastor. We talked about spirituality and religion, and I borrowed some of his books (C.S Lewis and a few others). I'm grateful to talk about spiritual ideas with someone who's dedicated their life to it, and has a lot more experience than myself. However I'm wondering if I continue this relationship i'll become involved with the church, and the potential side effects of doing so. On the one hand I probably haven't transitioned through stage blue fully and being affiliated with it could do some good. On the other, I'm nervous that I may become overly attached to the institution and prevent myself from self-actualization through reliance on an institution. To give some background, I've never taken church or Christianity seriously despite going to a private catholic school. What are your thoughts?
  14. Hey, I was wondering if anyone can elaborate on the spiral nature of development? I've watched all the spiral dynamics videos and have a personal story that I would like some pieces to add too. I got very drunk with co workers the other day after spending spending years without drinking to excess. After experiencing it I have no desire to go back to it and thought of the TS Elliott quote - “We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring. Will be to arrive where we started. And know the place for the first time.'' After so much personal development returning to that state felt terrible. With all I know now I felt like I kind of knew what I was doing for the first time, which will allow me to never do it again. Does anyone have any thoughts or comparisons?
  15. How can you sit there and know you are the only being in existence of I am not directly conscious of that? Shouldn't you not exist?
  16. Also plant based diet (not vegan, just way more vegetables), meditate twice a day 20 minutes, journal in the morning, regular sun, exercise everyday and schedule out your days.
  17. Get into basic self help. You have 0 structure, its no wonder you're depressed. Read Awaken the giant within, unlimited power, the slight edge, can't hurt me, 12 rules for life. Honestly Jordan Peterson would be the best thing for you. You're at the stage where you think life is miserable and his insights will coincide with your reality. Listen to him and do what he tells you. Also get a job. Doesn't matter what it is. Start working, that will give you self confidence and a reason to live. Build your habits around that structure.
  18. Ask yourself why you care and let go of that need (presumably some childhood wound, needing to feel significance through debate). No good will come of prolonged discussions on that website.
  19. This is Leo now
  20. I downloaded the audio book - jesus, buddha, mohammad which was really good. I think their other material would be of similar quality.
  21. @Member I was told it was ayahuasca, seems appropriate given the dramatic change in personality, values and interest in god. I could be wrong.
  22. Yo check this out Dude's losing it. Seems pretty vulnerable. Apparently he had a trip and saw god. Working through some intense familial trauma. What do you guys think?