Ya know

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Everything posted by Ya know

  1. Both of you post the same shit. ''There is no you'' ''You are dreaming'' If anything, you see yourself in his posts and are lashing out. Everything you dislike about him is exactly what you are.
  2. Also @Leo Gura, remember last time you took a bunch of DMT and made the same claims only to retract them later? How is this different to then?
  3. ''Reality is a dream, and we imagine ourselves'' - Bill Hicks What does it mean to be conscious of imagination? What is the difference between someone who is aware and not aware? Also excuse the tone of this question if it is rude, but why is reality structured in a way where seemingly the only way to achieve the highest awakening is to take psychedelics? That seems to be a strange choice.
  4. When one wakes up, why is everything considered perfect? Why is it perfect?
  5. @Inliytened1 @Matthew85 Ok thanks, interesting. It seems odd to me that there is only ever now though. So there is an awareness that is nothing, that only ever appears now. Now / Presence is such a weird thing to quantify. Through our own experiences it makes sense. Is it possible that others life forms don't perceive time the way we do? So hypothetically consciousness could be somewhere other than now? (Slaughter house 5) And if God is eternal / omniscient, could he be outside of the moment?
  6. @Inliytened1 If consciousness is infinite, doesn't that include the past as well? Or is the past non-existent somehow, and is only a function of the mind?
  7. What time were you cooking? if it was an unreasonable hour it might be justified. However, most likely you are co dependent and believe you are a narcissist.
  8. @Dino D I think new age is too airy fairy without definitive guidance, hence once people dedicate themselves to a true teacher they can make more progress.
  9. @Rishabh R I'd peg you at Orange, with elements of yellow because of your awareness of spiral dynamics. Honesty and social activism is a green trait.
  10. What are your values? What do you do regularly, and why?
  11. Red is red. He asked how to become red, I answered giving examples of red. It's low consciousness power. If you have alternatives, feel free to provide them. Any man who wants to burn through red / exhaust karma in that paradigm, that list will achieve it. For someone lacking in Red, the counter intuitive move is to become more egoic and selfish and then transcend it, giving the renunciation validity.
  12. Train twice a day at the gym. Deadlift / Squat / Chest press / Weighted Chin ups / Overhead Press Do 2 body parts per session (Except deadlifts) Chest / Back Shoulders / Arms Legs / Abs Deadlifts Listen to aggressive music. Don't be concerned with spirituality / love. You have to take a step back to go forward. Put a photo a Brad Pitt from fight club on your vision board, assimilate the energy from it. Have a lot of sex. Become a narcissistic asshole -(then grow out of it) Become obsessed over Alpha male dominance hierarchy stuff. Work to become dangerous. Physically and mentally superior to people. Don't meditate. Let aggression take over your life. See the world as winners / losers. Become egocentric and selfish as fuck. Never let anyone disrespect you without repercussions. Be willing to fight at any opportunity. The threat of violence should underpin any interaction with anyone. Try to dominate everyone you interact with. Look at them and think ''I can kill you''. Eat heaps of meat. Chicken / Spinach should be your go to. Primal diet. Intermittent fast, only eat between 12pm-8pm, get lean athletic. Dress well, stylish, outstanding. Flaunt you best features without any concern for conceit or pride. Wake up early and go directly to the gym. Then go again later in the day. Use as much hate, ego, evil, cortisol, desire, greed, passion as you can to pursue your goals. Embrace the dark side. Have no empathy or compassion for others, care only about yourself and how you can get ahead. Watch prison culture obsessively, see how yards are run, how order is established, why, how to get ahead. Learn about Chimpanzee societies, learn about Alpha males. I know this stuff seems ''bad'' and depending on where you look, it is. The good thing about it being bad is that 80% of the people you interact with don't have these demons, nor have they tamed them. So once you go through the journey of becoming a monster and extracting the energy from it after transcending into blue, you will have a stronger foundation to succeed in life. ''I have often laughed at weaklings who thought they were good because they had no claws'' - Nietzsche. (80 percent of humanity who pretend to be kind because they have no power) After a good 3/5 months of doing this you will get burnt out, realize the error of your ways and be transformed into Blue.
  13. Both enlightened people preaching truth, one accepted the other hated. What do you think?
  14. Embody stage red of spiral dynamics / Root Chakra
  15. As for your other friend, he has understood the teachings at the turquoise stage. The teachings of Jesus speak to him at a deeper level due to his depth of understanding. An analogy of two chefs with different skill and the same recipe works. The quality in outcome is apparent despite the same materials.
  16. Repressed shame and alleviation of suffering through surrender to a higher power is my guess. When you say born again, do you mean they are dogmatic preachers of Christianity without nuance? They are judgmental and demonizing towards others, consider sinning to be the ultimate evil? As Bob and Preety mentioned - you can only grow as high as your foundation is solid. People love to think they're more developed then they actually are, and life will throw them curve balls which reveals the flimsy nature of their development. Awareness of the spiral is a yellow trait, but theory and practice are two different things. When life crises occur intellectualism can only do so much to heal wounds of the psyche. What you may see as a regression is an ego returning to an early stage of development to re solidify to grow higher once again. Jesus specializes in saving people from themselves, their ego. When done honestly without the intention of being holier than thou, it can be one of the most important steps in a personal development journey. Instilling values of integrity, honesty, humility, love, peace.
  17. This movie is a good example of Red What would've happened if it was some other guy?
  18. Careful you don't become a demon on your journey. It's probably inevitable if you want to cultivate red though. Pushing Red till breaking point is a great way to get into blue though. Nothing like remorse and shame to get into Christianity haha.
  19. It seems like a stage blue concept - My ego vs external evils that prevent me from ascending, but i'm wondering what you guys think? I feel as if I've had times where I've had opportunities to exercise restraint, turn the other cheek, forgiveness, love rather than condemnation and resorted to egoistic reactions. This can be considered a test, as if reality is revealing a disparity between how I think and behave. Curious as to what you guys think, and if the idea of ''tests'' changes as you reach higher consciousness.
  20. Hello, I've been wondering, is it possible to be 2nd tier while having baggage in lower levels? Example - Can you be yellow / turquoise (conscious individual, capable of systems thinking, seeing bigger picture) but have pockets of red? Or any other combination. Being yellow with blue shadow, red - Turquoise with orange (Osho?) If anyone has examples of high stages of development with baggage that would be appreciated. I ask because for a while I believed I was higher on the spiral - but completely lost myself to red behaviors (selfishness, domination, alpha male macho shit). I was conscious enough to realize the hole I fell in and knew I was capable of more, but was lured in by pride / demonic energy. To rectify I returned to Jesus Christ and am filtering through blue , but not in a dogmatic fashion, rather a dissolution of ego and adherence to sermon on the mount.