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Everything posted by VincentArogya

  1. 1. How do you guys gauge your consciousness work and what determines your development? 2. I'm not referring to enlightenment when I mean consciousness work. Please share your strategies and tips.
  2. Thank you for sharing this. The breaking down of noun and verb was a powerful insight. I would love a little more clarification on this:
  3. Perhaps you're right. I am chasing after the feeling of love and ecstasy. And there's no difference between then and now. What I got to knew then, the insight hasn't changed but feelings did.
  4. It would have been fine if there was no awakening at all. But awakening to Love and losing it after a few days has kept me in this loop to chase after that.
  5. @mandyjw to raise my consciousness and not to constantly slip into egoic mode. To become a little more aware and present. To see things for what they are in the moment and not after judging them.
  6. Actually India. When I say consciousness work, I mean raising consciousness.
  7. Lol, the country I live in, we live with parents for a majority of our lives. I'm 26, and I only moving out this month.
  8. I was in a relationship with a girl two years ago and it did not end well. It was the first traumatic event in my life. Also, it was my first relationship. Although now I have warm feelings toward that person and I wish her no harm whatsoever, but there is this feeling of jealousy within me with a thought that says, "she left you for someone else or she cheated on you." Of course I have no proof if that's true and although I can intellectually discard those thoughts, The mind makes an intellectual statement saying that the other guy is you too. I think this needs to be addressed in a different way. On a consciousness level. But I am afraid I currently don't have the capacity to address it on my own. I'll be glad if someone could help me with that.
  9. Thank you for the recommendation. I will be getting the booklist soon. However, I am not looking to escape it. I am interested in accepting and integrating it. I have heard about shadow work and looked for articles and videos regarding this topic but nothing seems to explain the process of shadow work clearly.
  10. Dissolving in Infinite Love. Realizing that there is nothing inside this body. Weeping with ecstasy. Surrendering to Unity.
  11. Got it! Mind Blown! There is no such thing as straight or curved line. It's just the projection of ego! And mental construct. There cannot be a line without form. The notion of there being a line itself is an illusion. Haha!!
  12. Hahahaha! Now I know why zen masters laugh so hysterically!
  13. Some of his works: 1. 2.
  14. I used to criticize Sadhguru initially as well. But, I now see how he converses with all kinds of people. He treats everyone equally. Materialists and spiritual seekers alike. There's no way I am going to reach that level of unification without my mind forming a judgment about anything. Even if he doesn't offer enlightenment, many young guys here (in India) follow his teachings, albeit in their own contorted way, but hey you gotta start somewhere. Of course most of his advice is very practical, because here people are at that level of development. Most people in India are at stage Red and low-Blue stages and you cannot teach them spirituality. But to those who are interested, it's great news.
  15. Damn the subscription is so cheap. Just 100 rupees for a month in India. That's about one good meal.
  16. Whenever I connect with my parents, I feel rage emerging from inside. My talks are filled with rage. However, this isn't the case with other people. Though mind tells that I love them but I don't feel love for them. Also, they haven't done anything wrong to me. It's just that they are very stereotypical and I can't feel compassion for them.
  17. Language can do just so much. Otherwise, you enter into paradox. There is no difference between acceptance and rejection. It's a circle. Acceptance is rejection and rejection is acceptance.
  18. I have watched the video more than twice. It was excellent! And, I have many questions than I need direct answers for. Like what is Nothingness? What is Infinite Intelligence? What is Absolute Infinity? But, words are tricky and the mind gets attached to the concept of these words, which I am sure are not anywhere remotely close to the actual experience itself. The only facets I am aware of are - Absolute Love, Absolute Bliss, Oneness, Consciousness/Awareness as the substance of reality, no self, and timelessness. There's much more to find out.