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Everything posted by mark1

  1. Hi Leo guys and girls,about two moths ago i decided to do a mindfulness course,ive been into midfulness for about a year,part of the course was meditation.The first meditation i learnt was the body scan,then the sitting meditation and then a couple of others and then i went on to the silent meditation and on the third day of trying this the most strange and beautiful thing happened to me.I was about twenty minutes in when all of a sudden i started seeing bright lights in my head where the outside of these images were brighter than the core,then i felt like i had moulded into the chair i was sitting ,then my feet felt like they were connected to the floor and melting into it,then i became the room and everything inside it ,then outside into the woods too,also i had a warm feeling go through my body and i remember smiling to myself,the feeling i had was of complete pleasure and contentment like ive never felt before,then Leos face came into my mind when he says ",oh Leo now i know what your on about,"i will be meditating for the rest of my life, thats for sure,anyone else had an experience similar to this,you will know when it happens as there is no other feeling like it,not had it again since but i will be forever grateful for this experience,thanks for being part of it Leo,your a diamond geezer as they say in England.p.s.the whole thing only seemed to last for at a guess between 10 and 20 seconds.
  2. Here's my breakfast shake,handfull of green leaves all different sorts,bannana,strawberries,rasberries,blueberries,cranberries,cherries,red grapes,hazelnuts, honey, add some water and hemp seed oil,lovely.
  3. I think everything is ok as long as its done in moderation,some so called experts say that a glass of red wine a day is actually good for you,everyone to there own.