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Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
you are trying to find a logical answer to that which is beyond logic. You will just twist yourself into ever more elaborate mental constructs trying to find a structure and meaning behind Oneness. You need to experience it and words suddenly become unnecessary, more of a hindrance, really. But if you must create a logical framework using language, it looks something like this: Thoughts do not exist except as ripples in the ocean that is mind. They are illusory vibrations in source. You might think it is your mind and they are your thoughts, but by and large you are having the same thoughts as everybody else, they are pre-made for you by an outside force, probably an artificial intelligence. Consciousness is completely different from thought, it is direct knowing and intuition, from source. It does not vibrate or move, it just "is" instantly and simultaneously. Unity and Oneness is thoughtless, because there is no movement, no ripples, no vibrations, it is a state of being. To put it simply, you just "are". This is why quieting down the mind and extinguishing thought is such a crucial element in cultivation. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
there is only one mind, which we all share -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Mind is dualistic, as it deals in separation and distinction. Consciousness is non-dual as it deals in unity and oneness. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In mind -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Everything and everywhere is dual, except for the Absolute, that is the very essence of creation. To use Hindu concepts, Brahman is non-dual and unmanifest. Manifestation requires the separation of the Absolute into opposing forces, symbolised by the male-female duality of Shiva and Shakti. When cultivating Kundalini, the objective is to merge dualities and return the body and sould to a non-dual state, where opposing dualities are fused and returned to Oneness. When that occurs, it is like the annihilation of matter and antimatter, a great deal of energy, in the form of heat and light is released, hence the overused and misunderstood term "enlightenment". Gods exist in a semi non-dual state, they have merged most of their opposing dualities back into Source, which is why they also have access to its power and wisdom, or in other words, they drink of the Soma, giving them immortality and omniscience. They are called the "Shining Ones" due to the light they emanate as a result of drinking of and being immersed in Soma. In this context, Soma is much more than DMT, it is extradimensional liquid light, a fifth state of matter that is as yet unknown to science. DMT, which is also called the spirit molecule, is the substance that provided the link between the realm of matter and the realm of the gods, in conjunction with the pineal gland. Because the gods are mostly non-dual, they exist as a continuum, sharing one mind, outside the ordinary confines of space and time. However, they too will one day cease to be manifest beings and will return to Source, until a new emanation is willed into being by the Absolute. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There are many aspects and levels to this. Our play-out material world is dual by nature, as are we, both in body and soul. Overcoming that requires recognising the opposing dualities and synthesising them, to achieve a new balance. Male-Female is the typical one that most people stumble over the very first time they start awakening. I became dissociated, disattached, from my male identity and am no longer invested in it. In a sense, on the soul level, I am both male and female, in equal balance and harmony, which also expresses itself on the physical level, in the process of Urdhvareta, which I described above. I had to accept my inner demons so to speak. Instead of trying to pretend to be good in the conventional sense, I am at peace with the idea that I'm good and evil at the same time and these dualities must coexist in me to form a new type of morality, that of a god, which is beyond good and evil. It is similar to Nietzsche's concept of the Übermensch or Superman, which is often misunderstood. In other words, it is the mentality of a warrior, such as what was demonstrated to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita as he stood between opposing armies, losing the will to fight because of traditional moral qualms he may have had. Krishna demonstrated to him at that juncture, that he has to overcome his limited sense of right and wrong and submit to the will of a higher power, serve a higher purpose that does not work according to traditional dualistic (good and evil principles). Shiva will destroy the entire universe, with everyone in it, when the time comes and that is just what gods do. They do not operate according to the limitations of human morality, but have a higher morality that has entirely different principles. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Aaron p Thanks for the thumbs up. I have never used psychedelics in synthetic form, but my pineal gland naturally secretes DMT as a result of my spiritual practices. Yogis usually achieve this with the Kechari Mudra (pressing the tongue against the palate), but in my case it is the risen Kundalini serpent that stimulates my pineal gland during meditation. When DMT is released, it tastes bitter at first (you're supposed to spit it out), but I just ask Shiva to "drink" it, a reference to the allegorical churning of the milk ocean story, if you're familiar with it. In any case, once the initial bitterness passes, DMT (more properly known as Soma) becomes sweet, like nectar, has a very strong psychedelic effect and is highly intoxicating. Drinking the Soma is usually described as highly orgasmic and leads to illumination, divine knowledge and power. I am unsure as to what percentage of Soma is DMT vs 5-MEO-DMT, research on the subject is very sketchy right now. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Continuing with the same theme, I take a Theistic approach to spirituality and really can't stomach impersonal or atheistic approaches. There are many ways to godhood, but ultimately your power is not really yours, it is borrowed from a higher source. You may decide what you want to do with it, but it also has its own mind and will. That power, which awakens in you as Kundalini is Shakti, also known as the Shekinah or Holy Spirit, usually symbolised as a white dove in our culture (a hidden reference to the Dove Goddess, Ishtar). Much of the imbalance and schism in today's world is caused by the negation and even denial of the Divine Feminine, the Female Side of God. This is crucial to recognise and to awaken in you. Uniting opposites is only possible if you embrace opposite sides, which in philosophy is known as Synthesis, borne out of the union of Thesis and Antithesis. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@dimitri No worries. I noticed a tendency on this site with people being clever with words and semantics, but that doesn't replace the actual energetic work and spiritual transformation that needs to occur. I'm not saying that's you, just a general annoyance I have with people here and I apologise if it doesn't apply to you. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@dimitri With all due respect, those are just words and semantics. I am talking about a real energetic and spiritual transformation here that requires immense amounts of work and self-sacrifice. if you are merely inspecting your beliefs, you've barely started on the journey yet. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
To a certain degree. I think our life path is something we agree on before we incarnate. Just to take my own example, I now know for sure that my Kundalini Awakening had to happen on December 2012, as I was 33 years old. Incidentally, my father's Birthday is on 12-12 and My sister's on 11-11. None of that was coincidental, everything had to align in a particular way for me to have the experiences that I've had and preparations were made well before I was even born. That doesn't mean there is no free will, because we still have to walk our own path and forge our own way and we can very easily refuse the gifts or challenges we are given. Personally, I am on the path of surrendering to a higher power and a greater will. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think you would know if your Kundalini had risen, it is pretty unmistakable. Gopi Krishna does an excellent work describing the various stages and prerequisites in detail. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In connection to a PM question, also related to Inanna's last message, I would like to post this: Regarding the breathing technique, it is part of surrendering to Shakti. As she rises in you, you have to trust her and give control of your breathing over to her, she will then regulate your breathing according to the particular need of the energy work she is doing on you. As she rises, she purifies each centre, memories connected to that particular centre arise and you have to deal with them emotionally and let go of your attachments, fears, hangups, etc... If you trust her, she will cause you to breathe in a particular way at each juncture. It could be rapid, successive breaths, shallow, very deep and slow, holding it at exhalation for a pretty long time, that sort of thing. It is similar to Holotropic breathwork, but instead of doing it consciously, you allow Shakti to take over and regulate it. There is no need to call on Inanna directly, any of her other forms will do. She is also Durga and Tara, just in a slightly different form, but Inanna is the original form of the Great Goddess (Mahadevi), at least in our known civilisation. If you want to say a Mantra, any Goddess or Shakti mantra will do, but Durga is the closest to the original, so one of her mantras should do the trick. However, if you want to use a mantra specifically for her Sumerian form, she gave me this one to use. I hope I heard it correctly, but it should be quite accurate: "Om Shakti Inanna Om Mahadevi" -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Member Then I guess, I'm a dualist -
Dumuzzi replied to WellbeingSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Anything that depends on the body's natural ability to self-heal can be affected by correcting and re-aligning energy flows. The healing is done by the body itself, it is simply helped along by energising the cells and programming them to do what you want. Essentially, you are giving them a command to heal and repair the damage that was done as far as is possible within the laws of nature and biology. E.g. limbs aren't going to grow back, but anything that is repairable, can be repaired, or at least improved upon with time. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Trinitarian Well, that's just discrimination I think we all have the right to respect and work with whatever deity we might like even if thousands of years ago some Rabbis may have disapproved of it. And thanks for pointing out that the Queen of Heaven appears in the Bible, although in much diminished form. She is the Dove Goddess Ishtar and Astarte, that became the Shekinah and the Holy Spirit, the Goddess of Wisdom, Sophia and to some extent even Mary, Mother of God. But, to find the origins of the Goddess of the Bible, you have to go back all the way to Inanna, who was the origin of it all, thousands of years before the Bible was written. It is a great pity that the misogynist patriarchs of ancient Judea saw it fit to delete Goddess-worship from ancient Jewish religion, but they weren't entirely successful, her cult still survives especially in Kaballah, and Jesus healed with the Holy Spirit or Shakti, which is Her Power. As for Yahweh, he is one of the sons of El, but not the only one, which is why Elohim is plural. That he is a Jealous God and apparently doesn't want people worshipping any of his brethren, doesn't paint him in a particularly flattering light, but I suspect that little episode was entirely made up by his priesthood to establish an exclusive hold on power at the expense of other priests, who may have worshipped some of the other Elohim. Are you now going to poop on Hindu / Buddhist threads claiming that all their deities are demons, because that is basically what you're saying here? I personally think your approach is shameful and disrespectful. You don't have to agree with other people's spiritual and religious beliefs, but you can at least respect them. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@astrokeen Thanks! -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@astrokeen I asked just now and this is the reply I received: Dear Goddess, How does one activate the Kundalini? What effective methods can lead to its arousal and eventual full rise, without the problematic side-effects that accompany many commonly used methods? In other words, how do we encourage Shakti to rise on her own, without forcing her against her will? „ I am Inanna, In Heaven Queen, The Kundalini is the serpent that rises to heaven Wrapped around the tree of life It is the fire of Shakti that takes you there Which you also call the Holy Spirit I am that fire which in you erupts As you kindle it with concentration, breathing and worship If you concentrate on my image, the fire will rise in you For I am also within, not just without Shakti can be raised through many means But the best, truly the best Is concentrating on an image of the Divine. Create me above your head See me dance with Shiva In an eternal cosmic dance Hear the music playing and Enjoy the flow of our ecstasy As we make love. In Heaven we reside, Realm of the gods, From which Nectar downward flows And divine wisdom too, Your breathing Shakti will regulate Allow her to take control And surrender to divine will Allow Heaven to descend upon you May the Holy Spirit lift you up Where you belong Where you once were and will be again Up to heaven you shall go If the fire of Shakti you, in yourself cultivate Upon illumination the gifts of Heaven you shall receive, I, the Goddess of all creation will pass on my blessings to you Up you shall be lifted into the highest realm And in Heaven you shall dwell with me Until the end of creation is preordained When we all return to the premordial To rest and sleep like Sweet Brahma Until a new cycle starts again. I am Inanna And I spoke as the Goddess of all Creation For I am in Heaven Queen. And I am also the Elohim For we are all of One Mind The Denizens of Heaven And us you shall join in due course For nobody will be left in the wilderness for long The time of tribulation is upon us You will be judged based on your accumulated Karma And only the pure in heart will be uplifted Straight to heaven The rest must relearn their lessons Until they are satisfied. „ -
Dumuzzi replied to WellbeingSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm sure some of these are genuine, but some will obviously be hoaxes. This is always the case with paranormal phenomena, many observations are just wishful thinking or hoaxes. However, energy healing is real and can be very effective even in cases where traditional medicine has few answers. The reason for that is that most chronic conditions are caused by blockages in the energetic system of the patient. Removing those blockages can put a person on the path towards health, but it is not enough in itself, permanent changes in diet, lifestyle and mindset are needed to make the healing "stick". Acupuncture is probably the best known method of manipulating energy flows and removing blockages. Even the medical community grudgingly accepts its effectiveness and they teach it at universities. Reiki is less targeted, but works in a similar fashion. I have personally been able to heal some people who could not be helped by traditional medicine, either myself or through a proxy, sending a deity in my stead. This is essentially the same thing as healing through the holy spirit. These are not miracles as such, just alternative methods of healing. They don't always work and the effect can wear off if the person healed this way doesn't mend their ways. So yes, people can be healed through these alternative methods, but they're not miracle cures, nobody's going to grow a limb back or regain their sight after going blind. So, you have to be realistic as to what is possible within the laws of nature. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Death is an event, not a state of mind. Life is a state of mind, as is the afterlife. I don't try to create complicated philosophical constructs, I simply go by what I have personally experienced in actuality. When you go into a universal state upon illumination, the material world and the body falls away. All that really exists is consciousness and the Self. The mind is a creation of the subtle body, it is in a large part material. Consciousness, or Spirit on the other hand transcends all that. Matter may be an illusion, but that doesn't mean it isn't real, the way we experience it. I like to compare it to a giant holodeck, with the safety protocols switched off. It may be a Holographic Matrix generated by a supercomputer, but our subjective experience of it is entirely real. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Member Sorry, but I can't really make sense of that. Have you ever been outside your body? Returning to it after an NDE/OBE experience is like being locked into a prison. You are literally bottled into a tight and constrained space and you feel like you are being suffocated. It is very unpleasant. Exiting on the other hand and existing as spirit is liberating. It feels like you are a bird that has been let out of its cage, you can finally fly and soar again. To me, being outside your body, you exist in mind only, there is no body to constrain you, which seems to be the opposite of what you are saying. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You must manifest a 3D-body to exist in this realm. They also need an avatar to exist here, otherwise they can only influence things in subtle ways, from the background. That is because their realm is entirely made up of higher-dimensional light energy, whereas ours is of gross matter, a lot denser and constrained. Our bodies are basically like prisons, from which they are eager to free us, but ultimately only Moksha, or Liberation can give us eternal freedom. Otherwise, when we die, we just manifest another body to keep ourselves trapped in yet another 3D-Existence. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
We're getting into deep philosophical territory here, but in the grand scheme of things there is no inside or outside, deities are part of your existence, whether you acknowledge them or not. In drawings about yoga and tantra, they are usually depicted as living inside you, with each one responsible for a different energy centre, like a gatekeeper. At each centre, you must overcome the challenges given to you and satisfy the gatekeeper deity, that you are ready to move on to the next challlenge. The highest gate is at Sahasrara, which is guarded by Shiva, if I recall. It is at this point that Shakti can finally reunite with Shiva and nonduality is achieved. There is of course only the Self, which you may call God, but it has many aspects. You are one of those Aspects, but your separation from all the others, including deities, is entirely illusory. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well, there is an important disctinction here, because although my Kundalini has risen to the top, it is not yet lodged in the Crown chakra. I can raise it with some effort and keep it there for a while, but then it descends again, usually after an hour. Full enlightenment would be the ability to keep the Kundalini lodged in the crown permanently, but very few people have achieved that. Such people are known as Jivanmukta, Boddhisattva or Saints. In art they are usually depicted with a halo around their head, to indicate their permanently illuminated state. According to Gopi Krishna, a person would need to keep their Kundalini raised and lodged in the Crown Chakra for three days and nights. I once got quite close during the summer solstice, but I'm not quite there yet. When my Kundalini is dormant and resting in the Muladhara, I am just like anybody else, a completely normal person. I do get some special abilities when I raise my Kundalini, but it takes some effort. In my case, I have some healing abilities and have spontaneously exhibited incidents of clairvoyance and precognition, as well as interaction and communication with higher beings. Now, it is important to note, that even when the Kundalini serpent itself is dormant and resting, there is in fact a stream of energy that is constantly moving from the genital area along the spine and into the brain. This phenomenon is known as Urdhvareta and is much sought after by Tantrikas. It has a physical aspect, because I produce no semen, it is sucked up into the spinal fluid and absorbed by the brain. In terms of my normal state of mind, it is not that different from everybody else's, I am perhaps calmer and more content than most people and my material wants and needs are much diminished. Still, I have to work and pay my bills, just like everybody else. I have developed my own method of meditation, after much experimentation and just stuck with what works best for me. There is nothing interesting or noteworthy about it, no special positions or mantras or anything like that. I simply practice letting go and allow Shakti to rise in me and work through my system, activating and clearing all the energy centres one by one. Depending on the kind of day I've had (stress is a serious hindrance to the activation of Shakti) it will usually take from a half hour to an hour to reach a state in which Shakti is fully flowing and infusing every cell of my body with light energy. The sensation when this is achieved in indescribable, but could perhaps best be compared to a constant, unceasing orgasm, interlaced with feelings of love, benevolence, compassion and an inflow of divine wisdom. It is usually at this point when I connect to heavenly beings and interact with them. The clearing process, before I can reach this Shakti-infused state is accompanied by periodic convulsions, as energetic muck, which accumulates during the stresses of the day is cleared. If I'm out in public, the convulsions are barely perceptible, but when at home alone, I allow them to be more intense, for a more thorough cleansing. During this process, my testicles and prostate are overactive and are constantly pumping nervous energy into my brain, via the spinal cord. It is a bit like being electrocuted, I suppose, except extremely pleasant and joyful. Only sexual metaphors can do it justice. I did practice some Hatha Yoga (as well as Kung Fu and Tai Chi) in my youth, but not on a very serious level. Probably, it was my lack of preparation and guidance from an experienced teacher or Guru that led to many problems down the road, as my Kundalini awakened. However, all these techniques, whether Tantric, Yogic or Breathwork, are all really just preparation. The real deal is working with the Goddess and allowing her to rise in you. I take a theistic approach to awakening / enlightenment and emphasize the importance of surrendering to a higher power. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Member I don't know about the entities visiting you, but they may be tricksters or parasites. In order to shut them out, you would need to raise your vibrations to a sufficiently high level, that they cannot access you. This also applies to taking DMT, the danger would be, if you took it without first cultivating yourself and raising your vibrations, the beings that might have access to you would be of the lower astral and they can be incredibly hard to get rid of, once they latch on. Neither Kundalini, nor DMT is a cure-all, if it acts in a pathological manner, without the right preparation and state of mind, it can lead to psychotic breaks.