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Everything posted by Dumuzzi

  1. This Healing technique is very effective, you can actually feel the power surge as you say the mantra. Sometimes, I will replace Queen of Heaven with Elohim, which is also just as effective in invoking the power of Heaven. In fact this is the specific mantra I use for that: "I am healed by Adonai Elohim, It is Adonai Elohim, that heals me. I am healed by the power of Heaven, It is the power of Heaven that heals me." A more advanced Technique, for those that do remote healing is this: As always, you connect to the person remotely (usually via a photo). When the connection is successful, you should feel an electromagnetic buzz on your face, this is often compared to a cobweb descending on your face. There is often a sound effect accompanying it, which is similar to tuning a radio station. When you find the right frequency, there should be a sound of harmonic resonance, like when you find the right frequency for a radio station. Once the connection is established, I ask for permission from the person's higher self to heal them. I ask, until I get a reply. If it is affirmative, I will often ask the person's higher self to assist me and give me direction on where to go and what to do, as they obviously know best. I then ask them to project their energy body in front of me. This, I will see as a light show basically and darker areas are immediately noticeable, those are the areas I will mostly concentrate on. First I do a scan of their projected energy body with my hands, use the buzzing sensations and the lights that I see as a guide. Darker areas have a lower frequency, brighter areas have a higher frequency, which can be felt on the surface of the hand in terms of electric buzzing. I will invoke the above mantras as many times as necessary to commence and maintain an energy flow from heaven. I will direct them at the darker, lower-frequency areas, where the flow of energy is blocked or may be suboptimal until they light up and quicken. I go through the energy body several times and keep scanning and doing repairs, until I am satisfied, that the person's energy flow is sufficiently unobstructed.
  2. This whole story has been an instructive experience. I learned a lot about love and attraction and how it operates. It is no accident, that we talk about attraction, opposites attract, etc... There appears to be some mysterious electromagnetic force at play here which regulates attraction, bonding and love. I remember the first time I was in love, I could not only feel, but see (aetherically, or with my third eye), colourful strings that connected my heart (the energetic one) to that of the object of my desire. When we broke up, it was genuinely "heartbreaking" so to speak, because these invisible energetic strings that linked us were uprooted and broken. In Hinduism, there is a concept of gunas or ropes, which are sort of like strings, forming attachments that keep the Jiva (ensouled being) linked to the material realm through these bonds. When I awakened in 2012, all these bonds/attachments/ropes were burnt by the fire of Kundalini and I was "liberated" so to speak, but I also lost any link to the material world I had before, including any genuine interest in things like relationships, family, career, money, cars, etc... It was liberating to be rid of material attachments, but also painful, especially for people around me and the genuine friends I lost in the process. I was reborn and the new me had no attachment to this realm at all. It was then a whole new process to reform attachments and bonds on a different basis. I am now once again forming bonds with people, but it comes from a different place. It is hard to describe, but I would say my current bonds are self-emergent. They emerge organically as they may and I have no attachment to the outcome of whether they are successful, fruitful or satisfactory. In other words, I act and bond, but I lack any attachment to the outcome of my actions and bonds. I take their success and/or failure with equal indifference. This means that things happen as they may, organically and self-emergently, yet because of the power of synchonicity and intention they tend to automatically follow my own best interests. This is actually an important component in manifestation, you should put your intent out there and suffuse it with energy (borrowed from a Deity if needs be), but then you should forget about it and have no attachment to the outcome of your desired manifestation. This is a hard principle to master, but crucial to any energetic working with intent.
  3. Hi Kiko, Obviously your issue is not attracting girls, but keeping them interested in sticking around and establishing a long-term relationship with you. This isn't about looks or game, anyone can chat up a girl, with a bit of confidence and practice. What girls are really attracted to in the long run is energy and personality. You have to work on those. Whatever practice you do to better yourself and create a better version of yourself, will also work on a particular girl wanting to form a life-long bond and partnership with you. Fact is that women are far more sensitive to energies than men are and will suss out your intent and energy from a mile away. You need to be honest about your intentions, e.g. what is it that you actually want and put your intent out there, putting serious energy behind it. There is no need to be obsessed with your intent, but you should put it out there and let it work its magic. You should release your intent into the world, suffused with the right energy and it will attract the right girl into your life.
  4. @Preety_India Thanks Preety! I appreciate your kindness and loving attention to people on this forum. You really are such a wonderful shining light.
  5. Rather interesting developments regarding my dating life lately. Since I already opened up on this thread, to act as a Guinea pig for finding Love using intention and energy, as well as divine intervention, I will continue reporting my experiences, as uncomfortable as it is, for me to do so. To recap, I have gone through a Kundalini Awakening in 2012 and have concentrated exclusively on my spirituality ever since, not dating anyone or even showing any interest in the opposite sex. A few months ago, I started doubting my commitment to the Sannyasin (renunciate) path and have started putting the intent out there, to find my "other half" so to speak, or at least get back into dating and experience romance once again. A few weeks ago, on a saturday, the Goddess came to me and offered a boon. I just told her that she should find me a girl, or girlfriend (I don't remember the exact term I used), as I was fed up with the renunciate life and I wanted to have a woman in my life again. The next day, I sat down to meditate in my local park, and these two girls on the bench next to me (by girls, I mean women in their thirties, but sorry, to me, girls will be girls, irrespective of their age...) noticed me, starting looking over, giggling, taking selfies, whatever, but I paid little attention to them. So, one of them, a blonde girl, came over and asked for a light. Told her I didn't smoke and felt rather stupid that I didn't say anything else. Fortunately, the other girl, a brunette, was rather more deft and just asked me to come over and join them. They were having a little party on their bench and offered me some drinks as we chatted away. I ended up going on a date with the blonde one and we even kissed, within a few hours of meeting, which is highly unusual for me, if you know my background. Anyways, now a few of the details that were missing have been filled in. We have been on several dates since and although I thought we might not be that compatible initially, I have now changed my mind and it seems we are actually a really good fit in many ways. It turns out, she has a brother, who like me, had a spiritual awakening and decided to self-isolate for a number of years. Like me, he decided to come back into society, met a girl and they are now happily in love. This means she fully understands my rather unique situation and is fully in tune with the way I am and is willing to tolerate my many difficult character traits and idiosyncracies. I also explained my relationship with the Goddess to her and how she brought her into my life at my request. She freaked out a bit at first, but she now understands a lot of things about me and why she felt this irresistible urge to come up and talk to me. I actually really reminded her of his brother and she felt this instant emotional bond when she saw me contemplating and meditating. She thought I was the sort of serious guy that she would like to get to know and perhaps form a relationship with. So, I'm really happy that we met and things are going well, but there are certain hurdles that we still need to overcome, which I will write about another time. She also told me, that she can feel my energies, which she finds irresistible and that every time she is with me, she finds incredible calm and peace and that my energetic vibrations, to her, are angelic in nature and have such a positive, uplifting effect on her.
  6. Free will is paramount in this universe, that is the highest teaching. Becoming a god is about exercising ultimate free will. You are your own free agent and you decide what shape your life will take and how you direct your life path. This is decided by the strength of your will, your intent and the energy you put into manifestation. In effect, all of life is a magickal working, the only difference between those that are conscious and those that are not is whether they practice magick in a deliberate and planned manner or whether they do so haphazardly, without any clear plan or direction. Becoming a god is the ultimate magickal working and the end goal of all spiritual practice. It is what you were always meant to be, you just haven't realized it yet. Whatever path you take, at the end of each and every one is godhood. We are all creators, free and creative agents that co-create this reality. By becoming gods, we can slice out our own private universe from the greater whole and become its custodians and caretakers. Every god claims a particular specialty, area of expertise or region of the universe to rule over. This isn't handed out by a higher authority (though there is a heavenly council of sorts, a consensus of the Elohim hive mind), but is a natural and organic outgrowth of the interests, idiosyncracies and personality traits of the person that becomes a god. In other words, gods do what they do, because they want to, not because they're told to. They simply express their free will, the culmination of their wants, needs, interests and likes, which often coincides with the higher good, but may also be entirely selfish in nature. The point is, at that level nothing is good or evil in itself, it is simply godly and does not answer to the demands of human morality. Therefore a god is just as likely to help people seflesslly as he is to wipe out billions in anger, if he detects a slight. He might help the "unworthy" from a human standpoint and ignore the plight of the "worthy" without a second thought. Divine Grace does not depend on merit, talking about the Goddess in particular, She will give it to whomever takes her fancy and deny it to those that most want it. She cannot be forced or cajoled into abandoning her free will. When you become a god, you are on your own. You decide what you do with your own power. There's nobody there to judge you or to force you to abandon your free will. You can destroy the universe, if that is your will, or you can create a new one. Your own decisions only affect your section of the Universe, the one you rule over, the rest goes on as before. There are others of course, but they don't interfere in your affairs, except to give advice in a communion of sorts, where thoughts and energy are exchanged in a mutually satisfactory manner. I realize these ideas are somewhat contradictory. But, since we're dealing with gods, they have to be. Everything and its opposite is possible in the realm of the gods. There is no restriction, no boundaries or limitation, only infinite free will.
  7. @Preety_India Thanks. This one's a quarter Jewish, so I have high hopes. As Christopher Hitchens famously quipped once, Jewish women are by far the funniest.
  8. @Preety_India I know, I know, we're shallow and visual creatures. But, what i wrote, I think would also apply to a woman trying to attract the right man into her life. Obviously, some of the details and principles would be different, but we all have to deal with this at some point in our lives. In my case, I have been asexual and deliberately ignoring the opposite sex for years, even made myself deliberately unattractive (long, unkempt beard and hair) to repel women and make sure they left me alone. All I was interested in, was my spirituality. However, I've had my fill of solitude and wish to change things and steer them in another direction altogether. I think the Sannyasin stage of my life is now officially offer...
  9. @Onemanwolfpac I have been in the state of No-Nogamy for years now, so I wouldn't know I am actually really interested in this girl I met in Budapest, but she lives in another city, which is a pain... I may have inadvertently worked a love spell on myself when I asked the Goddess to send someone my way, so I have only myself to blame if I fall for this one... My main motivation with this thread is to help others who may struggle with romantic issues, that is after all Inanna's main area of speciality. I will be updating it as more info comes my way.
  10. @Demeter Of course, any spirit can be channelled basically. I mostly just trust Inanna, because I know her, she saved my life, has helped and appeared in front of others. I know for a fact that she is a higher being, a Goddess so to speak. With others, one has to use discernment. If you know Yahweh's history, he is one of the sons of El (Elohim), but claims supremacy over all the others, or at least his priesthood did back in the day. It is all very controversial, so I won't get into it here and we have very limited info as well, but rivalries in heaven are not unheard of. One thing to note is that heavenly / ascended / higher beings are not perfect, they are real persons, just like us, with their own idiosyncracies, strengths and weaknesses. Due to this, I don't actually advocate worship of deities, but take the Buddhist view, that they can make great friends and allies, help you on your path, but ultimately you are responsible for your own spiritual progress and salvation, nobody can hand it to you on a plate. We have to be realistic about what deities can do for us and what they represent, like I said on another thread, I do not believe, that there is an all-powerful, all-seeing entity that controls everything, we are all responsible for ourselves ultimately.
  11. @Demeter Thanks, Yes, I do prefer the channellings from Inanna in general. The first one sounded an awful lot like the Biblical God to me. I did not agree with the message being delivered, but I decided to transmit it faithfully. It may sound strange, but there isn't always agreement in what I refer to as the Heavenly Council, there are discordant voices sometimes. You have to keep in mind who the message is coming from and treat it accordingly. As we know, Yahweh is a rather Jealous god and does not approve of people worshipping the others.
  12. I will indulge you for one more session, but please note that channelling is energetically draining and I can only do one or two sessions at a time. Question: Why Do you Exist? "I am Inanna Let me answer this question now For we are all part of the same collective. We exist because we wanted to experience, To manifest life in its many and myriad forms To see what it was like to exist as a blade of grass To be the grasshopper upon it To eat the grass And to be eaten by the sparrow in turn, For all these actions are the same They are part of the circle of life The duality that keeps things in motion No life is possible without death Therefore the two must coexist in an eternal circle We do not determine the fates of individuals That choose to incarnate, experience life and learn their lessons They choose their own path and along with it, their own ending However gruesome and painful it may be It is a sacrifice they are willing to make for the greater good So that they may progress spiritually And experience a higher order of existence In their next incarnation. "
  13. I don't think you are going to be satisfied with this answer, but this is the response I received just now. It is up to you how you interpret it. Based on the context, I believe the source of this message was the Biblical God, it is his spirit that came to me, wishing to speak, maybe not entirely in response to your question, but certainly related to it. " I am Elohim From the earth plants grow I seed them and water them Their fruits and that of thy labour thou shalt receive These fruits thou shalt eat They are not forbidden to you Except that one which I forbade a long time ago The one that gives knowledge of good and evil And grants upon you eternal life I forbade this one fruit to you For man is not yet ready to enjoy its sweetness To taste the invigorating power of the infinite To bear the knowledge of everything All that is good and evil and beyond. Therefore your life has been limited to one hundred or so years And you are tested in this existence To be proven worthy of life eternal Existing as pure energy Where there is no death and no decay, Ignorance neither and bliss is unceasing. The Serpent resides in the Garden of Eden It gives you fruits that taste oh so sweet But with poison her gifts are tainted. I am Elohim, the one that created you Eternal life I did not grant you, Neither knowledge of good and evil, You took these gifts nevertheless Against my instruction And now the consequences you are suffering. You are to be granted eternal life If you can raise yourself up from your current condition By following the right way of life The path of the righteous and just. "
  14. Stop thinking. It interferes with Self-realisation.
  15. Again, God is a monotheistic concept, it does not apply to polytheistic philosophies, such as what you can find in Hinduism (notwithstanding some monotheistic tendencies, especially in Vaishnavism, which are clearly influenced by Islam and Christianity) . Simply put, there is no such thing as God, but there are gods. You are your own God, if you choose to be, but if anyone's expecting Santa Claus in the Sky, they're going to be severely disappointed. Becoming a god is about taking charge of your destiny and coming into your power, which is your birthright.
  16. Nope, not at all. Sorry if I gave you that impression. I am more than happy to interact with you. I will think about some answers to at least some of your questions, but it requires some thought and consideration on my side. I'll get back to you.
  17. Nahm, I'm happy to answer questions, but each topic is a complex issue in itself which requires considerable time to unravel. I don't do one-word or one-sentence answers like a lot of people here. This should also be a discussion, you state your opinion on a topic, then you can ask for a comment or ask questions. This is a discussion forum after all. I am not going to indulge your apparent intellectual need for Zen-like clever answers with zappy comebacks, which seems to be Leo's forte. If you are actually interested in a topic or experience, instead of just posting for the sake of keeping the conversation going, I am at your service. I also channel, if that's your thing, so if you have a particular question you would like to ask from a particular deity, I may be able to get you an answer, if the deity in question thinks it is worthy of an answer from them.
  18. Not sure if you got my drift there... I am actually saying that there is no God, in the traditional sense. There is only the Self, that is you, which can become a god and from an extradimensional perspective, already is, you just haven't gotten there yet on the timeline in your limited 3D existence.
  19. In some sense, they are us in the future and in the past. They are what we once were and will become again. To them, there is no time, that only exists from our own limited perspective. The Higher Self connects all of your future, past and parallel selves. From your limited perspective, you were once a god, but have "fallen" so to speak and you will be again, that is you will ascend at some point and return to Heaven, which is just a term for the realm of the gods and extradimensional continuum which does not obey the constraints of our artificial matrix, with its many dimensions and restrictions.
  20. Mind is a ripple in source field energy.
  21. I appreciate your questions, but they are far too numerous and vague to answer. I don't want to get all mysterious and Zen, but the answers to your questions can all be found within. You are coming at this with your rational mind and it is deceiving you into thinking such questions and answers to them are important, to justify its own existence. They're not. Thoughts are nothing. Mental constructs and rationality are nothing. Only energy exists, which emananates from source. Concentrate on that and you will find all your answers.
  22. When I talk about becoming a god, I mean that as a higher being, a Deva so to speak. I do not believe that the Monotheistic concept of one all-powerful being that controls everything is accurate. You can become a god, but you cannot become God, an important distinction. Brahman is source, the absolute, it isn't a person, therefore not God in the monotheistic sense. I don't claim to understand Brahman, nobody does, we can only say what it isn't and God it isn't, that's for sure.
  23. It's not that simple, because we all have a side of us that we are uncomfortable with and try to suppress. For most people, it is the darkness in them, their evil, destructive, animalistic nature. I'm not advocating letting it loose, rather to come to terms with it, accept its existence and use and harness it when needed, as in Arjuna's case in the Bhagavad Gita, which I mentioned above. Btw, that particular piece of spiritual writing refers to this very allegory, with Krishna representing the Higher, Divine Self, the god-nature of the individual and Arjuna representing the ego, the lower self. They need to work in unison, acting as one unit, in order for divine will to manifest, which in this case is a spiritual war.
  24. To be clear, I am not talking about becoming the Monotheistic God here. Such a concept is entirely erroneous and exclusive to the three bastardised monotheistic religions, which are entirely mistaken in their idea of "God". There is no such thing as God, only gods, which is another word for self-realised or ascended souls. They do have a collective consciousness and collective power, which you can become a part of, but there isn't an all-powerful being that controls everything and sees everybody's thoughts. You are right in that we have the capacity to become gods or "as the gods" to quote the Bible, but that is an entirely different thing than what you are talking about here.