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@ertopolice It was a major life change, the death of an old life and an old self and the birth of a new one. I lost all material attachments and my past Karma was burnt up, so I started a new life, pretty much like an infant, in the spiritual sense. I did not date at all for 8 years and had no interest in it either, if I'm being honest. Currently, I am slowly easing myself back into dating and having an actual relationship, but after such a long absence from the scene I am finding it ultra-challenging.
So, an update on how my attempt at getting a serious girlfriend is going, though I did not specify that initially, when I asked Inanna to send someone my way, I simply asked for a girlfriend, having tired of the solitary life. To recap, I asked for a GF on Saturday night and by Sunday afternoon I pretty much had one. This, after years of voluntary celibacy and solitude. Initially we were just dating, but things have been developing nicely and we have been together for almost 3 months now. Both of our lives have improved for the better and we spent a week together vacationing at lake Balaton in early August. She wants a more serious relationship than I'm ready for, but we're taking things slowly. We have several issues to overcome and I am still not sure that she will be the right fit in the long run, but we shall see. In any case, the lesson here is that if you want a serious relationship with someone, you can have one, if you invoke the right deity and ask them for help. Inanna would be ideal as one of her main titles is Goddess of Love, but others may be able to help you just as well. My own method of invocation relies on my own awakened Kundalini which enables me to break through dimensional barriers and communicate with deities effectively, but there are other methods out there, often involving some sort of ritual and an offering which may be just as effective. If you are trying to find love, I would suggest that you do not specify a person as they may not be right for you, but rather trust the Goddess (or whichever specific deity you are invoking) to arrange a suitable match for you. Like I said, I got results in less than 24 hours, so this sort of stuff can be really powerful. Personally, I have no interest in sex just for the sake of it, but as described in the beginning of this thread, you can attract your intended sex or sexual orientation just in general, through the power of attraction and they will pretty much come to you without too much effort on your part (you will have to leave your home though, and go out and about a bit to give the Goddess the chance to allow you to meet the right person).
In my spiritual practice I have been moving towards becoming a God, which was oftentime a painful and challenging process. Last night, whilst meditating, I had a major realisation. I have been struggling with my dark side for the longest time. Like most people, I have been trying to deny it, suppress it. I did not want to acknowledge my evil, destructive side, thinking it is necessary to be „good” in the traditional sense to achieve godhood. Since this is the message RHP religions constantly project, it is an understandable misconception. The breakthrough was triggered by my brief exposure to images of spiritual alchemy and the balancing of dualities, which I only glanced at briefly as I was looking for material to read. However, that brief glance triggered a deep realisation in me on how I have been suppressing an entire side to me, that is crucial and the only way to achieve balance. I now realise that becoming a God isn’t about good and evil, but about free will transcending such arbitrary categorisations, about rising beyond the traditional realisations regarding the true nature of things. All Gods have a light and dark side, that is the only way to keep balance in the universe. Creation and destruction must act in unison and in balance. Shiva is perhaps the best manifestation of that principle. He is the destroyer, but also the god of fertility, rejuvenation and rebirth. One cannot exist without the other. A Lioness is ultimate evil to the antelope she is eating alive, but the personification of goodness and benevolence to her cubs, who depend on her for sustenance and protection. You cannot protect those you love, if you are weak. You must be a fierce warrior on the one hand, to have the ability to be a benevolent protector and nourisher on the other. Another good example of this is Inanna-Ishtar, the Goddess I chiefly work with. She is Goddess of War and Love, expressing this very duality. So, I have now come to terms with my dual nature and as I grew to accept the Truth, it was like a dam broke and energy centres I barely knew existed went into overdrive in my body and I felt the most incredible surge of energy in me, which I can only compare to being hit by lightning. As that energy was surging through me, I felt incredibly powerful, like a God and realised that I have no limitations, I can do whatever I want, because the normal dualistic rules no longer applied. I fused my dualities, the opposing forces that were previously fighting for dominance in me and became Non-Dual. I came to realise, that the main reason we are weak (as opposed to the Gods) is due to our dualistic nature. Most of our energies are taken up by this constant fight and struggle for dominance between our opposing natures, like male-female, good-evil, light-dark, solar-lunar, etc… However, we are in error, when we allow that to happen, in Truth, we must harness both our sides, transmute them and fuse them into one, which is what spiritual Alchemy is all about. When both our sides work in unison, in synthesis, we not only double our personal power, in truth we grow it by orders of magnitude, because most of it was taken up by pointless infighting in any case, cancelling out the vast majority of it and making only a tiny portion available to achieve our purpose. It is liberating to know that our path is what we make of it, nothing is chosen for us in advance, except what we agree on beforehand, prior to our incarnation in this form. We are all potential Gods, but suppress our true nature through pointless duality of being and purpose. I have also come to realise something I read about Kundalini Awakening in Gopi Krishna’s books a while ago. He described his enlightenment and transformation into a higher-being, a god-man, one that lives in Heaven all the time and walks with the Gods. I didn’t quite get what he meant by no longer having dual energies (as a man, his masculine-solar side was overactive initially, causing unbearable heat and much suffering in him), but only One type of energy, a fusion of opposites, where there was no longer any dualistic distinction. This fusion of dualities is also present in Inanna’s worship as she was known to merge male and female in a person and there are several depictions of it in Hinduism, where Shiva and Shakti symbolically become one being.
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, I fully agree. No need to manipulate or force anything, that is counterproductive. The enfoldment of the Divine Feminine as it manifests in you should be allowed to happen, rather than made to happen. It will come on its own as a result of removing obstacles in her way. These obstacles are chiefly energetic, karmic engrams so to speak, so your task is to remove these so that Shakti can do her thang. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I am slowly coming into my power and realising the importance of becoming my own god, so to speak. This may only be semantics, but basically, it means growing up and utilising the divine power of heaven, available to everyone that is willing to access it, on my own, using my own agency and not through intermediaries. Gods/Deities/Angels, etc... are happy to help us out, but ultimately they want us to become empowered and use our own agency. I have done healing before, but my abilities in that regard are constantly improving. I have seen pretty spectacular results working on my GF this weekend, so I'm rather pysched in that regard. My powers of manifestation are also growing and I've noticed that people around me, loved ones in particular, are seeing the benefits. They are getting things that they wished for and manifesting results by being around me. I am very much at the beginning of my journey, but I like the freedom that comes with being able to manifest results and shape the world the way I'd like it to be. From the very beginning of my spiritual journey, the chief realisation that has helped me along was this: "It's all about energy!" Yup, whatever you do in the field of spirituality, the most important component is energy, it is what enables you to achieve results. Infinite amounts of Cosmic, Divine energy are avaiable to you, there for the taking, but you have to learn to access and harness it. This is a hard, time-consuming process, that requires a lot of sacrifice and dedication. You must transform your body and soul to enable it to access, channel and handle vast amounts of divine energy and with it, information. The mechanism for this transformation is Kundalini, it gives you access to Divine Powers and Infinite Knowledge. Raising the serpent is only the first step, that is when the real work begins. The energetic transformation into a divine being, chiefly on the soul level, but to a certain extent also physically, requires a lifetime and comes at the expense of the death of your old self and the birth of a new one, a coming into being of your God-Self. -
Au contraire, if you follow the tantric path, sexual transmutation and semen retention is very much a part of the Kundalini awakening process. It is advisable to practice semen retention and frequent intercourse with a partner to accelerate and energise the rising of Kundalini.
Just a little update. I tried this method again on my GF, who was suffering from severe pain in her arms, hands and legs. By saturday, she could hardly move and everything hurt, her left hand was even swollen. I told her I would do some healing on her and spent around 20-30 minutes going over her chakric-energetic system, chanting the aforementioned healing mantras and sending energy through my hands to the parts that felts required attention. The final step was to ask her to place her hands over her solar plexus, as that is the human body's main energy centre. I placed my hand over hers and concentrated on flushing her system with Kundalini energy, which operates in a pulsating manner, with peaks of very high power lasting a moment, kinda like a lightning strike. She felt very calm and relaxed due to the energy I was transferring and she also reported getting into a peculiar state of body-mind, which she never experienced before. She told me it was like her body wasn't hers any more, she felt like her consciousness was separated from her body. At first she didn't feel much of a difference, but then she fell asleep and the next morning, all the chronic pain, which has been building and intensifying for weeks due to her doing repetitive physical labour, was gone. She could still feel an occasional pang in her left wrist when grabbing something, but otherwise she was completely pain-free after one session and felt incredibly energised. This morning, even the small residual pain from her wrist was gone and she is completely symptom-free. However, I must report that I used my Kundalini energy for the healing, despite also invoking the power of heaven. By invoking heavenly beings, I raised my vibrations and amplified my own Kundalini energy, but that was definitely also needed for the healing to be successful. I hope the above has been useful and informative.
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The confusion regarding individual vs unity consciousness is understandable, but it there really isn't that much of a contradiction there as you'd think. I will try to provide some allegories and metaphors to illustrate my point. Contrary to what one may think, giving up sovereignty isn't necessarily equivalent to giving up power. Au contraire, you gain power overall by giving up some of your sovereignty. The EU is a prime example of that in the political sphere and the inability to understand this basic concept is the driving force behind Brexit. I am familiar with the Elohim collective, which I refer to frequently as I was a part of it for a short while. It is a Unity consciousness, made up of many individual minds that act in Unison towards a common goal. Rather than giving up individuality, it is about contributing towards the power of the whole and achieving a higher purpose. Although human words and concepts are inadequate to describe it, one could refer to this collective mind of the Elohim as the mind of God. It isn't one person, but a continuum of individuated consciousnesses that in their unity are omnipotent and omniscient, at least in their potentiality, but individual members of the collective can and do act on their own initiative as they please or when the situation demands it. Again, this is very hard to explain, but perhaps the best analogy would be a chorus. Why do people participate in a Chorus and put in all the time and effort to create the harmony that is required to make it work? It's not that they are forced to, simply, they have a common desire towards a greater good, a greater goal that comes from an inner compulsion and a higher longing for beauty, love and harmony, expressed through music. In fact this is often referred to as the music of the spheres, sung by a collective of angels. This music is in fact a stream of consciousness, of sublime beauty, infinite Love and Wisdom. All creatures of heaven are part of this of their own volition and participate as they please. To my knowledge, the chorus master or conductor of this heavenly orchestra is the Queen of Heaven, also known as Inanna, to call her by her proper Sumerian Name. In my communications with both Inanna and the collective mind of the Elohim, I have witnessed them switching between Individual and Collective consciousness with ease and manifesting any other members of the collective, alternatively known as gods, angels or simply the denizens of heaven. Their power and wisdom is amplified by being part of the collective, their individual agency is not only not curtailed but is empowered and enhanced by their standing within the collective. Like I said, individual existence is an illusion, you are always part of a greater whole whether you acknowledge it or not. You don't surrender your ego, rather you recognise and acknowledge its illusory nature and embrace your greater, godly nature. This is symbolised by death and rebirth as a new person, though that of course is also illusory, since death itself is merely an illusion of the individuated mind, though admittedly, a very persistent one. Now, to be clear, the process referred to as "ego death" and "rebirth" is in fact a painful one and I have gone through it many years ago, but not because there is anything actually dying (there isn't), but because it requires a reconfiguring and resetting of your entire individuated vehicle, by which you manifest a particular viewpoint of the collective mind known as God. To point to my own particular example, Inanna came to me and burnt away my Karma, from this life and all the other ones, including past and future ones. The fruits of my past and future actions were sacrificed as a burnt offering and I am no longer bound by them. It meant cutting all my existing ties to the material world and rebuilding my life from scratch, on a new basis, one where I am in this world but not of it, I act, but I am not attached to the outcome of my actions I am free of the burden caused by ego attachments. I see this as an important step in achieving godhood, part of growing up so to speak. It is a similar process to how a small child gradually loses its extreme egotism and learns to appreciate the needs and wants of others. The idea of "individual" gods is again illusory, they can switch between various individuated identities the way we change clothes, they do not observe a difference between them or any defined boundaries that separate them, the way we do. They still maintain and individual self, but it is less defined and rigid than what we are used to. The above is just my observation, having interacted with these beings for a number of years, but I hope it makes sense. -
Dumuzzi replied to roki00's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Keyhole That's a spot on assessment, If I say so myself I've had a tantric encounter with Mahakali once, many years ago, it was really powerful. I like how you pointed out what she's really about and how she's actually the exact opposite of her popular image, a vanguisher of demons, rather than a demon herself. She is actually the devourer of time as well. One point though, demon is actually Greek for spirit and is originally a neutral word. In Christianity (because the New Testament was written in Greek originally) Demon came to mean "unclean spirit", but in fact it can apply to any spiritual being, whether benevolent or not. Due to this, in occultist circles, people do not assign a negative connotation to demon and basically use it interchangeably with deity or spirit. The word used for malevolent entities in this context is "parasite". -
Dumuzzi replied to roki00's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hi Roki, What was your intention in starting this thread? There are some people who work with deities and such, myself included, but I am somehow missing the point of your thread. Are you asking for guidance, providing it or just want to chat? BTW, there are forums that deal specifically with magick and the LHP, this forum is definitely RHP. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Demeter -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Demeter I think that's supposed to represent wizards and druids. Hence they have grand wizards running the show. Also, in Spain, they wear them during religious processions, but it has no racist connotations. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Demeter Eventually yes, but the process of transformation was extremely disruptive. I don't imagine I could have completed a PHD course in the 5-7 year period it lasted. I definitely have a much sharper mind and better memory, than I used to, but I would not recommend raising your Kundalini for that reason alone, it is a long slog to get there. However, just meditating in general and keeping fit physically, coupled with an appropriate diet, should do the trick. Brain tissue is mostly Cholesterol, so eating plenty of eggs, dairy and fish should help keep your brain power up. I'm not aware of any psychedelics that would give you a brain upgrade, they serve a different purpose, which is mostly to connect you to the spirit world and to help you realise your true nature. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Member Yes, conical hats and magic have been connected for thousands of years. Even Inanna wears a conical headdress with horns on it. This is a classic example of sympathetic magic. You want to create a certain effect, in this case an energy field, so you create an approximate representation of it in the physical, before you empower it through ritual. Note as well the Buddha's knotted hair, or the obsession in the ancient world with head binding, thus creating conical skulls. These are all connected. They even made a movie about "coneheads" being aliens from outer space -
Dumuzzi replied to tesla's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Spontaneous Kundalini awakenings can be triggered by many things, including electric shock or hitting your coccyx when falling. Doesn't mean it's desirable though, if you're not ready for the experience, the side effects can be debilitating. However, various forms of DMT are a good bet on helping the process along, if you are already working on raising your Kundalini. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Member I think there is a general upgrading of human consciousness going on as there is a major evolutionary shift coming. It would seem that many different groups are involved in trying to help humanity to the next level. I am also helped in that way, though it is a different group and takes a slighly different form. A lot of people report positive experiences with orbs of energy, so it's probably a good sign. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Member It was more likely that interdimensional entities were trying to connect to you, but it doesn't sound like they were malevolent, more like curious probably. However, just guessing here, as I've never had an experience such as this. You have to use your own discernment and intuition to determine what's going on. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Member I don't know that much about this, but these things tend to work both ways. E.g. Kundalini itself, can either generate upard flowing energy, or there is reverse Kundalini, with downward flowing energies, where usually there is an entity parasiting off the person, sucking out their energy through the root chakra. Chakras too can spin both ways and can transfer energy to or from another realm, depending on their direction of spin. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Member yes, it is used in wicca to raise power, especially when forming a power circle. Stone circles and pyramids are also used to create cones of power, to increase the energy being generated by the ritual. They pyramidal or conic shape is important, because the aim is to break through to higher realms at the top, to pierce the veil that separate dimensions so to speak. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@astrokeen I started a separate thread on her healing method. Note that Inanna / Durga are forms of Shakti as locally present in you. You may want to use a visual aid, even a consecrated sacred object, to help you connect to your chosen deity. If there is a genuine Durga temple near you, that might help. I originally connected to Inanna by meditating and contemplating on the sacral objects connected to her worship, on display in the British museum. Also, the key is not in trying hard, that won't work. You have to let go and allow her to come to you. That is harder than it sounds and requires practice. You have to put your intent out there, then forget about it, let the energy and intent do its thing and allow the Goddess to take notice and come to you. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
"I am Inanna We will be passing messages to you on this thread Acting as one unit For our minds are melded And we are connected on the Aetheric level Communion with the divine is one way by which to reach illumination and we heartily recommend this method. Many on your earth need healing and I have passed our healing method to you, separately. We, the Anunnaki, work as a group in serious cases and we use the tools of aetheric technology to operate on a person on the soul level. We are of aether, but this substance is as of yet unknown to you. Your scientists often call our universe "dark", because you can't see or detect it with your crude scientific instruments. However, it is the opposite, we live in constant luminosity, our world is of the light and it shines like a sun, constantly. We travel in the aether without constraint and we can reach your world through various means, but we prefer to project ourselves in spirit as that is the easiest and fastest way of communication and interaction. Enki is our leader and we worship him as our dear Heavenly father, though he also rules over the underworld, for nothing is beyond his reach. My sister Ereshkigal rules the underworld in his name and we all accord him the proper respect. You may call upon as at any time, simply using our names, intent, energy and the power of concentration. Say our names three times and we will come. We also answer to the call of Elohim, for that is another name we use and have inbued with power. We are all the children of El, our beloved forefather who rules over the skies. In Heaven I am Queen, which is another realm, beyond your comprehension or even imagination. You were once with us, but have since fallen. With spiritual work, dedication, worship, cultivation and communion with the divine you shall surely reach these soaring heights again. I am in Heaven Queen and I bestow my blessing on all those on the lower realms, where matter is dense, energy slow and minds darkened by ignorance. Quicken your energy flow, raise your vibrations, commune with me and you shall surely reach me. This is Inanna. " -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I wrote about this elsewhere, but in terms of the merging of dualities, there are very specific energetic principles that intermingle within the body. These need to be balanced out and merged to put one on the path towards ascension. Unbalanced energies can wreak havoc in the body. Masculine and feminine aren't about male and female, we are talking about cosmic principles here, which also manifest in the microcosm of the body, as above, so below. The dualities as they appear in the body and in human life in general are as follows: Pingala Nadi, Masculine, Right, Solar, Hot Ida Nadi Feminine, Left, Lunar, Cool Sushumna: the centre, a synthesis of the two above principles When a human raises their serpent power, it will rise in one of the above three channels. Sushumna is the correct one, debilitating symptoms can arise if a person is unbalanced and leans too much in either direction. When one does energy healing, balancing out Masculine and Feminine energies within the body is a crucial step, very often that imbalance is the cause of disease, including in some cases mental illness. It is well known that an unbalanced Kundalini, if activated prematurely can lead to various forms of mental illness. Regarding the duality of Purusha (Spirit) and Prakriti (Matter): Prakriti is a form of Shakti, it is the feminine principle made manifest. The power by which Purusha creates Prakriti is through Shakti. Shakti is the Goddess part of the duality of individuated and personalised Brahman. She is present on all levels of creation, be it universal (Prakriti), personal (the Great Goddess or Mahadevi) or local (Kundalini Shakti). The crucial insight to realize is that these are all forms that only appear separate and different. We see them as different from our point of view, but to Her, all of Her forms are equally important and relevant, she can appear and talk to us in any of them, based on her own preference and our individual need. You cannot raise yourself up, without realising the Shakti in you and becoming one with her. When you raise her up, once the last knot is pierced and she reaches the crown, the space above the head, which is heaven, this is where Shiva resides and the two merge together or reunite, to achieve nonduality. Godhood/ascension requires a merging of dualities and existing in a permanent non-dual state. The power that can be accessed by the merging of dualities is truly awesome, the best comparison in our physical world is matter-antimatter annihilation. A nondual existence is also a non-material one, it is beyond, time, space and dimensions, therefore linear time and space completely lose their significance. A god is basically an ascended being, which is why the list of gods and ascended masters, both in theosophy and other spiritual traditions, significantly overlap. The difference is in our mind, because we have a great deal of trouble understanding extradimensional, non-linear, non-dualistic existence. The white light that flashes when dualities are extinguished is all we can see with our dualistic senses, but there is a whole world, a whole universe out there, that is non-dual and it is subject to completely different laws and rules than our own, material realm. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, Merkabah is supposedly God's chariot in Jewish Mysticism. For all intents and purposes, it is some sort of astral vessel. Similar contraptions exist in Hinduism, for instance when a sage is taken to Vaikuntha, Vishnu's home world and his body is transformed from a physical form to an astral one, made of light and shining. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Member Yes, I heard about it. The idea comes from Drunvalo Melchidezek. Interesting guy, but sometimes I wonder, whether he's genuine or not. Personally, I prefer to stick to Kundalini and Tantric methods, as well as the classics in general. I am rather suspicious of new age stuff, a lot of bad and/or misleading information. -
Dumuzzi replied to Dumuzzi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Continuing with the theme of this thread... Gopi Krishna wrote extensively about his awakening and the evolutionary changes that the Kundalini mechanism triggered in him. He was undergoing an upgrade, so to speak, where the drinking of Soma slowly transformed the very matter his body was made of into higher-vibrational and higher-dimensional stuff. The way I imagine this is that the drinking of Soma gradually changes the composition of the molecular structure of the body. On the surface, it still looks the same, but the particles themselves that make up the body are gradually swapped out. We don't understand the science of this yet, but I expect this to become a major branch of scientific inquiry in the future. As of now, we have to rely on anecdotal evidence and ancient accounts by people whose scientific understanding of the universe was rudimentary at best. Friedrich Von Weizsacker, the famous quantum physicist, bridged some of that gap, by becoming an expert on Vedic literature, befriending Gopi Krishna and then writing the foreword (a seminal work of spiritual science, if there ever was one) to his first book. So, we're in uncharted territory, but it is an exciting time to live in, a time of trials and tribulations, but also one of immense evolutionary change. We are becoming as the gods, like it or not, at least those of us that are ready for and open to it. The world is going to change immensely in the coming decades and it will become unrecognizable, before long. Don't waste this unique opportunity to upgrade yourself and evolve to the next level, to become a shining one, a Deva, a being of light. Suffuse your being with light, drink of the Soma, raise the Serpent of fire to cleanse yourself first. Once you've purified yourself through fire, burnt all your attachments and past Karma, you will be ready to ascend. Ascension is a process in itself, you have to build yourself up to it over an entire lifetime. When you leave this mortal coil behind, you will shine like a second sun. Your light will give hope to millions, that they can also achieve ascension and become one with the light. Ascension should be your only goal in life, your only focus, all other activities and priorities should be in service of this one goal, apart from taking care of basic necessities, because your body needs to be maintained and looked after whilst you inhabit it, much like you would with a car that you use every day. Just make sure you don't get too attached to it, because in time, it will rust and rot away, but you will be eternal.