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Everything posted by Dumuzzi

  1. That is actually possible, in fact, it is the goal of self-realization. Heaven is actually the space just above the top of the head, the seventh Chakra. It starts from the crown and extends into infinity. The expression "I'm in Seventh Heaven" is an allusion to that. The bliss that floods your entire being upon reaching this state of mind is indescribable, but has often been compared to a thousand orgasms I can confirm that it is an apt description.
  2. Great points. My sister is actually a professional dog trainer and I help her out sometimes. Almost no one who has a dog knows how to handle them. I noticed a similar deficiency in people's personal relationships. It is mostly about the belief you have in yourself when you approach someone else. If you believe that you are confident and worthy of attention and affection, people will immediately relate to you from that frame of reference. You will exude this attitude energetically, in terms of your posture, non-verbal clues, the tone of your voice and even body odour and pheromones. The trick is to truly believe that you're top dog and have no doubt whatsoever in your mind that you are doing the right thing. Once your confidence wavers, people / dogs will immediately pick up on it. This fearlessness and confidence is not easy to develop, but it is worth it.
  3. The Illusory nature of existence lies in separation. In truth, we are a continuum of consciousness, all intimately connected to each other. We choose to exist separately at this juncture in time, space and dimensions, yet we could just as easily be one with one another. You and I made a decision at some distant point in time and space to separate from each other. That was painful, but we wanted to experience individual consciousness as separate beings. When we'd had our fill of individuality we will become One again. That is essentially what Love is, the realisation that we belong together and aren't actually separate entities at all. This works for two individuals in romantic love, friendships, family ties or collectively as well.
  4. I have those dreams too, I am convinced they are lives I'm having in alternate timelines, parallel universes, past, future and whatnot. It is the same Self, living many different lives across, time, space, universes and dimensions, but they are all integrated and observed by the higher Self, simultaneously. Their linear temporal nature is illusory, in reality there is no before or after. All of us are tied into the material world, our lives are experienced by our higher selves, but we forget that once we get incarnated. You could say that this is a feature of Reality VR (TM), for full immersion. When we wake up from this life, it will seem like a dream and a distant memory, much like your early childhood seems now. It was still you, but you are not the same person that you once were. You are in a different state of being and on another level of consciousness. This is how previous lives will also seem to you when you awake from the material delusion and realise your true nature.
  5. Yes, that sounds about right. In the end, it all comes down to connection. People obsess about the material, outwardly visible stuff, but that's really not what attracts people and brings them together. There is an intangible, energetic component, which is usually referred to as "confidence", "femininity" or "masculinity", but is really created by attitude, how you conduct and present yourself. The best demonstration I have seen is from Cesar Milan, who uses it to teach people how to handle animals, but it works equally well on humans. There was a hilarious South Park episode, in which out-of-control Cartman was finally put in his place by Cesar, which made this very point.
  6. Heaven and Hell aren't eternal, they are part of the temporary delusion. You could think of them as waypoints between lives. In reality, they aren't places at all, rather states of mind. You put yourself into a particular state of mind after death, based on the kind of life you've lived and what you think you deserve. The spiritual path I'm familiar with is Tantra, where you raise your Kundalini Serpent to the crown and in the process burn away the fruits of Karma and all ties that bind you to the material world. This way, you escape the cycle of rebirth as there is no longer any Karma left to work off and no ties that keep you here. In this state of non-duality, distinction ceases to be and you just Are. There is no subject and object any more, no observer and observed, you are eternal, limitless, all-knowing and universal.
  7. Maybe this is counterintuitive, but women have really good instincts and can smell desperation and inexperience from a mile away. A man is not seen as desirable until he has established himself to a certain degree and gained experience. With that, comes confidence. This is the essence of masculine energy, which women are attracted to. Whining and complaining about how unfair the universe is, on the other hand, tends to turn them off as it is the opposite of masculinity. If a man works on himself and is goal-oriented, women will want to be around him.
  8. Your individuated self, as opposed to your Higher Self, which is just an observer. It is all well to say that there in One Self and everything else is an illusion. Technically, that's true, but in the play-out material world that we inhabit each individuated self must follow its life path and destiny, until it finds a way to break the cycle.
  9. Hi Mandy, I'm not sure Christianity has an answer to these question, which is probably why a lot of people are leaving it or becoming disillusioned with it. The concept of Hell exists in other religions as well, but it is generally temporary, a way to work off bad Karma, until you're cleansed. Then you generally go to one of the many heavenly planes, often for a long time, based on your good deeds. After the fruits of your good deeds have expired, you are reborn again and start over. This cycle is known as Samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth. Enlightenment aims to break the cycle, burn the fruits of Karma (both good and bad) and escape Samsara to be reunited with Oneness again. At the moment of Enlightenment, dual opposites cancel each other out and non-Duality is achieved in a burst of light and energy, much like a matter-antimatter annihilation.
  10. @Tony 845Hi Tony, I am 7 years after my initial Kundalini awakening, when the Serpent first pierced the Sahasrara, I experienced universal consciousness and what some would call enlightenment, though I see that as more of an ongoing process. I was indeed filled with light though, or more accurately, I became boundless, universal consciousness and light, for a brief time. Ever since that time, my upper two chakras in particular, have been active and there is an almost constant sensation of heat and light in that area. I did have Kundalini Kriyas and shaking too, that still happens at the initial stages of meditation, when I relax. I believe it is due to all the dross and tension that builds up during a stressful day. The Goddess Kundalini gets rid of it as she burns through the accumulated dross, that is what causes the convulsions. It usually only lasts a few minutes, after which the energy blockages are cleared and the energy flows uninterrupted. Once she lodges herself in the Crown, there is just bliss and joy, as well as a very pleasant, hot feeling all over the body, but particularly along the spine and the top of the head. There are certain modest powers and abilities that come with this stage. To reach full enlightenment, one must lodge the Goddess in the Crown permanently. This requires keeping her there for three nights and days, non-stop. I once came quite close, during the summer solstice, when she shined as bright and hot as a second sun, for three days, but I didn't quite get there. I'm sure I will get there in time. Any questions, shoot.
  11. Hi Sambodhi. It depends on the Grace of the Goddess. My abilities in this respect are modest, but I passed on some of her Grace, which may help to overcome any blockages. It is best to ask her directly in whatever form you're comfortable with. For instance, Buddhists may prefer her form as Tara or Kwan Yin. Hindus might prefer Durga or Mahakali. It doesn't matter, she enjoys all of her forms equally. Catholics would probably be most comfortable with her form as the Holy Spirit or Queen of Heaven. I'm not promoting any particular religion, just saying it doesn't matter in the end, her presence and grace is universal as Kundalini Shakti.
  12. This is a fascinating discussion. There are some good arguments on all sides. A few things that sprung to mind as I was reading this: - Humans, like our closest relatives, chimpanzees, are omnivores. We are neither Herbivores, nor Omnivores. That is just a scientific fact and no serious biologist would question it. - Traditionally, humans lived a Hunter-Gatherer lifestyle. Women gathered berries, mushrooms, roots, oysters and whatnot, whilst men went out to hunt. At the end of the day, they shared whatever they managed to forage or hunt. This goes back hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions to many ancestral hominid species. That is again a scientific fact that is not in dispute. - There are human groups alive today, who traditionally consume no fruits and vegetables at all and have not done so for millennia, yet they thrive. The Inuit are a prime example. We are not aware of any human groups that as a whole, do not consume any animal-derived products and have managed to survive on a purely vegan diet for many generations. - Sustainable agriculture is simply not possible without animal husbandry. If you want to grow only plants, you will need plenty of Industrial inputs, especially fertilisers and pesticides to make it work. - Most of the earth's surface area is unsuitable for plant-based agriculture. It can only be utilised by grazing. The seas and oceans can only be utilised by humans if we eat the animals that live in them. If we stopped utilising these areas to get our food, most humans would probably starve. On the other hand, if we ate just meat, it would use up so much in terms of resources, that again, many would starve. So yeah, how about a balanced diet that includes everything, just saying...
  13. No, I have not. Looks like he's worth checking out, though. The path of Tantra is probably the oldest one to reaching enlightenment. Even mainstream archeologists think that serpent and goddess worship (the two are intimately connected in the form of Kundalini Shakti) goes back at least 70.000 years or more. I guess everyone has their own path, but the one that worked for me, was to develop a personal relationship with the Goddess. Yes, I meditated and practised some basic Yoga, Tantra and Pranayama techniques, but what ultimately led to my awakening was the Grace of the Goddess. I really think, that many people seeking Enlightenment underestimate how much that counts for.
  14. Good that you mentioned it, I almost forgot about it. My flatmate was cured from really serious gastroenteritis after repeatedly getting food poisoning, whilst studying in China. Nothing else worked and he was getting the best possible care after he moved to Singapore. In the end he started taking manuka honey, the really expensive authentic stuff with a high pollen count, just one teaspoon every night before going to bed. He was actually scheduled to go into surgery, but he was completely cured within a month. Manuka Honey has extremely strong natural biotic properties and will restore your gut health. It is probably the best suggestion here yet. You have to get the UMF-certified one with a high UMF factor, they have a chart to help you decide which type to get.
  15. I think I know what you mean by existential terror. I would say that once you have some sort of higher spiritual experience, whatever label you want to attach to it, pretty much all fears fall away. I had an experience of Infinity and Universal Consciousness. Since that time, I do not have any doubts about my divine nature and my real Self. That is not to say, that I never experience fear, if I'm in genuine danger, my autonomous nervous system will kick in and make the correct fight or flight response, before I can even consciously acknowledge it. However, I am detached from it and I lack the usual existential fears that used to plague me before my (Kundalini) awakening. I genuinely do not fear death, what will become of me, when I'm older or worry about anything, really. My previous worries and anxieties have been replaced by an equanimity and calmness, that everything will be alright in the end, whether in this life, or the next. I cannot worry about the small, everyday things in life that most people stress out about, most especially, what other people may think of me. I see this material plane as insignificant and a blip in the great infinity of existence, that will pass soon, whatever one may think of it or how one may experience it. My connection to the Divine and understanding of the Truth gives me greater Joy and Pleasure than anything else.
  16. It's an interesting question, because the material circumstances of my life and the outward appearance should make me unhappy and yet, I couldn't care less. Because of the inner peace and connection to the divine that I experience on a daily basis, I have never been happier. According to every metric society uses to measure happiness and satisfaction (e.g. money, fame, sex, relationships, big house, flashy cars, etc...) I should be very unhappy, yet I cannot bring myself to be anything but content and completely satisfied with the way things are. Can you call a person happy, when he has no desires and is content with the bare minimum in terms of material possessions and relationships, so that he can concentrate on his inner world and his spirituality? That is an important philosophical question to ponder, but from my own perspective, I rate my happiness and contentment at a 10/10.
  17. You're welcome. I'm self-taught and did not follow any specific Guru or school. I'm most drawn to the esoteric, Tantric aspect of Kundalini. I experience her as a Goddess, who comes to me in many forms, including Sumerian, Buddhist and Hindu forms. They are in essence the same, but over thousands of years, different forms of her became popular in different parts of the world. In terms of my experiences, they are pretty identical to Gopi Krishna's. I'd recommend his books on the subject, most of them are available on Scribd or as pdfs online, on many websites. He took a much more rational approach though and did not think of the Kundalini energy as a Goddess, like I do. I have also practiced the retention of semen and the transmutation of sexual energies to a higher, spiritual purpose. In this process, the downward flowing sexual force is transmuted in the muladhara, at the base of the spine and forced upwards, to feed the Kundalini Awakening / Enlightenment process. This is a Tantric practice known as Urdhvareta. As a result, 100 percent of my sexual energies and fluids are transmuted and flow upwards, into the brain, along the spinal column. There is no outwardly visible release of any seminal fluids, but this is now an organic, natural process that happens automatically. Gopi Krishna wrote about it and Mahatma Gandhi was a practitioner too, it is believed, this is what gave him his extraordinary powers of persuasion and mental acuity. I did not specifically seek it out, it is something I did instinctively, following the guidance of the Goddess. I still experience orgasms, but they are of the full-body type, concentrated along the spine and the top two chakras, as very pleasurable heat and spiritual light. This happens during meditation, when I allow the Kundalini to rise to the very top and pierce the Sahasrara. Gopi Krishna and many sages and saints could keep their Kundalini raised for three days and nights, after which it got lodged in the Sahasrara permanently, giving them a permanent spiritual glow. This is the final stage of Illumination and is depicted as a halo that shines particularly around the head. All saints in all religions are depicted in this way, for this reason. I can keep my Kundalini raised for an hour at most, but hopefully one day I'll get there. In Hinduism, such illuminated sages are called Jivanmukta, in Jainism, Tirtankhara, and I believe Boddhisattva is the term used in Buddhism.
  18. I'm not that familiar with the different stages of Vipassana, I follow my own meditative practice. Looking at the link you posted, stage 15, fruition, is what happened to me 7 years ago, it describes my state of mind, when the Kundalini pierced through the veil of illusion and broke through to the Sahasrara. I then experienced universal consciousness, expanding into infinity in an explosion of light and becoming boundless, which was also the most exquisitely pleasurable feeling I have ever experienced, like a thousand orgasms. I was all-knowing and infinite in that state, though I don't know how long it lasted, probably about an hour or so. When I returned to my body, I felt small and constrained and I could only remember a fraction of the infinite knowledge I had access to, in my boundless, universal state, though it was still a lot more understanding and wisdom than I had before the breakthrough happened. Since then, I am at the stage which is referred to as the Drinking of Soma. There is a constant, drip-drip release of Soma into my brain, at the top of my head. It is hot and intensely pleasurable. My energetic system then distributes each drop of Soma along the body and it is effecting a slow transformation, to what I presume is a higher vibratory state. What I referred to as my "DNOTS" was actually my energetic system trying to adjust to this higher vibratory state, though I now see that this is not what you mean by the term. I did have an earlier stage of difficulty, when the energy was stuck at my heart chakra and I could barely breathe or move as well as think or function normally. I was saved by divine intervention. I hope its clear, I know these concepts can get complicated and jumbled up at times.
  19. Intermittently. I tried various things. Meditating, not meditating, making changes to my diet, spending more time in nature, walking, that sort of thing. In the end, nothing really worked, except giving it time and letting the process unfold by itself. I had to make major changes to my life. Left my job, stopped going out and socialising. Eventually I decided to move countries too, to stay away from the big city and save on living costs, as I was living in London at the time, which was highly detrimental to my state of mind. I could not bear to be anywhere near crowds, a problem in a city of 15 million, where the only way to get around is on obscenely crowded tube carriages. To be fair, I did got a lot of help from the Goddess herself, both in her localised form as the Kundalini Shakti and also in her other, personalised forms.
  20. That's sage advice. My experience has been similar. There is no easy solution, as in our western culture, having spiritual experiences of any kind is a certain path towards social death. You might as well have contracted the plague or leprosy. It is best to keep it to yourself, except with like-minded people, who have had similar experiences, but those are tough to find.
  21. That's an interesting question and there are many ways of answering it. Kundalini is dormant in everything and everyone. It is Shakti, the base feminine creative force of this universe. It is what manifests everything that is. We see signs of that on both the macro and micro level. DNA for instance, looks an awful lot like the Kundalini force, with a certain double serpent imagery. Galaxies spiral around a certain axis, which is invisible, but could very well be the Goddess Kundalini on a cosmic level. Our planet's magnetic field is toroid-shaped and it also revolves around an axis. Our energetic fields have the same torus shape, basically like an apple, with entry and exit points at the top and bottom. Scientists are now making progress in creating unlimited, free and clean energy, by forcing a fusion reaction and creating plasma under huge pressure inside a torus-shaped magnetic field. At the centre of all these energy tori is something akin to Kundalini, as the energy enters at the bottom, compresses and moves along a central spine, exits again at the top, then circles around to enter at the bottom again. Since this happens at all levels of complexity, we can assume that everything is made up of this movement of energy and is therefore conscious at some level. I do not believe that there are humans, or anything really, that lacks consciousness, in fact, this is a central tenet of Hinduism.
  22. Thanks. I checked it out, it would seem this is a meditative concept within Buddhism. I am less familiar with that, but what you say about the Dark Night of the Soul sounds about right. I certainly had to fight my battles with it in every sense of the word.
  23. Kundalini generally starts from the base of the spine and gradually rises up along the spine, though in some cases, it can be sudden, like a bolt of lightning. If the heat sensation is only in one spot, the right side of the chest, it may just be a side-chakra being unusually active. This would definitely be the case if you are also experiencing a spinning sensation. If it is just heat, it is a pretty normal effect of meditation, probably nothing to worry about.
  24. Hi everyone, New here, joined specifically because there are a number of interesting Kundalini-related discussions going on, which I'd like to participate in. I do recognise a couple of people from other forums. I have also experienced a Kundalini Awakening, which was either spontaneous or a result of spiritual practice and study, depending on your perspective. The date when it happened, December 2012, makes me think it wasn't coincidental and was always meant to happen during that time and the way it did. I know several people who also experienced awakenings at around the same time, so it would seem to me that some sort of subtle spiritual or perhaps density shift did take place at around that time and it triggered something in people who were sensitive to it or ready to experience an awakening. As Michael stated in his OP, it is a dangerous thing, a Kundalini Awakening and the potential for things to go wrong is very real. After the initial euphoria (my experience was essentially identical to what Gopi Krishna describes in his books, which I only found out about afterwards), I went through what is generally known as the "Dark Night of the Soul" and suffered from many neurological and psychological issues, including chest pain, panic attacks and related agoraphobia. I was unemployed for several years as I was basically unable to function normally and received no help at all, from anyone. Thankfully, I had ample savings and managed to gradually work through my various problems and issues, to the extent that I am fine now and enjoying the positive side of being "awake" if you want to call it that. I also received substantial divine help and developed a close personal relationship with various deities over the years, who saved my life and sanity as well as a few other people I asked them to assist with. I don't want to go into this now, but perhaps I will write about it in more detail at a later stage. If you have any questions or concerns, or need help with any issues you are experiencing, Kundalini-wise, feel free to ask, I will do my best to try and help.