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Everything posted by Dumuzzi

  1. @Leo Gura You know what, that reply stuck with me for some reason. Now I realise why. A Near Death Experience is actually something that makes people quite fearless. I've had one (of sorts) a few years ago and it has completely cured my fear of death. It has also made me fearless of other things. I'm still not crazy about spiders and wouldn't deliberately put myself in a dangerous situation, but I can't remember the last time I was genuinely scared of something. Must have been years ago. I also didn't lack confidence before, but now there is a certain unshakeable calmness and assuredness that never seems to leave me. Every time I get into a shifty situation, where others would perhaps panic, I feel equanimity and peace, sure in the knowledge, that the worst thing that can happen to me is that I die, which is fine too. Been there, done that, no big deal. I also cannot get existential angst about the end of the world, the end of humanity or whatnot, because I know it is just a projection on a movie screen essentially, even if the projection stops, the observers, the people who thought they were living this life on earth, but actually were just looking at it from another, higher dimensional perspective, continue on with their eternal, deathless and timeless existence as infinite awareness.
  2. Hi. I don't know which country you're from, but if you can get netflix or a similar English-language streaming service, it should help immensely. Just watch all your favourite shows in English, preferably choosing different regional dialects, with subtitles if necessary, so you can make note of any unfamiliar words and how they're spelt. When I was a kid, I read English-language comic books, those helped too, because you associate words with pictures. Ultimately, the fastest way to learn any language is to spend time in a native-speaking environment. This doesn't have to be England or the USA, there are about 50 commonwealth countries to choose from, in most of these English is widely used in all areas of life. In the meanwhile, there are websites and communities where language tutoring and conversations are offered. If you have a VR headset, such as Oculus go, there are various social apps (such as altspace) where you can talk to people in English from all over the world, for free. Also, look for facebook groups, where people meet up to practice their English with each other in your town.
  3. Being nice and not meaning it is just being fake. People pick up on that, women in particular, who swat away fake nice guys on a daily basis. Chris Rock did an excellent piece on how most guys being nice to women is basically just an offer of sex. Cliché yes, but be yourself, don't fake it. Whether you're honest nice or honest asshole, both will work, because you're projecting genuine, confident energy.
  4. Good, I'm happy to hear I was wrong. Listen, I'm not trying to bring you down. What I see is that you are wallowing in self-pity. Toughen up and snap out of it. You are degrading yourself and bringing yourself down for no good reason. I don't want to throw clichés at you, I'm sure you get plenty of those already. A change in your point of view is what you really need. If you haven't done that already, spend some time in a third-world country, such as India, which will teach you to appreciate how lucky you are. I would feel more sympathy for you if you were a limbless beggar with leprosy being spat at every day. From what i can see, you are extremely lucky, living in a first world country with every sort of amenity at your fingertip. I'm sorry if I cannot empathise with first-world problems, but it seems to me that you are in some sort of middle-class bubble. There is nothing wrong with you per se, except for your self-pity. BTW, suicide would be the most selfish thing you could possibly do, it is just another me-me-me ego trip that is a cry for attention. I am trying to clobber you on the head with some hard home truths, because apparently you won't get that from anyone else. Your first delusion is that you imagine you exist in isolation, otherwise you wouldn't be contemplating suicide. No man is an island and it is time you start giving back. Forget about yourself, you do not matter. Your puny little ego is just a squeaky little voice in your head that tells you what not to do. That is not you. The real you is part of a greater whole and is connected to everyone and everything. Ignore the squeaky little voice and do the exact opposite of what it tells you to do. Usually, it will tell you NOT to do things. Don't ask that girl out, don't book that flight ticket, don't get out of your comfort zone, etc... Also, there are higher powers at work who will help you in subtle ways, if you let them. Ask for help. Don't be embarrassed. In your head, you are alone with your higher Self, which is infinite awareness and connects you to a greater reality. It cannot speak, but it will communicate with you through dreams, synchronicities, people it sends into your life. Quieten your ego and amplify the Self. Good luck,
  5. Aren't you a fellow Hungarian? Just eating regular Hungarian food should do it. Worked for me For those that aren't familiar with Hungarian cuisine (everyone), we think, that pasta with dollops of curd cheese, sour cream, fried bacon AND a general helping of icing sugar on top is a completely acceptable lunchtime dish. Because we think that this is a light dish (must have like 2000 calories), we will usually eat a big bowl of goulash soup with bread just before this beauty. I don't know how anyone manages to stay thin in this country...
  6. You won't like what I'll have to say, but it's for your own good. You're spoilt rotten and simply do not appreciate how good you're having it in life. You have everything handed to you on a plate, including an education, yet you cannot appreciate the gifts that you're given and just whine and moan. What you need is a bit of hardship, so that you can learn to appreciate what you already have. If I were your parents I'd kick you to the kerb, but I'm sure they're much too soft to do that. The second best thing would be for you to have some empathy and actually observe some people suffering, which should help you gain a healthy perspective. Help out with a homeless charity or an old people's home, travel to some poor countries and observe how the people live and often how happy they are despite all the hardship they experience. Perhaps get a job and pay for your own damn education and upkeep. Believe me, you won't have any time to feel ennui that way. I'm not saying that to be mean (which I'm told I am, repeatedly), but to help you. What you need is some tough love and if you don't take care of it yourself, life will eventually do it for you and you won't like that...
  7. @Buba I had panic attacks and agoraphobia. I lived and worked in London at the time and could not bear the crowds, I had to spend as much time in nature as possible. I was also unable to concentrate properly, my movement slowed down and I had foggy thinking. This lasted for several years. I had to move back to my home country, to a small town, to calm my nerves and stay away from crowds. All this was caused by Kundalini activation, for which I wasn't properly prepared. I had a vague idea, that I was going through an awakening, Gopi Krishna's books helped immensely in that regard. Even before the serpent rose all the way to the top, it was stuck at my heart chakra, which gave me chest pains and various neurological symptoms. At that point, I was saved by the Goddess, she gave me shaktipat and removed the energetic block in person. It then rose all the way to the top, pierced the crown chakra and I had an enlightenment / samadhi experience.
  8. Kundalini is intelligent, cosmic energy, at least on one level. She will know when is the right time and what the correct circumstances are for her to awaken. On the other hand, don't underestimate the sacrifices that will have to be made. Just to give you my own example, I had to quit my job in the City of London, move countries and start all over again. I was unable to properly work for years and had to live off my savings. I had serious neurological and psychological issues. I am fine now, and very happy, but I literally had to give up everything in exchange for awakening. That is the sort of commitment that is required, which @Leo Gura keep emphasising and he's too right.
  9. That certainly sounds like a Kundalini that is in the initial stages of awakening. Meditation in itself is enough to awaken her. She has a mind of her own in any case and will awaken as she sees fit. It may become a major inconvenience for your life, with some major changes that you might have to make, so be prepared for that.
  10. Clearly, you are a vampire. When did you become one, in 1995? It seems that's when you stopped aging, haha
  11. @Buba It's hard. I have not found any genuine enlightened masters in my lifetime, not even one. I've had teachers who taught me about yoga and martial arts, but only in their specific discipline. None of them were enlightened. I seriously doubt there are many of them even in India. So, if you choose a specific discipline, such as Kriya Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, it might help you prepare, but it will never give you the full package. That is why I personally follow Tantra, or the inner, esoteric path, guided by the Goddess. I was initiated directly by her, so I'm in no need of a Guru.
  12. I may not be the right person to ask, as I didn't do enough preparation and got into a whole lot of trouble as a result. Sure, I did a spot of Hatha Yoga, tai chi and kung fu, plus read a lot on the subject, but I had no Guru to guide me and I did not join any group that could help me either. I had to figure it out all on my own. In eastern traditions, you're supposed to devote years of your life preparing to raise your kundalini, doing various yogic and tantric exercises, to strengthen your energetic and nervous system. Kundalini is like being hit by a bolt of lightning, repeatedly, over and over again. It can certainly fry your nervous system and cause serious neurological issues. The thing is, it happens to an increasing number of people spontaneously, without any preparation, or as a result of using psychedelics. If you feel heat in your spine, that is the beginning of a Kundalini activation, it is certainly stirring from its slumber, so you'd better prepare yourself. This forum has actually some excellent advice on meditation, Kriya Yoga and whatnot, so if you commit yourself, you should be fine.
  13. @Preety_India Oh, they're just the sanskrit terms for the lowest and highest of the seven chakras. Sorry for assuming you would know them, haha No, I certainly would not recommend total renunciation, especially for a young girl. Normally you're only supposed to do this once you've had a family and your children can take care of themselves. I did not consciously choose it, but it happened anyway. It was probably meant to happen. I believe the rough shape of our lives, our fates are already written well before we're born and we agree to it, before we take a human body. Only some of the details need to be filled in, as we go on with our lives. It may sound unusual, but I am very happy and content with the way things are. I have given up certain things in life, not consciously perhaps, but by making certain spiritual choices. By giving up what most people would consider the highest goals in life, materially speaking, I have gained it back a thousand fold on the spiritual side. The bliss and contentment I experience on a daily basis is indescribable.
  14. @bobbyward Well, it probably hasn't pierced the Sahasrara yet, that is the toughest one. There is a breaking sound and then a sensation of liquid light flooding the brain, along with a sound of flowing water, when that happens. Does it pulsate? Is there heat? If there is, are you feeling heat in your spinal column, in the center, or more to the sides?
  15. @Preety_India I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, to be honest, but in my case, it was a bit of a necessity. I went through a Kundalini Awakening 7 years ago and struggled quite a bit to overcome some of its effects and to adjust physiologically. At the moment, all of my sexual energies are transmuted at the muladhara and channelled upwards to the sahasrara. This is a biological, as well as an energetic transformation and it is fuelled by the reproductive system. At the moment, it seems all the energy produced by it is needed for a higher spiritual purpose, but perhaps my priorities will change with time.
  16. The one I would recommend, is The Female Brain. It was written by a female neurologist, from a scientific and behaviourist perspective. Not only is it scientifically accurate, but very funny and entertaining as well.
  17. @bobbyward how high does it go? Has it pierced all chakras or is it stuck at a particular point? When it's stuck, there should be a blunt, pulsating sensation and heat just below that area, as the serpent is trying to force itself upwards.
  18. You have to consider that many men's entire lives are built around meeting women. That is literally the only thing they're interested in. I know plenty of guys like that, especially from latin countries. Everything they do in life has only one goal, to meet and impress women. I personally think it's rather pathetic, but you could argue that the whole of human civilisation is currently built on this fact.
  19. Ha. I call BS on that. Clearly, men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, haven't you heard?
  20. A lot would depend on your own cultural and religious background. Without knowing much about you, say you feel closest to the Buddhist world view, you can relate to the Goddess in her form as Tara or Kwan Yin. You can find images of them online, which might help in establishing an energetic connection. When in a meditative state, preferably with your Kundalini raised as high as possible, you just have to reach out to the Goddess with your mind and energetically, then ask her to visit you and extend her Grace to you. Once you reach out to her, if you are ready, a visit might follow within a few days. This would work with any of her other myriad forms, some of which I mentioned in a previous post. You can just address her simply as the Goddess or even Kundalini, which is one of her forms and names. Others may prefer a more impersonal approach. It is really up to you, how you want to relate to her in your heart. As for me, I connected to one of her more ancient forms through an original artefact in a museum. I was suffering the effects of a Kundalini stuck at my heart chakra and when I asked for her help, she came and saved me. I have been in contact with her ever since. I did extend the Grace of the Goddess to you, in any case.
  21. To each their own. Personally, I no longer partake. I have effectively been living the life of a Sannyasin, for the past 7 years. It isn't necessarily the life path I would have chosen for myself, but this the path that the Goddess put me on, therefore I follow it. If she should ever deem it necessary that I should marry and start a family, I will follow that path.
  22. Yes, two sides of the same coin. Amen to that, sister I am actually quite disturbed by the rampant materialism and apparent sexual frustration exhibited by many on this forum. Maybe it is because this place attracts a younger demographic, but it seems to me that in order to progress spiritually, you have to overcome your obsession with both, so that you may concentrate on achieving a higher purpose.
  23. The point for the pickup community seems to be, that they envy psychopaths, or as they call them, Alphas. Such men see women as prey and are in effect predators, on the hunt. They seem to want to be able to completely detach from their emotions and their empathy, so that they can relate to women as objects to be used for sexual gratification, rather than as actual human beings with feelings and wants of their own. The thing is though, you can't "unhave" empathy and normal human emotion, you're either born with it, or if you're a psychopath, you are incapable of it from birth. Thankfully, only about 4 percent of the human population is psychopathic, most of them men, but it is enough to cause plenty of mayhem. I think nice guy syndrome at its root is about the envy normal men feel towards psychopaths who are often a lot more successful at certain things than they are. Thing is though, psychopaths may be able to "get" women easily, but are unable to form normal human relationships and enjoy their conquests on an emotional level.
  24. @Preety_India @NickyyGood points from both of you, but I think the existence of conmen and their success would indicate that faking confidence can be just as effective as genuinely having it. The very essence of a confidence trick is to fool the other person into seeing you the way you want them to. Psychopaths in particular are very adept at this and such people are often at the top of our social hierarchy. See the current leaders of the UK and the US as a typical example of that.