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Everything posted by Dumuzzi

  1. I'm sorry, but you're completely misunderstanding what the divine feminine really is. If I must put it in Christian terms, it is the Holy Spirit (The dove Goddess Ishtar, originally), whereas the father part of the trinity is the divine masculine. Another expression of the divine feminine (The goddess or shakti) in Judeo-Christian culture is the Shekinah. It has nothing to do with the devil. Devils and demons are fallen angels (titans or old gods) that were cast into the abyss (the fiery underworld), following their rebellion against the king of the gods, the sky God (Zeus/Yahweh/Indra/EL/Anu). They can be either male or female, just as the gods above, there is no specific gender assigned to either group.
  2. Hi Tom, That is hard to predict, it all depends on what kind of trading relationship with the EU will be negotiated by the BoJo government going forward. However, it doesn't bode well, that the UK economy is already skirting recession according to the latest figures, as is the German one. I'm afraid Brexit is likely to drag the whole of Europe down for years to come, so perhaps moving overseas isn't such a bad idea, if you can make it work. But, you should really think it over, because moving to another continent (as opposed, to say, just across the channel) has long-term consequences that you may come to regret. For instance, if you move to Australia, you're unlikely to visit Europe with any kind of frequency and you will gradually lose your current circle of friends and other relationships. I have friends who started a business in the midst of a major recession (in Greece) and they ended up losing an awful lot of money. I think you should really think carefully about the business cycle and plan your business accordingly. Also, there are growth areas even during a recession (for instance, in areas where people are trying to save money and can get better value products and services, when times are tough.)
  3. You really should watch Lucifer. It is very good, and in the context of this thread, quite accurate. In it, angels are sons of God (which is what Elohim means), there is a Goddess of All creation and even Lucifer, a fallen angel, refers to God as "father". I really think, that the mythological framework is spot-on. Haven't watched Supernatural, but I probably should. BTW EL appears in a lot of contexts, as it is the original word for God, or the Heavenly father (along with AN). Azra-El, Micha-El, Azaz-El, Isra-El, they all have meaning in reference to the original Creator. It even appears in popular culture, such as in Superman, where the original Kryptonite names for Superman and his father are Kal-El and Jor-El. It also appears in Stranger Things in the form of El-even, although her friends just call her El, to make the connection even more obvious.
  4. @seeking_brilliance Yes, he's supposed to be the angel of death, at least in Islam. I have never encountered him, but I assume he is one of the heavenly beings. Well, I saw him on the TV show Lucifer, but that's different
  5. @Javfly33 Given your digestive symptoms, you're probably better off going for a paleo or similar diet. It is best to cut out legumes, dairy, grains and refined carbohydrates altogether for a while. Then you can add some of them back in (such as rice) and see how it affects you. This way you can learn which food groups are good for you and which ones to avoid. Veganism sounds good in theory, but in practice it rarely works. The one thing that even those with the worst food intolerances and allergies can usually eat is meat.
  6. @Nemo28 That's how introverted people are, I suppose. Also, the more intelligent you are, the fewer friends you're likely to have as most people will be unable to engage you mentally at your level. The way I see it, most people are well-meaning, but not very bright and know next to nothing. So, I treat them like I would a child. I will indulge them in conversation and try to simplify things and bring it down to their level. I will also choose my topics carefully and try not to overtax their brains. I used to teach, so I'm used to dealing with people on their own mental level.
  7. Hi Nemo, I personally feel the same way, although some amount of social interaction is necessary as humans are social animals. In fact, isolation and solitary confinement is considered a form of torture. Even Tom Hanks wanted to get off that wretched island and started to talk to a football It's important to try and find likeminded people and interact with them. Complete solitude and social isolation usually leads to mental deterioration and depression, it definitely isn't healthy.
  8. @Angelite That is indeed quite profound. It is interesting how most people miss the fact that angels are messenger deities. They are specifically tasked with keeping in contact with human beings, but in other ways there is no difference between the denizens of heaven, except for the various roles they play.
  9. I guess it's best to ask them about these things directly, I really have no idea. Haven't done this in a while, but I'll give it a go anyways. Here goes. "I am Enki, God of the Abzu I exist in a dimension beyond your own and yet I have a corporeal form too which is outside the frequencies of your human sight. We do not share our existence with beings of the lower realms. All of us that you know as the gods and the Elohim are separate, discrete beings, but we connect with each other at the soul level. We are one God, but with many faces and all are within us. There is nothing that exists outside of us, we are the stuff that everything is made of and we share our existence only with those that ascend to the higher realms of heaven. We are not bound by the laws of Karma the way you are, as we have burnt our earthly attachments a long time ago. We do not act out of selfish desire, but are bound by our duty to do good. Those of us that broke this covenant and acted selfishly, have been cast down into the abyss and I guard the gates to their hidden reality, so they may not overrun your own. " "All that you see around you is an emanation of the Elohim. It is made of our thoughts, for we dream the world into existence. Yet, we consider humanity our children, we created you in your current form and we modelled your makeup after our own. It is our intention that in time you will grow up and graduate to guardianship of this physical realm. I am Enki and I speak to you from the Abzu. I am that, which created you and you are my child. You may refer to me as Father"
  10. @OpalChai It is a bit more complicated than that. If you are awakening your Kundalini without outside help, you will have to endure a certain amount of pain, that is just part of the process, as with any kind of growth. Getting in trouble with my awakening enabled me to seek divine help and meet the Elohim and Inanna in particular. The end result was that I actually reached a full Kundalini awakening in a shorter time and with less effort than most people. A bit of pain and disruption in my life was a small price to pay for access to heaven. I may have been technically in pain, but I did not suffer. Simply put, the pain did not affect me on any deep level, I simply saw it as a necessary part of awakening, much like growing pains as a teenager. Free will is paramount in this universe, only those that want to be helped and sincerely ask for it can and will be helped. I do not think that most people are guided in any way, this only happens to those that are ready and willing. You may be asking the universe for too much, too soon. I was unable to actually communicate with higher beings, until my Kundalini was fully raised and I was open to it to some extent. If you want more direct guidance, you have to reach out somehow. It may be worth doing a ritual and ask for a guiding or protector deity to assist you. Matt on the Ask an Occultist thread actually lists a lot of great resources for that. My own approach was more akin to religious worship, which is not for everyone.
  11. Yes, I'm forty. There is a lot of synchronicity in my life. I admit I know next to nothing about the Quran, so I won't comment on it. The one thing I find interesting about it, is that it is basically a channelled book, dictated by archangel Gabriel.
  12. @Angelite God may be genderless, but the gods are not. I realise these concepts are hard for a monotheist to accept, but you have to look at the origins of all this. El is gendered, he was the Ugaritic skygod, originally called An in Sumerian. Anunnaki / Elohim is also gendered, it can be translated as sons of the Sky (god), though it does cover both gods and goddesses ultimately. Who are the angels? Well, they are winged messengers of God. Where does this idea of winged beings come from? The gods of Sumer, who are also depicted with wings and they are most certainly gendered. Angels may be beings of light, as you perceive them. However, that is looking at them from a particular perspective. They may have many different aspects and incarnations, spread out over time, space and dimensions in ways that is hard for a human brain to perceive. Speaking of God and Gender, I have to borrow from Tantra for a moment here, to explain the concept. Brahman, the unmanifest absolute is indeed genderless, as well impersonal. It is conscious potentiality. However, in order to manifest and create, Brahman has to separate itself into opposing forces, thus duality and with it male and female are born. In Tantra, this is indicated through the duality of Shiva and Shakti, God and Goddess. Shakti (also known as the Shekinah in Judaism) is the female, creative aspect of God, it is what manifests everything there is. In our manifest reality, we exist in dualities, which includes male and female and that applies to the gods as well. I realise that referring to the gods as Elohim is controversial, but in my experience, that is what they prefer to be called in their collective consciousness state. Each individual god can easily go in and out of collective consciousness, as they please. When in "Oneness" mode, they are one, but they can also be separate depending on the situation, hence our confusion regarding the dichotomy and inherent duality in God/gods.
  13. @seeking_brilliance I suppose everything is possible within the framework of non-duality. In my universal state, when I was in "heaven" there was only me, I was the whole universe. So technically, you could argue that all these deities I describe are just aspects of myself. But, we live in a dual reality and in here, there is separation and distinction, therefore it is useful to differentiate between "I" and "others", that is, external powers and phenomena. I think there is a reason that we exist as separate beings and aren't just a faceless mask of same-same goo. There is power in individuality and being responsible for different facets and aspects of reality. You see this in mythology where different deities are responsible for different external phenomena and have different strength and weaknesses. Talking about Source (Brahman), it delights in manifesting and becoming different things and different people, even if in the end the Source is the same.
  14. Every person is different. You should follow the path that suits you best. I used to be an atheist, but now I follow the inner path of tantra and have a very close relationship with deities. It is up to you which path you choose, there is no point in arguing which one is better than the other, because it all depends on the characteristics and traits of each individual.
  15. @Keyhole Sorry, I have no idea, never heard of them. The Elohim look like us in their physical form, as we were made in their image, except they're much taller and stronger. Some of them are depicted holding a full-grown male lion like a kittycat. Inanna used to lead a lion along on a leash. There are many different life forms all over the universe and even within the same space we share, existing parallel to our own reality. Your description sounds a bit like Queen Nefertiti, if you do an image search on her. She had an elongated skull, dark skin, and high cheekbones. I think it is likely that she was descended from one of these alien / god races.
  16. Without specific details, I can only speculate regarding your situation. The way I understand it, when we choose to incarnate on earth, we take on certain burdens that we must overcome during our life here on earth, which may include certain diseases, disabilities, a life of poverty, etc... These situations are there to allow us to work off accumulated karma and to help us grow spiritually. In my own case, I took on the burden of a Kundalini awakening, with its accompanying symptoms, that were pretty debilitating, but necessary for my spiritual growth. I suspect something similar may be at work in your case.
  17. @seeking_brilliance The two questions are related. Time does not exist for the Elohim, for them there is no difference between past, present and future. We were in heaven once and we will be again. There have been times when the Elohim were corporeal, such as when they established human civilisation on earth and lived amongst us. During that time, Enki and Inanna were incarnate in a physical, humanoid form and they procreated. This is the same concept as that of Avatars in Hinduism.
  18. @Nak Khid All I know is that Osho led a cult which destroyed countless lives and carried out a chemical terrorist attack within the borders of the United States. Seems pretty evil to me. I avoid using the word "enlightened", it is a western concept that doesn't quite apply to any of the various states of Turiya, Moksha, etc... that are talked about in Eastern Philosophy. A Kundalini Awakening refers to the awakening of the Serpent power, not necessarily the person in question. It can be used for both good and evil. Just contrast Gandhi and Hitler, who lived at the same time, were incredibly charismatic and magnetic, changed world history, but in very different ways. I would consider Hitler among those in whom the serpent power awoke in a dark and pathological manner, whereas in Gandhi, the very same power was benevolent and a force for good. Lunatic Asylums are filled with people in whom the serpent power arose in a dangerous and unnatural way.
  19. @WHO IS @WHO IS That doesn't sound right to me. Who specifically did you talk to and who did they claim their leader was?
  20. @seeking_brilliance Generally speaking, it seems to be a message from the cosmic Goddess (Shakti or Shekinah), when you are in tune with her. Sometimes is humour. She is very playful, almost like a child. The Elohim are not physical, but they can take physical form. They can incarnate in various time periods if they need to directly influence events on earth. Because they are higher dimensional beings, they do not view time in the linear and constrained fashion that we do. They see time as a loop, where they can basically "reach in" into any particular point in time and manipulate events. They see our timeline as a one-dimensional loop. They can also take a roughly physical shape for short periods, when needed, as beings of light. They all have a separate existence, but they also link up with each other in a continuum, hence our confusion as regards to the plural ELohim vs the Singular Eloh (or Allah in Arabic). I thought that in the Star Trek universe, the fictional depiction of a Q continuum came pretty close in depicting this aspect of higher beings. As for myself, I was briefly connected to their collective consciousness and can connect to them even today, with some effort.
  21. @seeking_brilliance Hi, thanks. 33 is a Kundalini and Goddess number. There are 33 vertebrae along the spine, each one symbolising another stage as the serpent power rises. Also, if you look at the number 3, it is obviously a feminine number, connected to the OM symbol (our numbers originate in Sanskrit Devanagari writing). 3+3 is 6, 3X3 is 9, both symbolise the coiled serpent, rising from its slumber.
  22. I try not to use the word "enlightened" because it is highly misleading. For sure, he had a fully awakened Kundalini and he showed all the signs of someone who was at that level, with the crucial distinction that he became evil. He became obsessed with money and fame and used the gifts of the Goddess (Shaktipat) to enrich himself and create a cult of personality around him. Ultimately, this got back to him in the form of Karma and led to his downfall. It is important to note, that just because a person is awakened, does not mean he is good. Just as there are benevolent gods and malevolent ones, awakened humans can also be of all sorts and some turn evil, despite their obvious power. I thought, that the fictional depiction of the Sith Lords and the Dark Side of the Force in Star Wars was an excellent illustration of this principle, when I first saw it.
  23. Public housing in Singapore is also pretty awesome, especially the newer developments. When I lived there, I almost managed to nab a unit with a sea view, but somebody was faster than me unfortunately. Still, I ended up paying 900 SGD for a two-bedroom unit, about a 5-minute walk from the nearest MRT station and 15 minutes from downtown. At the time, that was worth around 300 pounds a month, nowadays, it would be the equivalent of around 500. Still, even that will barely get you a room in some crummy part of London. This was an older unit and did not have any fancy facilities, but it was safe and clean, with a food court right downstairs and many amenities within walking distance. The thing about public housing in the UK and the US (as well as France), is that they are designed to be vertical slums. It is the government's way of taking poor people from valuable land and rehousing them on top of each other, so that they are out of sight and take up less land space overall. As the above examples show, public housing can be done right, if the intent is there to invest the necessary thought and funding, not just the bare minimum in a haphazard way. BTW, anyone who has been to a public housing estate in any other country, would be absolutely shocked at how safe and clean Singaporean housing estates are. Over 90 percent of the population lives in them, so they have to be.
  24. Hi Celtic Queen, It is a typical example of the selfish gene in action. It may be bad for you as an individual to go out with a man like that, who is obviously dangerous, but it is good for the survival of your genes, because any offspring that might come from a relationship like that will be stronger and more aggressive. Your genes are basically driving you to be attracted to men like that, but if you recognise this instinctual drive consciously, you can override your instincts and choose a man based on higher, spiritual principles.
  25. The amount of alcohol you consume, about 6-10 drinks a month, is really not an issue, there is no reason to worry about it. Just for context, I used to live in Ireland and my friend Steven usually drank 16 pints of Guinness in a single night. Then, as he got older, he had to reduce his beer intake to 8 pints, followed by 8 shots of whiskey, to even things out. He got into fights too. That is a drinking problem. Your consumption is extremely moderate in comparison.