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As a relatively new member, I must say that I have been happy with the moderation here so far and the moderators are also pretty balanced and knowledgeable people. I could mention other forums, cut from a similar cloth, (khmm, Project Avalon, khmm...) that engage in cultish behaviour and ban people regularly for no good reason, often just for disagreeing with the founder on certain issues. This forum seems to be mercifully free of that sort of nonsense.
Not exactly. The sex drive doesn't go away, it is only the energy generated by it (libido), which gets transmuted. When the Kundalini activates, if it is stuck at the second chakra and cannot get past, it causes insatiable sexual hunger and a lot of people who are at this level engage in promiscuity. But once the serpent moves past this centre, the sex drive gradually lessens, as it has an outlet, upwards. Once the Sahasrara (crown) is breached, the sexual energy exits the body at the top of the head. That is when the drinking of Soma takes over. It is not yet clear whether the Soma is generated by the genitals and pushed upwards into the brain, or whether it streams in from a higher dimension entering through the crown, or whether it is both and the two energies mix in some fashion. I'm inclined to believe it is the latter. No, not for the past 12-15 months.
A couple of people have already asked me about semen retention and I thought I would post the very simple technique by which it can be achieved, here: There really isn't that much to it, it's a fairly simple technique that requires some practice. I did do a bit of Yoga beforehand, so I was more aware of my individual muscles and how to clench and release them than most people, I suppose. The muscle you need to strengthen is the one responsible for holding urine back. You need to locate this and clench and hold it for as long as you can, then release it, repeatedly. You should do this several times a day until it gets strong enough to hold not only urine, but ejaculate back. At this point, when you get to the point of no return, in the few seconds before ejaculation, you need to clench this muscle as intensely as you can manage and hold it until the ejaculatory contractions end. Then, when you release it at first there might still be some semen seeping through, but with practice, you can have a completely dry orgasm. Usually, you will stay hard and can continue with intercourse, but second time round, you will last much longer and it will actually be quite hard for you to come, plus the erection seems to last a lot longer too. This also has the added benefit of providing all the energetic benefits of nofap, but you can still have sex as much as you want and experience dry orgasms, which is similar to the kind of non-ejaculatory orgasm women experience. I still recommend letting yourself ejaculate about once a week, it will provide most of the benefits, without any health concerns. Just as a note, this technique is effective in combatting erectile disfunction, premature ejaculation and a low sex drive. Plus, the ladies really appreciate it, as you can imagine. The last time I practiced it, my gf at the time was able to orgasm several times, whilst I just kept going. Also, maybe it was my imagination and my girlfriend remarked on it too, but my manhood seemed larger and harder than usual, which was again much appreciated. I don't practice semen retention any more as I have been completely celibate for years now and this is a low-level tantric practice for beginners, but it can have pretty positive side-effects quite apart from the spiritual benefits. My current practice is urdhvareta, a much more advanced tantric technique, whereby all sexual energies and seminal fluids are subsumed and transformed at the base of the spine and stream upwards into the spinal column and into the brain, on a continuous basis. For this to occur, a fully awakened Kundalini is a prerequisite.
yes, as a rule they are. Sex outside marriage is a criminal offence in most of the world, as it used to be in the West too. That people don't even know this and can't even imagine a world where casual sex isn't the norm boggles the mind. No civilisation in the history of the world survived for long without putting marriage and the nuclear family at the centre of its society. The current state of affairs is like a ticking suicide time bomb that will destroy western civilisation. However, as it is obvious from this thread, nobody cares and it is entirely self-inflicted.
That's what brothels are for. I have an issue with casual sex becoming the norm, this is not natural or healthy. Homo Sapiens has been created to pair bond and a string of sexual partners before "settling down" is corrosive and societally destructive.
@Galyna Just because most people aren't aware of it, does not make it untrue. I have no desire to preach, only to state the truth, irrespective of how many will listen. That is all you can do, state the truth as you see it, even if you are in a minority of one, the Truth is still the Truth.
Those are very wise words and they really resonate with me. I view attraction as primarily being about vibrational compatibility and an exchange of energy. I realise that the most successful pick-up strategy is to approach absolutely everyone in the hope that one of your targets will bite and I have plenty of friends who employ it with much success, nevertheless, to me, it is incredibly off-putting and cringe-worthy. I have a feeling that most of these men, who are into pick-up are mildly autistic and have no concept of what a higher-level connection to another human being entails. It is about the divine masculine wanting to unite with the divine feminine and both sides must have their spiritual and emotional balance established, before this can work. The pull of Love and Attraction is visceral, because it is a primal, base energy of the universe (Shiva and Shakti). That being said, the example of Russell Brand was quoted earlier and he to me is the prime example who had to get that out of his system, overcome his drug, alcohol and sex addiction to be able to form a true bond with members of the opposite sex and move on to a higher level spiritually. He stated that all his addictions were a result of a giant spiritual hole in his soul, which he was trying to fill with fleeting distractions, but ultimately, he only became happy and fulfilled when he found the real thing, union with the divine, through yoga and meditation.
Not exactly. It gets transmuted into a higher, spiritual form. The physical side of it pretty much disappears though. Let's just say that the desire for union with women turns into a desire for union with God, or in this case, the Goddess. It is in fact the real thing, rather than the pale shadow that physical union with a woman is.
I would agree with that, though having that many sexual partners is a relatively recent development and it has real long-term consequences that nobody ever talks about. Trouble is, we aren't even allowed to talk about it, not even on this forum, without being labelled with various unpleasant labels. That does happen, but it's hardly the ideal we must aspire to is it? Most of these so-called gurus are just faking it anyway, precisely to get rich and get laid. No, it will not lay down and die, it will rise up along the spine, burst through the crown and blossom into a thousand-petalled lotus flower of light or peek out above the head, maybe even rest on the forehead, in the form of a many-headed cobra, whichever metaphor you prefer. You seem to be completely missing my point on sexual transmutation. I'm not surprised, since few alive today have been able to do it. So let me describe to you how it (urdhvareta) works in my case. It's not that I don't have sexual urges, I do, but what actually happens is this: - There is a sensation of heat and light in the genital area, as well as a feeling of tightness. This is followed by a pumping motion, the testicles and prostate actually work overtime, like during an ejaculation and they contract rythmically, causing a sensation very similar to an orgasm. - I can feel this hot, viscous liquid streaming down to the base chakra. There, it turns around and streams up into the spinal column. There is a constant flow of this substance (soma), which causes a warm and pleasant sensation, especially along the spine, in the abdominal area, the chest, the throat, the pineal gland region and the middle of the forehead, as well as the top back part of the head. - this is accompanied by a subtle sound, which I can only liken to the flow of electricity. It is also somewhat similar to the sound of TV static. - If I concentrate on this sensation, it intensifies, it can get quite hot and intensely pleasurable (again, nectar/ambrosia) - There is a constant electric buzz along the nerves and particularly at nerve endings at the surface of the skin, all over the body, which is again, highly pleasurable - Many objects and some people will appear to me in a white sheen, glowing. When this happens, the flow of soma intensifies, with an increase in the sounds and sensations I just described. - When the sensation and with it, the energy, moves entirely above the head, there is a bright, white glow that only I can see and which comes from inside me. It irradiates my whole environment. - In this state, I get mystical insights, the ability to communicate with higher beings and some healing abilities. These are all a result of Kundalini awakening and are part and parcel of the enlightenment process in my view.
@Serotoninluv I would strongly disagree with that. Moral relativism and post-modernism is such an ugly thing. Some truths, values and morals are in fact universal.
@Nahm Hmm, sorry, I made an assumption about what your point of view might be, based on where this thread is going. I was clearly mistaken.
@Nahm Or in other words, you demonstrate exactly that, which you argue against. BTW, I'm happy for you.
@Serotoninluv I'm not disputing any of that, sex isn't antithetical to spirituality and I made sure to point out some examples of where it is beneficial. That is very different though from promiscuity and using women for sex and then dumping them, which, let's face it, is mostly what pick-up is about.
@Emerald It's simply a question of math. Western and increasingly, all post-modern societies are shrinking and disappearing fast (inlcluding East Asia now) with birth rates well below replacement levels. Immigration and much higher birth rates in highly religious traditional societies is taking care of the rest. I wouldn't say I'm pleased about it, but I certainly won't shed any tears over the death of Western Civilisation. Its ongoing suicide and eventual disappearance is entirely self-inflicted.
@Nahm Ok, then do you remember the prophecies regarding what the Kali Yuga is going to be like, especially towards the end? One of the characteristics of this dark age is that marriage will gradually decline and in the end man and woman will only be held together by the bond of sexuality, like animals. Nobody will heed the teachings of religion and will do as they please until even the memory of those teachings will disappear. In fact this thread is a perfectly good demonstration of that already happening.
@Emerald I guess that is that standard progressive argument, but the facts on the ground show it doesn't work. It's rather a moot point anyway, because by the end of the century most "Western" countries will be strict Islamic theocracies. It will actually be a well-deserved outcome, since Western society decided to commit suicide. @Nahm No, I'm really not seeing your point, sorry. The question is, are you seeing mine? I have a feeling that few people here have even read the Bhagavad Gita, the Mahabharata or any of the Puranas and can see the societal destruction and moral turpitude prophesied to happen in the Kali Yuga. I see every sign of it happening now.
That is true, but even in those cases, monogamy or more accurately, marriage is recommended. The idea that some enlightened sage or Boddhisattva would go around picking up random girls is preposterous. Certainly no mainstream religious or spiritual figure would contemplate sex outside marriage. There is quite a lot of sex on the tantric or Left-hand path, at certain stages of the process. Even temple orgies were known to have happened, but this all has a very specific religious purpose, there is a ritual involved and the people participating are carefully selected. It is most demonstrably not a better situation. Society as a whole is collapsing before our eyes, not least through crashing birth rates and the current situation does not benefit anyone, except, ironically, pick-up artists. You really have to live in and experience different cultures, with very different social and sexual mores to understand why this is. I have lived in many different cultures throughout my life, such as Poland, Hungary, Ireland, the UK, Singapore, India and Thailand as well as travelled extensively, which gives me a unique insight into what works and what doesn't and what the differences actually do to people and society in practice. It would take several books to explain. Some of it comes from my own experiences, some from those of my friends and extensive conversations we've had about the topic and a lot from other sources, such as by studying history and societies in different historical time periods, as well as the similarities and differences between different societies in various parts over the world over time. The topic is so vast, that I can barely hope to outline even the basics of it. But, just to give you a taster, in Thailand for instance, it is common for girls to stay virgins until marriage, even if marriage never comes. So there are literally a ton of 40-year old virgins over there, who did not get married for one reason or another, therefore they never had sex. I used to date a girl like that, she was 35 at the time and she never had sex with anyone before me. When we slept together, it was assumed by her that we were now committed to each other and would be getting married soon, in fact she started pressuring me on that front almost immediately and there was considerable pressure from her parents too. In the end, our relationship didn't work out. However, I've heard many stories from Thai-Farang (White Western Foreigner) relationships, where the guy assumed they could just lay a girl and dump her. Such a move is incredibly risky and could end in retribution from the girl or her family. I've even heard of stories where the girl's father took out a hit on the guy who disrespected her daughter in that way. This is just to illustrate the good girl - bad girl dichotomy I talked about. You can play around with girls you might pick up in a bar, but you'd better not disrespect a good girl or you'll most definitely be sorry. Admittedly, things are now changing due to western influences, but even today, there are facebook groups for Thai girls for instance where they expose guys that are "players" and warn others away from them. This is just one example, but I could give you many others on how social mores vary across time and cultures.
You completely missed my point and I did not say that. What I am saying is that there used to be a sharp distinction between "good girls" and "bad girls" and in some countries there still is. The whole hook-up and pick-up culture that has captured the West lately has completely blurred those distinctions.
Those are good points, on the other hand, it opens up a can of worms. The very essence of spirituality is that you control those urges and channel them towards a spiritual purpose, by transmuting those energies. That is literally the first step, which is why so many traditions demand celibacy. The entire point of Tantra, for instance, is to take that incredibly strong sexual urge and use it to lift yourself up spiritually. The Lifestyle of a PUA is completely incompatible with that objective, particularly since most of them are highly promiscuous. Tantra does allow a partner to practice with at the higher levels, but the purpose isn't pleasure or satisfying the sex drive, in fact it is precisely the opposite. Also, traditionally, the male sex drive was controlled through legal prostitution and there was a sharp distinction between good girls (those for marriage) and bad girls (prostitutes, bar girls, singers, dancers, actresses, etc...) who were fair game. Not many would have dared to be disrespectful to a good girl, duels for disrespecting the honour of a woman were common back then. The current trend towards treating all women as if they were prostitutes up for anything is a moral cesspool and a distinct characteristic of the last innings of the Kali Yuga.
This Harvard doctor does an excellent job of breaking down what that above 3 R0 number actually means in practice. Not particularly reassuring. https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1220919589623803905
Some do, most don't. There's an etiquette to dating and asking a girl out that gets completely ignored in the PUA community. Most guys play the big numbers game and approach every girl and their grandmother, which will eventually work because of the law of big numbers. The end result however is that the street and most public places become hostile environments for women and the very attractive ones in particular will rarely dare to venture out in public for fear of constant street harassment. This is also a cultural problem as in some cultures, aggressively pursuing and harassing women is not only acceptable, but expected of men. However, anyone with a modicum of good manners and empathy should be horrified by this. It is a growing problem as well, particularly in the US and Western Europe. It was within living memory, that any self-respecting gentleman would have publicly challenged any other man that was disrespectful and presumptuous to a woman in public. Apparently chivalry is not only completely dead, but the very idea of it is considered preposterous. What a sad state of affairs.
I'll be honest, I'm disgusted by the whole pick-up community. At this point, it's little more than street harrassment. For Chrissakes, leave those poor women alone! It must be really exhausting having to deal with creepy guys hitting on you all the time. In any case, no self-respecting woman would date some random guy who came up to her on the street. I think this article says it all: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/nov/05/pickup-artists-teaching-men-approach-women-industry-street-harassment
Dumuzzi replied to moon777light's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet, but the showrunners already spoiled the ending by calling the protagonist Al-Masih, which has a double meaning in Arabic. Yes, it can mean Messiah, but it is also the term used for the Antichrist in the Quran. -
Dumuzzi replied to Michael Paul's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No, not at all. It's best to read this introduction for the whole story: https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/43074-elohim/#comment-539063 -
Dumuzzi replied to Michael Paul's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@OBEler It was a combination of factors. The event itself was planned well before I was born and not just for me. It happened in December 2012, when I was 33 years old and a lot of people had similar experiences right around that time. My father was actually born on 12 December and My sister on 11 November. Those numerological synchronicities keep coming up in my life and they're never coincidental, in fact they're highly significant. I'm certain my Kundalini would have risen on its own, even if I didn't do anything, but I was also driven to explore it, do meditation, study scripture and live the right lifestyle through an inner conviction. So, it was always meant to happen, but simultaneously I also had to make it happen, as part of my destiny. I hope that makes sense. Because this was pre-ordained, and I was already prepared for it from work I did in previous lives, I had to do relatively little, it was more a question of allowing it to unfold and giving myself over to Divine Grace. That doesn't mean it was easy, I had to go through serious challenges and issues that at times seemed life-threatening, though in hindsight, they were an inevitable part of the growing process. Kundalini is the evolutionary mechanism and it is about taking humanity to the next level, creating a new type of awakened human that is in touch with the spiritual world and basically lives in heaven whilst still on earth. Gopi Krishna, who is my main source and inspiration, wrote about this extensively.