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Everything posted by Dumuzzi

  1. I haven't used psychedelics myself, but for sure some people utilise them with success. The key substance appears to be DMT, which is naturally secreted by the Pineal Gland, especially upon illumination. It is the secretion of DMT which allows the seer to connect to higher realms and communicate with higher beings. This can also be applied synthethically as with Ayahuasca rituals and such. I don't think the gods really care how you communicate with them or in what fashion you achieve illumination, the end result would be the same. As long as it helps you progress and isn't unethical, nothing should be off-limits. There are dangers to be aware of, but that is true of all spiritual paths. Even naturally awakening Kundalini through meditation and study can kill you, so it is never 100 percent safe. You just have to take all precautions, trust yourself and the gods and make that leap of faith. Without risk, there can never be a reward. I should also note that the Vedas were probably written under the influence of psychedelics. There are many mentions of some sort of psychedelic plant that was utilised by ancient rishis, but the exact details have been lost to time. I think any form of DMT, whether natural or synthetic would probably be of great help, but it is just an opinion on my part, I haven't actually tried it and at this point, there would be little point. My pineal gland secretes DMT on a semi-constant basis anyways, so I don't need to take it separately, as a supplement. Yogis will often utilise the Kechari Mudra (pressing your tongue against the back part of the palate) to stimulate the secretion of DMT, but I guess if you can just buy it on the open market, why bother?
  2. Well, that is a controversial subject in itself. There are for sure Malevolent entities, parasites basically, that feed off human energy, but what are normally considered demons are not usually such parasites. The thing is, if you look at it from a Christian perspective, then every entity that is not Yahweh is considered a demon, even if they are respected gods in other cultures. This is literally what demonisation means. To me, the idea of one Jealous and Angry God that wants to exclude all the others does not make any sense and simply doesn't compute. The word demon comes from Greek Daemon, which is just a generic term for spirit, but it does not indicate malevolence by itself. I have a friend who can see spirits (after he had an NDE due to a motorcycle accident) and he tells me that they are all over the place, they basically surround us in what is called the Astral realm. I can only sense their presence and energy when they approach me, but i can't actually see them. I can only talk about this from my perspective, but I just know when I am interacting with a genuine higher being from heaven as opposed to some entity or spirit from the lower astral. There is just a completely different energy about them and intentions are very hard to hide when communicating through energy and telepathy, because you can just sense what others want or are really up to. When the Goddess first visited me, I just knew that something incredibly powerful, benevolent and loving had entered the room. You can't mistake that presence for anything else. Subsequent actions from her proved to me beyond any doubt that she is indeed a highly benevolent being, but I guess every person has to experience that personally. Another BS detector I have, which I can use effectively are my heart and crown chakras. The heart can only be activated by genuine love and the crown connects directly to heaven. When in contact with heavenly beings these two chakras are very much working overtime and the inflow of divine wisdom and love is very literal and can be felt as an actual substance, which is the nectar of the Gods, Soma/Ambrosia or Amrita. It would be impossible for a lower Astral being or parasite to fake any of that. They simply cannot connect to you on that level, and in fact divine wisdom and love energy repels them. Once you raise your vibrations and your energy levels high enough, through Kundalini activation, you exist in a state that is inaccessible to parasites. I would say that I am already very close to heaven and in constant contact and communion with it and from my own experiences I have no doubt whatsoever that Inanna really holds the title of "Queen of Heaven" as her name would suggest.
  3. @Member I'm not a physicist, so It's hard to give an accurate reaction to your theories. Michio Kaku, one of the fathers of String Theory would be your best source to explore these topics. He is a bit of a celebrity physicist, and has done several TV shows and written many popular science books, which are easily accessible to the average person, no need for any formal training in physics. He also has some interesting talks and lectures on youtube. David Wilcock also does a fine job of reporting on the various theories surrounding this in The Source Field Investigations.
  4. Hiya, No, not quite. Time as we experience it is one-dimensional. Think of it like a train track, we are all on the same train, going forward at a steady speed on a single track we can't deviate from. Theoretically, you could get off the train, but not without killing yourself (death). The present is where you are now, the past is what you have left behind and the future is coming up, but this is all in a single dimension, at least from our perspective. However, to higher beings, time is three-dimensional. First of all, they're not on the train, they can walk along the track, go back to the past, stay in the present or walk along to the future. They can also reach and explore other tracks, which are parallel timelines and universes. They meet periodically, which is when you might experience strange phenomena like the Mandela effect or when major Life Decisions come around and you might shift to another timeline. It is like changing tracks. Since timelines are 3D in higher-dimensional space-time, they can go all over the place without meeting or they can criss-cross at certain intersections. The Gods take great care in monitoring and preserving the various timelines and will periodically incarnate as avatars (get on the train) if the need arises and intervention is warranted. Inanna once showed me how our timeline looks to her from a higher-dimensional perspective. Or, now that I think about it, it may have been one of her other aspects, probably Green Tara. I often get confused by her various aspects, so I just use "The Goddess" as a collective term. She was sitting cross-legged in a black void, surrounded by a time loop. It was a string of light, more like a tube actually. Once you got closer, you could see that each section of the tube contained the entirety of the happenings going on in the created universe in one point of time. It was like watching a film being projected, but it was going on constantly. The Goddess had the ability to monitor all moments simultaneously all over the universe and when she reached in, she had the ability to manipulate and change events as needed, basically, to preserve the timeline (or timeloop as was the case here). She told me, she can appear at any point in time and space instantly. She will generally just "reach in" as needed, which, since it comes from a higher dimension, is invisible to us. She can also incarnate in any time period and place, which to her is just a flash, but on earth, several thousand years may pass. Inanna was one of her incarnations or avatars, several thousands of years ago, which to us is in the past, but to her it is forever the present. This works the same way with other gods, such as Vishnu-Krishna. From our perspective, Krishna is long dead, but from Vishnu's perspective, he was never born and never died, they are One. I'm not sure how the individual gods divide responsibilities and areas up amongst themselves, there is probably a hierarchy of sorts, based on seniority or merit.
  5. Thanks Astrokeen, you're too kind. I guess I was different from others from birth. I always had the ability to concentrate very intently on a task or activity, completely shutting out the outside world. So much so, that may parents took me to the doctor to have my hearing examined, thinking there might be something wrong with it. There wasn't, it is just that when I am deeply absorbed in something I literally cannot hear or see the outside world. In fact if somebody disturbs me in such a state, I get startled and disoriented, like being suddenly woken from deep sleep or a dream. Otherwise I had a pretty conventional upbringing in Hungary. There was a stint in India from age 7-9, which got me interested in Hinduism and the various gods and deities in it. A Statue of Shiva Nataraja was always in my room, which I did not realise the significance of until later. I started meditating on my own at age 13, learning from books and attending Yoga classes. It took almost 20 years to achieve any significant results, but I did not meditate for all that time, there were significant stints when I only meditated occasionally. However, I kept up my study and spent most of my free time reading and educating myself. In terms of Hindu scripture, I've read translations of the Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagavata Purana, Uddhava Gita and most of the Upanishads, though I don't speak Sanskrit, apart from the words that stuck with me through all this reading. So, I am entirely self-taught and that caused some major issues when my Kundalini did start rising. Things were more or less fine until the power hit the Heart Chakra, but the blockages (Karma) stuck in there were too much to clear and I needed the Goddess's help to get through that particular hurdle. At first, probably around age 30, I felt heat at the base of my spine. That slowly started rising, there was a pulsating sensation and a very physical and visceral feeling of "something", like a serpent of energy, literally moving and wriggling inside me. I then started to feel my chakras spinning for the first time. During meditation, my solar plexus would heat up and it was like a mini-hurricane in there, with furious spinning and ever-increasing heat, the longer I was in meditation. Nowadays, I can feel all my chakras if I concentrate on them, otherwise they mostly do their thing in the background, but it is all very pleasant. Right now, as I'm writing this, my Crown Chakra is the most active, because wisdom is flowing down from heaven and the top back part of my head is hot to the touch. When I write about spiritual matters the inflow of divine wisdom is just an incredible feeling, sweet, intoxicating and in our physical realm only comparable to making love to a beautiful woman you are in tune and in love with.
  6. Hiya Astrokeen. I don't have all the answers, but I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities. The realm of the gods or heaven as it is also known exists in higher-dimensional space. From what I have been told and shown it has at least 6 dimensions, 3 spatial and 3 temporal. Three dimensions of time can be traversed just as easily as 3 dimensions of space. However, higher dimensions still mean limitation and in fact there is a realm that is entirely outside of space and time, the realm of the Absolute. I experienced this once, when I had my Kundalini awakening and my consciousness expanded out of my body and into Infinity. It is pretty impossible to describe in normal 3D, human terms, but there is no limitation at all, just expansion, omniscience and omnipotence. I guess this is what "becoming God" actually means in practice. As for gods, they are generally higher-dimensional beings, which is why we normally can't see them, but they do have ways of interacting with us. I would not say that they are created as such, it is more accurate to say that they are manifestations of various aspects of the Universal Spirit, often appearing as forces of nature. The Elohim could just as well be called the "gods" or "devas", essentially, they are the same thing. In my communications with Inanna and the others they like to call themselves Elohim, because the duality and ambiguity of that term best expresses their collective nature. They are of one mind, so we can say they are "God", but they can also manifest, act and think individually, in which case they are "gods". The term Elohim is both plural and singular, so it can mean both. Duality starts with the absolute (Brahman) splitting itself into two, God and Goddess, Shiva and Shakti. Inanna is one manifestation of the Goddess, but there are many others. Brahman is unmanifest, but Shiva and Shakti are dual and thus create a manifest universe by their very coming into being. They can and do manifest in higher-dimensional realms and other planets, which is why they often look quite different from us, but are also generally humanoid-looking, because "We were made in their image". There is symbolic hierarchy within Godhood, only out of a sign of respect, so different manifestations are given different names, titles, powers and tasks, but in reality they exist in a continuum and share a collective reality and mind.
  7. @astrokeen Hi Astrokeen, Thanks, Yes, gods and goddesses have specialties, things that they are good at or specialise in and you can build a personal relationship with them, which makes it much more likely that they'll help you. Deities like to hand out boons to people that have impressed them, especially in terms of spiritual progress and prowess. Regarding readings, I don't do those, sometimes I can sense things about people, but I'm not very good at it, so I don't pursue it. I leave that to others. My specialty is communication and interaction with deities.
  8. Since this concerns Inanna, I’ll post this here. I thought I’d try a generic love spell to attract women, mostly just to see if it would work and to massage my ego of course So when she came to me on Saturday she offered a boon to me. Inanna is Goddess of Love and War, so this seemed right up her alley. I don’t remember the exact wording of my request and this was off the cuff, but I said something along the lines of I would like her to arrange a girl for me. This is somewhat selfish of me as I am otherwise celibate, but I just wanted to see if it would work and see what would happen. Keep in mind I haven’t dated for years and I wasn’t that interested in pursuing women in the first place. On Sunday, I headed down to the local park, to get some exercise and to meditate afterwards. I sat down on a bench to do my thing, when I noticed two Russian-speaking girls sort of loitering around, taking selfies and giggling. One was a buxom blonde, the other one a slim brunette. After a while the blonde girl came over and asked me if I had a lighter. I was sort of just coming out of meditation, so I wasn’t really prepared for a chat-up. Just told her rather dumbly that I was sorry, but I didn’t smoke. She went away with a disappointed look on her face. I even remember thinking, gosh, I should have talked to her some more. Before I could decide on what to do, the other girl came over and asked me to join them. They were drinking some booze on a park bench and offered me some as well (it is legal in Hungary to drink outside in a park). Turns out they were both from the Ukraine, though the blonde was ethnic Hungarian, whilst the brunette was ethnic Russian. So, I was basically chatted up by two attractive Ukrainian girls in a public park, not something that happens to me often, the day after I asked Inanna for a boon of love. In the end, it turned out the brunette was already taken, but the blonde was single and very much had her eyes on me ever since she saw me sit down on the bench next to them. We ended up going on an actual date and she was all over me physically, which was rather unusual considering we’ve only met a couple of hours ago. I put this down to Inanna’s influence, it really was unmistakable that this girl was pretty much under a spell. She seemed completely smitten with me and got inappropriately physical very quickly, which, being the gentleman that I am, I didn’t object to, but I also didn’t take advantage of her in terms of taking her to bed straight away, as I felt that would have been unfair and like I said, I am actually celibate and pretty much asexual right now. I am treating this as an experiment, to see where it goes, but I actually quite like this girl, so who knows, I might have to change my lonely ways… Just in general, if you are looking to enact a love spell, I would heartily recommend invoking Inanna or any of her other aspects as Love Spells really are her forte.
  9. I do, but that was not entirely deliberate from my part. I knew about the practice and used it to increase my sexual performance with my then girlfriend and it worked very well. However, I did not realise at the time that this would also have significant spiritual benefits in terms of accelerating my Kundalini awakening. I would say it is pretty important, if you are having sex, you should practice semen retention to accelerate your spiritual development. It doesn't have to be constant, it is probably healthy to have a release every once in a while, but the benefits really are quite amazing. Anything from Gopi Krishna, Arthur Avalon or the book of essays, Kundalini Rising.
  10. I think you would need to ascend beyond your current constraints to achieve that. What I can tell you is that upon my Kundalini awakening, when i was outside my body in a universal, infinite state, there was no time and space at all. But, when I returned to my body, I had to accept my 3D constraints again, even if I can break out of them from time to time.
  11. Yes, it's an interesting concept, but I'm not sure it is entirely accurate. The 4 th dimension is actually time, but humans only really exist in 3 dimensions and we are trapped in the 4th. We cannot move back and forth or change speed, we are basically carried along the fourth dimension as if it were a river. A four-dimensional being would be able to move back and forth in time and change speed as they wish. But, the Elohim are at least six-dimensional, possibly more or may even exist outside time and space. But, we can still picture a six-dimensional construct, so let me explain. We see space as 3-dimensional, but have no real perception of time as a fourth dimension, except in terms of change, e.g. even if you stay in the same place, things will gradually change around you, therefore you can observe the effects of the fourth dimension, but you can't actually move around on it or manipulate it in any meaningful way. For higher-dimensional beings, time in itself is a three-dimensional construct, not just space, so they can move around in it without constraint. This also means they can shift between timelines (which are one-dimensional, but they exist in a three-dimensional temporal matrix), which are essentially same as parallel universes, predict the future, see the past, time travel and mold past and present to a certain extent.
  12. No, it's not derogatory, just somewhat inaccurate. If they were simply from another planet, then yes, you could say they are aliens. But, they are not physical beings, at least not any more, they exist as pure light energy and are not confined by time and space like we are. You could also say that once they were probably aliens, because they came from another planet and existed in physical bodies (that is what the stories say), yet currently they are no longer physical beings and have ascended.
  13. Not an orb as such, no. It was a blinding white light. To be honest, it was hard to make out any particular shape or form. It was more of an energy and presence. You could say that they are aliens, but that is a pretty narrow viewpoint. It is more accurate to call them higher dimensional light beings. They actually fit perfectly with what Physicist Michio Kaku once described as the likely characteristics of a higher-dimensional being. It's possible, yes. Your guess is as good as mine.
  14. I don't think so, the watchers are supposed to be fallen angels / gods. They are also known as the Grigori or Nephilim.
  15. Comets have generally been regarded as messengers of the gods. I would be surprised if they were manifest human souls, but who knows.
  16. @Member Not sure about comets in particular, but heavenly bodies in general are supposed to be gods. E.g. the Sun God is literally the sun, earth is Gaia, Jupiter the God is Jupiter the planet, etc... These are vast cosmic intelligences that may manifest as planets, they each have a consciousness of their own. The same may be true of comets, but I haven't looked into that. Immanuel Velikovsky wrote extensively about this topic, so you might want to check out his work.
  17. „ I am Inanna, Goddess of Love and War I wage war against evil and I spread my divine Love to all living things It is my power of Shakti that holds the universe together, I attract and bind. In Heaven I am Queen and all the gods bow down to me Not out of fear or for Selfish Reasons, but out of respect and love. In the beginning. I was there, female I was, the splitting of the Absolute into two God and Goddess came into being, what you call Shiva and Shakti I am the aspect that creates, that binds, that attracts, that arranges into order I am the power of God, the creative Aspect, by which all come into being They also call me the Goddess of All Creation Yet, I am in everything, present in all of space, time and dimensions As the Holy Spirit, I pervade Everything I am Ishtar, the Dove and I emanate from the creator. As Durga, I slay evil as Tara, I offer compassion I am everywhere and nobody has to be without We are all one, all of our Aspects merge into one And in you we manifest as Shakti We are the Goddess inside you. Raise the spirit of the Goddess inside you Rouse the power of the Serpent Let her fire burn away all impurities Let Karma be extinguished May Shakti flow freely May Ambrosia flow from the Heavens May the Queen of Heaven pass on her blessings to you In the name of Inanna we spake All the Goddesses of the higher realms We are in Heaven and also in you We are on Earth and in the Underworld Even the fires of Kur cannot touch us The waters of the Abzu cannot extinguish us Apply to any of our myriad aspects and we will come to your aid We are forever with you, an inch away, yet outside your prison of dimensions Of which you have three and a half, others more, Yet we surpass all of them and exist in Nospace In the realm that isn’t, but is also the only thing that is real. We leave you with this teaching from the heights of the heavenly realms And pass on a message of hope and compassion. You are loved and never forgotten Though trials may come and test your mettle You are never given more than you can handle And you will always prevail if you seek out the power of Heaven And allow your inner Goddes to rise to the Surface So that She may Vanguish your enemies, Which are ignorance, pride and sloth. Defeat your own ego and the ultimate prize you shall win In this world and the next. Inanna has spoken for all the Goddesses We are One and we Are Many We appear to you in whatever form you prefer. „
  18. @JessiChell Sounds like a plan! You're welcome.
  19. Heya Jessi, Sorry to hear you are experiencing nightmares. This is just how it looks from my point of view, so keep that in mind. Your heart is still linked to your ex's via invisible energetic ties or bonds, which actually look like glowing tendrils. That is why breakups so hurt badly and people (and animals) can die of heartbreak. When we fall in love with someone, these energetic bonds link us together energetically and there is an exchange of energy, emotion, feeling and even thought, if the bond is deep enough. Obviously, you still haven't gotten over your ex. If you want to get over him for good, you have to break those bonds and that will hurt like hell. This is when people often do something nasty to the other person to burn those bridges for good. Alternatively, there are rituals to cut such emotional bonds, though I only know this from hearsay, haven't done any myself. You could have an occultist perform one for you, or you could look one up online. You could also devise your own little personal ritual to give you closure (did you burn his photos and everything that remind you of him already?). We need these little rituals in life (like Marriage and Funerals) to give us closure and indicate to our subconscious mind that it is time to move on.
  20. @JessiChell Sounds like a fun plan. I spent most of my adult life living in different countries and travelling, though I eventually grew tired of it. The places I lived in include London, which is a fun and culturally rich city, but not what one needs in terms of getting away from it all and concentrating on spirituality. Ireland was much more ideal in that respect, a very spiritual place in my opinion. Singapore on the other hand is the exact opposite, the most materialistic place I've ever been to, it is all about money and material things. I liked Bali, Ubud in particular, but it has become overdeveloped and far too touristy for my taste. Perhaps somewhere like Cambodia, Laos or Nepal would be better in that respect. I also loved living in India, but the challenges of everyday life in big cities can be off-putting. It is one of those places where you have to escape the big city and head to the countryside as soon as you can. Nepal is probably much more suitable and agreeable in that respect.
  21. @JessiChell Makes sense to me. I hope you'll find happiness and what you're looking for. You really deserve it and you seem like a wonderful person. Also, you might want to explore letting your inner Goddess blossom. This is kinda hard to describe, but it is an energetic and spiritual process, it is about letting the Goddess in you manifest and raising your energies to become a manifestation of the divine feminine. I can certainly see that potential in you.
  22. @JessiChell I guess you'll just have to decide what you actually want from life. Sounds to me that you are pretty horny and at your age that is hardly surprising. Your body is pushing you to have sex and you are consciously or subconsciously putting yourself out there, attracting the attention of men in various ways. That is fine, if that is what you really want, but I would be smart about it if I were you. A young, attractive woman has essentially what can be termed superpowers in gaining male attention and getting men to do whatever she wants from them. That is a superpower with an expiry date as it slowly fades after a certain age. So, first you have to figure out what it is that you want from life. Your desire for casual sex, is that just your body talking, or is it what you really want, deep in your heart? That's important, because a string of one-night stands will only take you further away from the goal of finding a stable and spiritually fulfilling relationships, the two are mutually incompatible. Quality men do not engage seriously with and commit to women who sleep around. This is something they will instinctually pick up from your energy and mannerisms. So, whilst every male on the planet wants to get fresh with you, your goal should be the opposite,to choose the highest quality male you can find and get him to commit. That is, if your life goal is to find a serious life partner and start a family. Obviously, if you would prefer to concentrate on other things and see family life as a distraction, then there's nothing wrong with casual sex per se. Another thing I wanted to mention, is like all women, you are a manifestation of the Goddess, a fact you alluded to in an earlier post. You have a very strong feminine energy and you are looking for male energy to counterbalance that femininity. This you can find in a physical man or God, the male side of the Divine. Union with the divine is sexual in nature, so your desire for sexual union with a man may be a sign of a gaping spiritual hole within you.
  23. Most men don't have to deal with that level of attention, so it's hard to give advice. But losing your phone and any access to the internet for a few days would certainly be helpful. You might have to significantly reduce your online presence overall, or perhaps avoid posting photos of yourself. Every time you post an attractive photo of yourself, it is like throwing red meat to a pack of lions. Perhaps you should wear a habit, but that would just attract the wrong kind of men In any case, attractive women have to deal with the problem of constant male attention and that means it is ultra-hard to be alone and spend time on yourself. Perhaps the catholic women's retreat isn't such a bad idea after all... But, it would probably be good for you to not date for a while and ignore men's advances for the time being. Of course, once you are ready to engage with someone seriously and on a more spiritual footing, it will be a different story.
  24. That is exactly what it felt like. Thanks for the confirmation. Sounds like you did the right thing... Really appreciate that. Hug, hug, hug! Ok, I'll check that out. I also dabble in Channeling from time to time. And like you, started out as a Christian (that was a looong time ago), then became pretty hostile to Christianity, eventually I was gradually led to accept at least the broad strokes of the Christian world view. I am with the Elohim now, but that is a pretty broad concept, it can basically encompass the multitude of higher beings that exist in the realm we call Heaven.
  25. Sorry to hear that you are having a tough time of it lately. I hope you will get better and your relationship with your family improves. You are indeed full of Infinite Love and you are Love herself. I haven't followed your story, but I'm guessing you're going through some sort of Kundalini Psychosis right now, correct? Boy, that's tough, hang in there, you'll get through it eventually. If I may make a suggestion, playing around with creatures from the lower Astral is perhaps not the best idea in your current condition. They could take advantage of the distress you are experiencing right now. If I were you, I'd stay away from all that occult stuff for now, it can really mess with your mind and that's hardly what you need. You need to quieten your mind and find inner peace, which is much harder than it sounds. This can only come from within, outside forces can only give suggestions and advice, your mind is your own and only you can control it. Anyways, I wanted you to know that you are loved and being looked after. You are never alone, never abandoned, there is always a force that keeps you sane and grounded, if you let it. Surrender to this higher power and let your ego die down and diminish, allow your mind to quieten and emotions to flow out of you. Sending you a big hug and lots of Love!