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About DreamScape

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  • Birthday 02/20/2002

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  1. You know that there's so much to understand about love that it flips the other way.. is your enemy your lover? Are all marriages love when we understand we're cursed? If love goes down to the deepest roots of blood, then how can we love somebody from miles away?
  2. Change your behavior to be more like him
  3. @decentralized Kundalini works with you, and it's actually your spiritual soul talking to you. You need to be careful and remain in rest because of its unpredictable nature. It'll work with you at all times when you connect to it. It's actually a calling to become more in tune with yourself. There are sigils (what my spirituality calls it) inside insanity you seek to find and actually kundalini completely restructures your energetic structure. So the need for care from yourself is needed. I'm not sure if you're young or you're old, or if you have people around you that know what you're going through but the need for rest overpowers the need for meditation or more spiritual practice. When you're in rest you can seek to turn back on kundalini. Also, don't forget about christianity. Seeking truths beyond your mind you will find a Christian vision that you need to seek and answer to (not follow though). It's very difficult but it's in our energetic structure. Remember me though, the new age movement is not what we're answering to, we're answering to our spiritual souls and the spiritual past (to clear karma). Actually, things like starseeds are spiritual visions for our future and we're answering to science and the stars. Just be careful, you don't need any outside answers you need to seek within and answer to your spiritual soul.
  4. kundalini is insanity. so please be careful along it's path. In fact, you have to accept insanity to cross the threshold since you are accepting life and death. I suggest you rest if kundalini is active.
  5. There is no state of enlightenment. There are states of consciousness. Formlessness means that you are not stuck in one state, but flow through multiple. I could list reasons why. Ask a simple question: What is enlightenment? A gift or key of knowledge? Who are you speaking to? Where are you stuck? You seek more when you seek less. Why can't you sit down without thinking? There are reasons. Ask the question again: What is enlightenment? Only you could know, because it is formless. Remember: What's the key?
  6. It's realizing you need a crystal ball to know. Or a picture of you. So be careful when you meet an oracle.
  7. One question: what are you seeking? Life is not what you seem.
  8. Stop seeking that the answers are attacking you and start seeking that the answers are for you. For example, the reason you could be doing these things could be that you're seeking something else. Religious fears are true, but they're not what they seem. It's actually deep conformity and groupthink happening. You don't need to be afraid, it's your family.
  9. How would you define the look in the gaze? Because there are people who say they see divinity in the eyes of some Christian pastors. So what's the truth then, that there is one god in heaven or that reality is nondual? Do you see this gaze in every spiritual speaker? If this 'gaze' existed, I could argue that it develops as one learns about spirituality and progresses. I can argue that this doesn't happen because not everybody develops this. For it to be true, it would be something universal. What you're observing is not what you think.
  10. @Hojo Do you know it's true? You have to prove it to yourself. Otherwise it's just written word. I'm sure the gods would say, that you'd have to be worthy of it. If that's what you're seeking, the spiritual path would be humbling