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  1. Time is also a form of qualia
    Time is also a form of qualia
    I noticed that there is a "naive realism" idea of time. Naive realism is the idea, for example, that certain qualia is external to the mind. So the example that there is a qualitative red apple out in the world in addition to the red apple generated to represent it in your mind. If you Google the term you will find image examples.
    Time is also a form of qualia. Say with a red apple there is some objective measure of that thing, so the color red is a certain frequency of light, with real time there is some objective element of math which is not qualitative.
    But the actual experience of a passage of time is a product of the mind, it is a very subtle element from a series of different appearances happening in a row. 10 seconds can seem really long, it can seem really short. That experienced progression is produced by the mind.
    Without that, time exists in exactly 0 seconds. Both the beginning and end of the universe, in absence of the mind tricks, happens entirely in 0 seconds. The end of the universe is so simultaneous with the beginning that it, in reality, does not happen at all, since it ends before it progresses from any beginning.
    The true face of time ought to be equivalent to in a dreamless sleep. The entirety of that deep sleep happens in precisely 0 seconds. The entire life of the universe happens in the same absolute 0 seconds. This must all be something happening within that 0, but the existence of appearing phenomena and the human mind etc is able to create a sensed "length" of time inside what is in actuality, total flat absolute 0.
    I wonder what to do with such information.