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About IronFoot

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  1. No kids. Don’t plan on reproducing. When I’m more financially secure I plan to adopt if possible though.
  2. My protocol for high doses is the following: 1. Decide on the dose a few days ahead of time. If you want to redose or take a second substance, decide this ahead of time. These decisions should not be made while intoxicated or sporadically. (DMT while peaking on acid is super interesting. It is a lot though. Once was enough for me). 2. leading up to the trip, avoid other intoxicants, major dopamine kicks (cell phone usage, video games, porn). I found I am able to go deeper if I do this. 3. Remove any weapons, sharp objects, or anything that you feel would be a bad vibe or unsafe. Stick it in the trunk of your car. Plan to give your keys to your trip sitter and make a commitment to not touch your phone. Also, clean your room. There’s nothing worse than laying on the ground and noticing dirt and crumbs everywhere. 4. This should be a no brainer, but take a shit and piss before you dose. It’s crazy how much stress and anxiety not taking care of your bodily functions can cause when you are so fucked up you don’t even realize you need to go. 5. Have a friend or family member you trust come over to trip sit you. I use the term trip sit loosely. I would generally isolate myself to a dark room in my home and maybe have some frequencies playing. They just hang out in the living room. I don’t interact with them until I’m coming out of the trip. Every solo high dose experience I have had was set up like this. Having someone in the other room makes me have an easier time letting go. If I start having thoughts like “what if I hurt myself” or “what if something goes wrong”, I just remember I have a competent person in the other room that can handle an emergency if it occurs. This does the trick for me and I have had great experiences with this. Honestly group trips and small dose solo experiences that don’t follow this protocol have felt more challenging and less safe.
  3. I have a G17. I should have gotten the G19. Regardless it’s a solid handgun. I also picked up a micro roni chassis to hook it into with a bunch 33 round extended magazines. It’s a lot of fun. For home defense you might want to look into a shotgun though. I’m leaning towards a Beretta 1301 whenever I can afford it (which might be a while). you could also look into building an AR. Pretty fun experience in my opinion and really helps you understand how it works.
  4. Probably not a shit test. Constructive criticism. I would recommend putting some pictures up of you hanging out with your friends and being engaged in your hobbies. if you have a pet, get a selfie with it. If you don’t, then get one with a family member or friends. if your pictures are all like your profile pic, it could give the same vibes as a crime documentary on Netflix. Back in high school I had profile pictures of myself in a gas mask or brandishing a katana since I thought it looked badass. I also did not get laid in this time period lol. If you post on social media at all it’s good to be well rounded in what you are putting out there, especially if you intend to use it for dating.
  5. I definitely feel it about these teachings getting me into trouble. These days I tend to avoid talking about philosophy or with people unless I already know they are on the same wave length. I definitely don’t bring up actualized if I don’t think they are would even finish a video. For some reason people in my neck of the woods will start asking me about Leo’s credentials on whatever topic I was showing them as if I am supposed to be an expert on him. Or they go into the whole cult narrative. I find this super irritating as the actualized videos are almost always my best reference point when talking about philosophy (since they always paint such a clear picture). People will find any way they can to discredit this stuff. If they can find an argument to make the concept seem evil/ unethical, schizophrenic, or criticize the speaker, then they never have to seriously contemplate any of it. I think these conversations that “get you in trouble” are really just people’s egos trying to get as much distance possible between themselves and these ideas.
  6. Depends on where you are buying. Go somewhere like Roanoke (or almost anywhere in southern va) and you could get something decent with 20k down. Won’t be luxurious, but it could be comfortable.
  7. A compassionate approach to mental disorders definitely wouldn’t be a bad thing. I don’t disagree with that at all. however, as others have stated, I don’t think our society is equipped to make the discernment between a enabling or solving this issue. What sort of approach would you propose to be compassionate to marginalized groups of people while still protecting the children that could be victimized by these people? Children that are victimized seem to have a higher likelihood of developing other mental issues too which would just lead to more societal problems. I have no idea if this number is accurate, but off a quick google search I saw that it is estimated that less than 5 percent of the world population are pedophiles. Out of that 5 percent, I wonder how many of them are acting on those urges and how many of them are functioning members of society that have never done anything damaging? I would say there are bigger fish to fry than supporting pedophiles. Having society reach stage yellow would likely lead to solutions to these problems becoming more feasible. If consciousness were elevated on a large enough scale, this could be true for a lot of other problems as well. I think that it would be pointless for anyone in power to come out and support something like this with where we are currently at on the spiral. Defending pedophiles and other topics like this is a great way to scare people off from ever moving up the spiral. Public positions that create so much backlash that it hinders consciousness from being raised ultimately hurts everyone.
  8. If you don’t like EDM and go to other festivals for other genres I’d love to hear about that as well. I just got back from Electric Forest!
  9. This is my favorite pizza: pizza topped with pineapple, mushrooms, salami, on Alfredo sauce. Well done with extra cheese. Cheese stuffed crust makes it even better.
  10. I would strongly encourage you not to trip with your family around if they aren’t into this stuff. I have a buddy who got acid while he was still in high school thinking it would only last an hour. His parents came home while he was tripping nuts. He held it together and they never figured it out. The whole experience was so uncomfortable for him that he didn’t touch psychedelics again until he was like 27. Solo tripping isn’t favorable if you have never done them before. If you go that route don’t take much. Out in nature would probably be less stressful for you. if you want to find awesome people to be friends with that tend to be into this sort of thing (at least to a certain extent), I’d recommend the following activities. Rock climbing (these guys love tripping) white water rafting/ kayaking long distance backpacking skiing/snowboarding ( the ones that look like they do it are the ones to talk to) mindfulness/ meditation groups martial arts if you get involved with any of those you will probably find someone would be a solid friend/ that you would trust to trip sit you.
  11. Thanks for all of this advice! I have never made a CV before as I’ve only ever used Resumes and Cover letters. Do you have any pointers for crafting a good CV? I can also do some research later when I get off work. Also, would you care if I sent you my resume to look over? I think it’s pretty good since I ran it through Claude AI a few times, but having an actual person with professional experience look over it would be awesome. Also, you don’t think that waiting and potentially being terminated if everything goes wrong this week is a real risk worth worrying about? I did have an employer reach out to me today from an application I put in on Saturday to schedule an interview this week. So this may not be as big a problem as I think.
  12. I started typing out the whole story behind this post yesterday and it was just too long. I’ve trimmed this down pretty significantly. I’ll elaborate further if anyone says I didn’t provide enough details for good advice. I am a property manager. I have been in this job for close to 3 years. I have really enjoyed building relationships with the clients I manage properties for and gaining a broad understanding of the rental market in my area. It’s been a lot of good experience. A year and a half ago I reached out to my supervisor and asked to be promoted to regional manager as I felt like I was acting in that capacity ( just without the pay, the authority, or the title). She agreed with my assessment and said she thought I would make a great regional, but that those kinds of promotions are made by people above her in the chain. She passed my message along and they said they would let me know if the budget would allow that. fast forward to today: I work well over 40 hours a week for no extra pay, oversee two property managers, and consistently get asked to clean up mistakes other people make. While I don’t like this, I wouldn’t make a big deal about it as my attitude is I’m in this for the long game and feel like I will get promoted eventually if I keep going above and beyond. Over the past few weeks I have had an enormous amount of problems dumped onto my plate. These problems that I have found myself in the midst of seem to be very much out of my control and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to solve them this time. If it were only one, I wouldn’t be worried as I have a good reputation within the company. My concern is that if I find myself tied to 7-9 rather significant failures in a very short time span I will exhaust my political capital and lose my job. These problems range from mishaps from the maintenance coordinators, another property manager mishandling an eviction and costing a client over $13,000 in losses (I was called in to do damage control), To some very messy turnover work that I can’t bill to the past tenant because my predecessor didn’t upload a move in inspection/ property condition report. I’m not crazy about trying to defend myself about these problems if I get dragged into the fallout as it may create the appearance that I am whining, or not being accountable. During my time here I have found that just taking accountability for everything (whether it was my fault or not) tends to deescalate situations pretty easily. But again I’ve never had this much before at once. My concern is that if I try to ride this out I’ll become the scapegoat for all of this, which would then lead to me being fired. I worked for another company for 7 months right out of college before starting here. This is really the bulk of my professional working experience. I don’t think this outcome would be good if it happened. I have been putting in applications over the last few days at other companies. I believe it may be in my best interest strategically to put in my 2 weeks notice this week even if I don’t have another job lined up just so I can control how I exit. I have had a very large portion of the clients I work with tell me they don’t even like this company and that the only reason they have not terminated management is because of me. That is the consensus I have gotten for the last 2 years of my employment. This last few weeks has really made me think of this is sustainable. A lot of the clients I work with are great connections and I have wonderful relationships with. If them liking me is the only reason they are allowing the company I work for to manage their properties, this seems unsustainable. I could see those relationships souring if enough goes wrong. If I quit, everything will go wrong much much faster. These clients will associate the problems with me leaving and the company being unable to provide the same level of service as opposed to them eventually blaming me. Quitting without another job lined up seems very risky. I own my house and have a $1,200 mortgage. My salary is 56,950. I had some medical bills, car troubles, and family emergencies that caused me to not have as much stockpiled as I expected. I liquidated all of my stocks and most of my savings right before all of the emergencies listed above happened, to pay off my student loans entirely. It seemed like a good idea at the time but I really shouldn’t have done that. at this point I have about 3,000 in savings and $12,000 in Bitcoin (I put a few thousand in back when it crashed really hard and it did pretty well- I generally wouldn’t treat this as my only investment- since I know Leo is going flame me for this lol). if I were to quit, I could sell most of my bitcoin and just have my mortgage paid for the next 8 or 9 months. If that’s paid off I can survive off very little. I would also be surprised if it took me that long ti find another job. I’m really not satisfied with the 9-5 rat race and would rather work for myself. A period of time to actually make an attempt could be life changing. I could also transfer my real estate license to a sales office and attempt sales as well (which would fill in any job gaps on the resume). I just don’t feel prepared to do this. have any of you been in a situation like this? Have you ever quit your job before you were ready with nothing else lined up? Do you have any advice on how to navigate this? I’ve also considered the possibility that I am just stressed out and being irrational about the whole thing. But I also do feel like I’m rolling the dice a little bit if I stay. I just can’t shake the feeling that it’s irresponsible to quit with nothing lined up and that if I stay something horrible is going to happen. any insights you have would be appreciated! It’s very possible I’ll make a decision sometime this week (maybe even today depending on how everything is going).
  13. I have never been to Nepal but want to one day. I have no interest in Everest, but I’m very interested in the Great Himalayan Trail! It will likely be another decade before I attempt that as I’m still working on getting my finances together and doing other US based thru-hikes. as far as mountaineering experience: my technical experience is minimal. I could place top rope anchors, sport climb, and rappel. I wasn’t particularly good but I never died lol ( or attempted anything that would have had that as a real concern). I am very experienced in the Mountains in general though. I Thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail (Georgia to Maine). I’m also a decent skiier and ski about 45-55 days per year usually.
  14. I am only 3 episodes in, but I really like this show so far. I only ever dabbled in the games, but my girlfriend was really into them (though she didn’t like 4 an hated 76). She’s also in agreement that this show is great and feels like a real extension of the universe. super surprising since most of these adaptions suck.