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Everything posted by coconutwater

  1. This is an utopia but a twisted utopia... I believe deep down chaos is what I want... But I'm not fully sure either. I've seen realities that are more blissful than this one but I always return to this one reality. So what's going on, I'm not sure? I must be attached to this reality. This must be my twisted divine plan unfolding as it is. If I was in a bad situation/country I probably wouldn't be complaining as @ajasatya said...
  2. I see more dark than light on the planet. Mostly online but IRL too. This forum is good but others reddit,4chan,incels etc.. Most places are bad, dark... Like 99% bad 1% good. What do I do wrong to see all this? Why am I not in the "good" reality if there is one? It's like if I'm in half way of a good and bad reality... I did many psychedelics but I always get back to this reality.. Am I attached to it? Why almost everything that gets reflected is so bad...? I'm watching "What Is The Devil? - The Mechanics Of Evil" from Leo but I still don't understand.
  3. You're right, it can be permanent if you want it to be... I was wrong... But I like the spiritual realm better, the only reason I would return is if I get bored of it... Like we/I probably was...
  4. 100 years is nothing compared to infinity/bliss that you will be with real death if there is no reincarnation which I believe there is not when you are fully awake and do not want to return here... Why do you want to die now and not wait it out to see how it plays out?
  5. Yes, I'm trying to do more self inquiry to figure it out. I guess I'm not conscious enough to see it yet to see the beauty of it...
  6. Yes stay away from those sites. Also I visited a psychiatrist before to talk about things... He told me the same thing you guys are telling me, that I have nothing to complain about if everything is paid for etc... I shouldn't have any worry.
  7. Yes, it is other forums that mostly post negative stuff nowadays. I don't visit them anymore. I still feel "good" and "bad" with my ego, even if it doesn't really exist...
  8. Right now life is good in Canada. But I was in Senagal in Africa and Moscow Russia for a few years and things were bad... I did experience hardships before... LONG TIME AGO. But you are right...
  9. Hello everyone I'm new on the forum. I won the life lottery by awakening which does not happen often at all. Very little people awaken. Now nothing can stop me and I'm in eternal heaven Almost everyone thinks if they will go to heaven or hell, while I'm here sitting knowing about the truth of love. I hope to awaken many people with LSD around me. Love you all. Message sent from me to me
  10. My memory is better it processes and makes connections faster from psychedelics. How can it become worse if you REMEMBER "IT", the magical moment where everything makes sense while on the trip?
  11. I know there are no others. Only myself but has anyone seen themselves morphing into another person? Not just ageing while looking in the mirror on psychedelics but literately morphing into other faces? I have not seen it yet.. Like in the following gif:
  12. This form is temporary. There is pain, bliss and in between... I would like there to be more bliss for sure but at least we have psychedelics for a temporary amount of time while having this experience which brings bliss in our lives that you can continue doing even if enlightened. I am satisfied with the answer from the trips and I'm only doing more trips for the giggles.
  13. Yes, exactly. The normal life is just another trip...God/You doesn't give you anymore than you can handle and IT wants to experience everything even the worst health issues.... For a limited time...
  14. Is everyone else awakened at the time that I get awakened/enlightened? Every friend I tell about LSD wants to try it... lol even those I thought would never want to try it... Also thanks for the warm welcome.