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About Stratos

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  • Birthday 05/05/2000

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  1. @Salvijus i will take it into consideration when i finish my thesis in a couple of months. i was planning of going to mexico but i would rather attend a retreat..
  2. @Ulax thanks a lot, truly.
  3. Good evening all, My name is Stratos, and I am a student that soon finishes his academic career. I am writing this message because i require assistance upon the matter of addiction. I am aware that ther are many topics concerning the subject but I would like to make some more remarks. For my good luck (or not) i happen to be a very attractive male. At the same time, i have been blessed with the ability to articulate speech on very high levels and engage conversation of philosophical nature quite naturally. I am also quite organized which can be observed by my ability to finish my Master's at 22. I speak 3 languages and i have been doing martial arts for a decade now. I’m clean, i know how to cook well and people often come to me for advice. Even older people... However, i am an addict. Technically i am not yet because i am quite young. However, i understand that my personality is prone to addiction and in 10 years from now i will definitely be. I consume large quantities of alcohol in one sitting (750 ml of spirit) without getting hangover. I smoke enormous amounts of cannabis and also indulge myself in other substances. I have tried to stop numerous of times but fail repeatedly. I don’t know how to discipline myself when it comes to substances which is weird if you take into account my martial arts training. I also sometimes find myself giving excuses to me so i can drink/smoke. "Since i am so good in all other areas it is ok to drink/smoke." I have been going back and fourth with this issue for years.. I don’t know what to do. I feel that i am doomed to suffer from addiction for the rest of my life. I have considered going to a Buddhist temple for a few years to get away from everything but i feel that fleeing society is not the right choice yet. I am still building my future and i know i have many things to provide society before i flee... Could you guys give me some advice on how to combat this issue?
  4. I am in love with one of my close friends for a couple of months now. We both have feelings for each other but haven't communicated them appropriately. Only glimpses of them or drunk confessions. She broke up 1 week ago from a 1-year relationship and I found the opportunity to tell her how I feel. At a party, we both drank a little and I opened up. We made out for a bit. The next day she asked for time. However, I feel very bad because I haven't told her sober how much I truly care for her. I really want to approach her and talk it out but on the one hand, she JUST broke up and on the other, I don't want to cross the "I need time" boundaries. Our communication is currently limited to a couple of texts a day. What's the best approach to get my feelings out of my chest without pushing her away? + How do I help her get through the breakup?
  5. @Michael569 You just put on the table really deep questions and I thank you for that. I'll start by answering those and see how it goes. Bless you..
  6. @funcool I don't know what you mean by me fragmenting my life. What kind of requirements I set for me to be happy? Could you please elaborate?
  7. Recently while I was cooking a thought just popped in to my head saying "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE" I am currently practicing my master's in Sustainability management and every day I feel that it doesn't make me happy because I don't have a long-term goal. But I love caring for the environment... My mentality is if you wanna do something in life do something that will help the world. But the thing is that even while I'm "on the right track" I feel lost. I love meditating and trying out new Sādhanās that is why I started a Meditation group on campus. But is STILL do not fill fulfilled. I really do not know what to do. Where to look for. Why can't I find my life purpose since I do everything I love??
  8. Good evening everybody, I'll try to make this as short and simple as possible. I am an addict, I know I am an addict due to the behaviour I produce when I am around my drug or think about my drug. I have been a heavy Cannabis smoker for over 4 years now non stop. I recently left my hometown and moved abroad and I stopped for 15 days. However, I am back on the same habit but with 1/3 of the consumption, I used to do. The thing is that when I say I am an addict I can accept it but when I feel myself "stuck" in the internal now the word just disappears. I feel I am not an addict and I just project this label onto myself to build my ego or my self-image. I really don't know what to believe or with what actions to proceed. I love cannabis and want it in my life, but is this the addict me talking and the right word is not "want" but "need"? Thank you in advance for your time, - Stratos
  9. Hi everyone, I've been meditating for the last year or so on a daily basis. I try to stay in the now letting my ears hear whatever they wanna hear, but I never really understood the meaning in the phrase "watch your thoughts". Every time I try to be conscious of my thoughts I immediately return to the now. They just disappear as if they only work when I'm daydreaming. Thanks in advance
  10. @evgn @hamedsfthe truth is that I am thinking it. To be completely honest I've dated some women after her ( some of them at the same age some of them 40+) and I don't seem to be satisfied. I always think of her and catch myself regretting going out with the other women after the date is over.
  11. @hamedsf life only goes forward right? It's hard to let her go, I feel that I could have given so much more.
  12. @acidgoofy @The0Self I see, thank you
  13. @The0Self At the time being, what would be the best way to act during this difficult time? Leave her alone, sending a message once in X time, pursue her more?
  14. @LessonsSavesLifes first of all thanks for replying. Secondly, she never referred to them neither as good friends or assholes ( although some of them were) she was always neutral about that. Hope it helps
  15. Hello everyone, Couple of months ago I started a topic called "dating someone much older than you". In short I started dating one of my mothers friend. She is 35 and I am 20. I was really nervous and troubled at first because of the age difference. We dated for 7 months and broke up recently. The main problem in our relationship was that I was taking it to a serious level although she wanted it too, she was holding back due to the age gap. I was giving 100% of my emotional world to her and she knew that she can't couldn't hold me back forever. You see, she wanted to let go but the thought of someday marrying a guy at my age was a little over the top, not only for her but for me too. So one day after she left for her village where she was going to stay for two weeks, I met a girl. This girl (younger than me) communicated her feelings right away and this intrigued me. After hanging out some times ( where I didn't let anything happen) we finally made out. I immediately regret it because I had promised myself to give everything to the other woman and also because I hate cheating. That is why I called her the same night and told her what happened. The next day I missed work and went on to find her. After travelling 6 hours by bus to meet her we discuss for a little and break up. (Please have in mind that the reason of breaking up was all the problems coming from the age gap, the cheating was the thing that brought everything up). The thing is we still deeply care for each other and actually went out the other day. I noticed she still had feelings but wanted to be alone for some time. She seemed to be upset for cheating on her because almost all her exes did it. That's why she indirectly told me that she doesn't trust me anymore, at least not as she used to. My goal is to gain her trust again without "violating" her space, irritate, or annoy her. I want to be close to her and if one day we are ready maybe start something from the beginning, continuing what we left of or just stay friends. Thanks a lot for listening to me and I hope you have some time to leave a reply, have a good night.