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About YLayla27

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  1. Hm, well what is your true goal? You sound more concerned about your self / self image than these "women" you meet. They are just random "females to potentially have sex with" it sounds like. That will get boring with each one of them eventually. Try to meet a soulmate to share your experience of life with, someone on the same wavelength...but you need to meet your own soul first or that wont be possible. Thats really the key I think. Find yourself. What are your values? What do you believe in? What makes you inspired, passionate in life? What are you against? Start with simple things like a favorite colour, favourite place to be, go to for vacation...do you prefer nature or cities? All kinds of things. Once you are fully aware of yourself which can take a while...months...years... it gets easier to identify others who are like you including women. Things will move on naturally from that point...try to find out the same about the people you meet, woman or man, regardless. Try to just really deeply get to know people, be interested, listen to them and forget yourself while you do.
  2. I'm just like you. It all comes down to boundaries, stopping self abandonment, not giving more than what we receive, not loving people more deeply than they are connected to their own true selves (loving someones potential)... I think this stems from a childhood of neglect, emotionally unavailable parents...we were never loved, seen, felt, understood as children. We try to solve this trauma by attaching to people with similar traits than our parents had and try to make these people love us by giving too much. Self Betrayal. Toxic wrong kind of empathy. Too trusting. Lack of discernment. Anxious attachment...ultimately lack of self worth. I struggle with the same thing. I know Im great, talented, intelligent, strong, think in my mind that I love myself yet Im chasing unavailable narcissistic sociopathic people with no conscience hoping they will one day love me like I love them while being fully aware that they are in full ego false self mode unable to see reality.