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Everything posted by RedLine

  1. Neti neti is an exercise, not an ontological claim.
  2. I have recently been studying Jesus (specially the work of Gary Habermas), and I have learned that historical evidence suggests that the miracles and the Resurrection of Jesus are historical facts. f that were true, wouldn't that fact be incompatible with Buddhist maps? According to Theravada Buddhism, the ultimate level of consciousness we can reach is one where there is no subject and things happen by themselves in real time, eliminating suffering. But the buddha Gautama himself was not able to deconstruct the imaginary reality, the dream, by changing its laws, and doing things like creating objects out of nothing or resurrecting after dying. If he achieved end path why he was not able to realize he is God and be omnipotent? Also, what is the difference in terms of practice/approach between the no-mind/end suffer approach and the God/Everything-is-imaginary kind of awakening of Christ/Leo Gura? What should I practice if I want to hack the game and fly instead of get ride of craving? What is the difference in the approach?
  3. No. Jesus claimed to be the son of God (omnipotent), so of course he implicitly assumes he can deconstruct the dream. Ingram believes God insight is just "arising and passing away", some temporary experience of the mind. His metaphysics is more like that of a regular reddit atheist. He has no special metaphysical intuition or knowledge of God.
  4. Andrés Gómez Emilsson. If I remember correctly, he said that he already invited you to talk.
  5. He dissect that paper here. Check the description to se all the papers he quotes.
  6. Nothingness and Absolute/Being the whole Universe probably have the same taste, but I guess it is difficult to our mind to understand.
  7. Here Adyashanti claims that you will get after death what you imagine. So, if you believe you will join your dead relatives, you will get that; if you believe you will go to some colored buddhist real, you will get there. It sounds a lot like Leo´s God imagining everything stuff. I was shocked by these claims since Adyashanti teachings are about being grounded in the body and the present moment and get rid of the mental content and metaphysics. This time he went out of character a lot. What do you guys thing about these claims? Also, if you have more resources where Adyashanti talks about these kind of topics please share.
  8. He sounds very good but I am not sure if he tells people what they want to hear more than what girl like in sex. I suspect that what woman actually like is the savage guy hard cxxk thing more than the feeling the whole body/loving thing that he proposes (maybe because most woman are in a lower stage of consicusness)? In my experience the times when I was not able to get hard and instead I started playing with the whole body, "making love", etc -the kind of thing these channel propose- the girl left me the next day. The relationship was going supergood, we try to have sex for the first time, I got nervous or I was in a bad energetic situation and didn´t get hard, next day she left me. It happens to me several times. If you are not able to get hard, they consider you are not men enough and they will abandoned you (sad), that´s based of my experience, am I biased? Anyway, even if it is not real, what he suggest if a good mindset, getting in the "performance" circle will fuck you up even more.
  9. Offering a cure for cancer or a cure for chronomic painful diseases in which people suffer all day will not lead to "absolute disaster" but will lead to a great reduction in suffering for patients and their families, therefore society being more happy and functional.
  10. Teaching 90s new era doesn´t produce dysbalance but teaching medicine to cure pain and illness produce dysbalance aha.
  11. Looks like you are looking for distractions to get away from the present moment. Feel the sensations of the body or practice some noting while doing your stuff and get rid of consuming internet content addiction
  12. You answer is for what you called Surface Structure of Enlightenment, not Deep Structure of Enlightenment I mean, if Shiva or an angel sits next to me in my cushion and it looks 100% real to me, is it Enlightenment about the Deep Structure of Reality or is it just my mind hallucinating and building things up into reality in base of my imagination? How do I know?
  13. Those are actually benefics of no-fap, not fapping. With no fap you will feel more focused and in control. With fap you will become creepy, in your head and less control over your impulses. Anyway those are very sutle. I don't find much difference between being in no fap vs fap. But still I think it is a good habit not to touch your dick. I see it more as a self respect thing.
  14. Ask him how is that he can channel an alien being from the future but that one is only parroting 1990 new era literature and he is not able to contribute with any material new knowledge we don´t know already in 2024 (like a formula to create new sources of energy, geographic location where has been found some important historical remains, chemical compound of new medicines etc, etc, etc).
  15. I understand. Thank you. And how do you know Deep Structure of Enlightenment states/experiences are legit knowking/insight about the nature of the Universe/Nature/Consciusness an not just hallucinations of the mind as mental ill people experience?
  16. His stuff always sound to me like 4 path/non dual stage, which is supposedly to be the last stage. How can he go beyond that ? I don´t understand. @Water by the River
  17. Yes, when you are back home from work, sit in silence, feel the emotions in your body and cry if the body ask you that; you will feel release. Repeat that as many times as needed. Eventually you will feel better and can plan some strategies to start talking with girl (baby steps)
  18. Just choose one you like. I like Coach Kyle body language for example and get inspiration from him.
  19. What is the Owen´s practical advise? I see he is parroting for hours in his videos about how good it feels to be free flowing out of the head instead of being trapped in social conditioning and have a positive mind and "contribute to the world" mindest. However I don´t see he offers any guide about how to get there -only the speaking loud and screaming stuff-. I suspect his current energy state is due to he massively approached strange people for years back in the days to the point he is so immune to what people thinks about him anymore so we flows very free.
  20. Because that´s how ego works. Unless you are enlighten and you are not identified with your persol self I think you are BS yourself. Yes it is normal, it is part of life. Rejections hurt, scolds hurt losses hurt, failures hurt, etc. What we should do is fully feel that suffer in our body and not repress it with wishful thinking.
  21. Two recommendations: 1. Acceptance work. Fully accept the pain that bring you the idea you are a virgin. It will reduce your suffer in a hugh degree. Watch some Artem Boytsov videos, he is very good at explaining Acceptance work. 2. (Probably unpopular recommendacion): go out and start hitting up to the uggliest and fat girls in the place. Eventually you will hook up with some and you will break up the tabu of virginity.
  22. You actually believe in rejection and if a woman rejects you, it hurts to you in some degree (nothing wrong, it is natural). You try to push the idea that it does not affect you, you fight against reality, create tension, no authenticity, you go away from the present moment. Congrats you are working in the opposite direction.
  23. Your mindset in pickup is very simple to explain. If the last 5 approaches you did to girls, they were very receptive and you end up in bed with them you will feel you are the king of PUAS; bright confidence. if the last 10 approaches you did you were brutally rejected you will started to doubt about your skills with game, start thinking that maybe you are not good enough, etc. I went trough all that phases. Rest of gamers too. With time if you do enough approaches, this zigzag start to decrease and you become more stable That´s how mind works for most people and it is not something you can choose with midset sutff, it is given to you by empirial reality. BTW spiritual work is about authenticity, deluding yourself in something that actually don´t believe -because empirical reality does not show you that- will make you desirous and it will take you away from the present moment. You will be truly present when you recognize and accept all your miseries, weaknesses and limitations. So fuck Andrew Tate, Tony Robbins and all those internet american neo lutheran priests.
  24. You people here are always sunken in that childish subjectivism. If I analyze my last 300 trades in the stock market and I see I lost 70% of times, objectively my strategy is not good, that´s not a mindset. If I analyze the last 30 times I went out in differnt scenarios, differnt companies, different states of mind, different results, and I see what factors attracted women and what repelled woman from me; and I see a clear pattern, that´s not mindset, that´s objectivity.
  25. Motivation and mindset is good to take action. When I go out I think I am the best and I going to kill it this time. But then on paper you need to analyze objectively and dispassionately what happen the last X times you did the thing, study weak points and plan ways to improve it. For me it is the IG thing (short term impact) and keep working on energy work, ice baths and holtropic breathing (more long term results because it builds slow for me).