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Everything posted by RedLine

  1. I agree. Honestly, what is the purpose of his 1/2 year last videos? Just repiting the same again and again. Inspiration to practice? Does talk about God from his experience is useful for others? God is something you have to experience, so what is the point of tell others God=love and things like that again and again?
  2. You are focusing on a spiritual path and you will probably have to deal with many things on a personal level before. The classic way was: 1. Build a strong ego 2. Get rid of the ego. I would recommend that you maintain that spiritual practice, but not as your first goal in life. Your main objective should be to solve your personal problems (trauma, career, woman, low self-steem, sex, shadow, etc.). Some ideas: psychotepary, shadow practics, bioenergetics, holotrophic breathing, psychodelics therapy, gestalt therapy, pick up community, gym, kick boxing/muay thai/mma. You could improve your shadow/self-esteem problems with some of this stuff.
  3. Chances?? It is not a stadistically stuff. It is about willness.
  4. According to TMI, you cannot avoid practicing samadhi (concentration on a object) because it is one of the components of vipassana (concentration on one point + awareness of everything). Thus, exclusively practicing mindfulness (be aware of everything, How To Meditate - The No Bullshit Guide to Meditation) is a mistake. So, as long as I understad, it is not possible to improve on you spiritual path if you don´t master concentartion, according to Culadasa. This contrasts with some zen masters who only practice "just sit, be present and be aware of everything" and also with Leo, who, as ar far as I know, didn´t practice concentrarion at one point, just awareness of everything. I have been paying attention to stomach breathing for months, and I am getting worse and worse; a lot of mental rubbish and breathing ceases to interest me anymore. However, practicing mindfulness + strong determination sit I get quite momentum and feel good. Should I abandon samadhi? Would it harm my spiritual progression? @ardacigin
  5. Still can´t understand you Do you think samadhi is mandatory or not?
  6. Lol this award is a joke, there are a lot of papers proving paranormal phenomenon, check Dean Radin old website, he made a copilation of all proofs about paranormal phenomenon within academic papers.
  7. Because he is against the cultural hegemony of the pathological postmodern left. This pathological postmodern left denies objectic world ("everything is subjective", "all is about opinions") and repress masculinity. The opossite of Jordan Peterson. He is saving this generation from decay. Read Ken Wilber - Trump and the post-truth.
  8. You are losing context. I see many threats like this. Watch the video as a whole and don't take small things without context. Also remember, language is just a map of reality. Just try to understand what the author meant through language and don't destroy it literally. Everyboyd may exercise this type of literary criticism, but it is simply wicked and ridiculous. Words are not fixed and well defined, they are open to contexts.
  9. I don´t understand you. Do you mean that it takes thousands of hours of concentration practice to achieve enlightenment? If you want to say this, I disagree. As far as I know, there are some schools that only practice attention to everything, not concentration on one objective.
  10. I will try to explain exercise theory, rather than the specific question you should ask. Maybe it could help you. In the ego standard state of consciusness we think we are seeing reality FROM a ego. So, the exercise basically consists of locating that ego from which we are "observing" reality; Once you have located it, keep in mind that it is an object, not the subject (because you are seeing it, it is impossible for it to be the object). Then try to locate the subject over and over again, discarding everything you can recognize as an object. You probably already know this, but try to reflect on the purpose of the exercise again, it may be helpful. This exercise is difficult as fuck, as it requires a lot of effort / purpose, it is not like meditation, so don't judge yourself so hard if you are not able to do it correctly and you are repeating the question mentally because you are too lazy to "feel the exercise". "It happens to me too, just persist and forgive yourself.
  11. There are several people who report this, so it raises some questions for me about the TMI theory.
  12. Learn the difference between states of conscisuness and stages of consciusness. You can have a very profound spiritual experience (state), but then you return to your default consciusness level (stage). Thus, you need to maintain a regular meditation practice to create permanent stages of conscisuness and use those radical experience (states) to see your spiritual goal and also climp in your spiritual practice. There are exceptions where the person can awaken without practice and maintain that state. Ramana Maharsi just woke up thinking of death and was able to mantain their conscisuness level in that non-dual state. But this is just a rare exception. You need to do the work every day. There are many nuances, but this is an outline that can be useful. Read Wilber.
  13. Psychological trauma and repression = body pain. Read about bioenergetics, (Alexander Lowen for example). Also read The spectrum of consciusness - Ken Wilber chapter dedicated to centaur. Elliot Hulse videos are also good (those dedicated to bioenergetics, not the masculinity stuff he does now).
  14. Those influenced by radical feminism could take flirting as an aggression. Girls could become agressive just by you showing intent nowaday. It is necessary to calibrate very well. At least in my country.
  15. I am not awaken but I comment anyway. It is a classic problem. You must do something you don't like to achieve long-term goals. If you do it, you feel bad because you don't like doing it. If you don't do it, you feel guilty and anxious. Just two comments, not solutions: 1. Living is painful, so it is necessary to accept pain. 2. Try to find a balance between short-term pleasure and long-term goals. It is about intuition not rational solutions.
  16. Because there are different types of personalities. Some of them more oriented to find the meaning of existence and others more oriented to practical day to day things. Check MBTI personality types.
  17. What is your opinion about transpersonal stages of consciusness (developed mainly by Ken Wilber )? (centaur-subtle-causal-non-dual)
  18. @ardacigin it's a bit off-topic but, since I really appreciate your posts and how you approach meditation work, I would like to ask you something: What would be your optimal meditation journey (techniques and hours), from beginner to advanced level? Can you give a general example that you think would be a good schedule for a beginner-intermediate-advanced? For example, beginner: 40 min samatha, 40 min body scan, interemdiate: 1h samatha, 1h do nothing, 1 hour self inquiry, etc. I know this is entirely up to the person, but it would be great if you give a general example for guidance / inspiration. Thank you!
  19. It depends, you game could become better or worst. Game has evil and positive aspects as almost everything in life. Learning to connect with girls and establish emotions is not a bad thing. Manipulating the girls to get them as trophies is.
  20. It will be useful for you to understand the differente between stages of consciusness and states of consciusness developed by Ken Wilber. I created a thread about this. It could fix you confussion. I don´t know if Leo has that phenomenology he talks about permanently or just when he is on DMT. He never specified this. I don´t think so, he got tremendous gains using psychedelics and he transmits that truth to us. It would be hypocritical to get big gains by using pshychodelics and then tell people that they can get there through meditation. He express what works for him. What he says is something like: "meditation is great but I could only achieve very very deep levels of consciusness by using psychodelics". It doesn´t mean mediation is not useful or we should quit meditation and use psychodelics.
  21. I don´t, He is great. The only think I don´t like about his videos is that we all know that God is an experience that cannot be understand rationally, just by experience; however he spends hours in his videos talking about God and non-duallitiy and repeaitin himself (specilly the last videos) What is the goal of this? Some kind of inspiration to practice? I don´t know, for me just a lose of time since I read a thousend of times what he says about non-dual phenomenology in perennial philosophy literature. His videos would be much more profitable if he stopped repeating the theory and talked more about practical things. You cannot transmit an experience no matter how much you talk about it.
  22. Do you have any source where this technique is clearly explained? Scaning duration, etc?
  23. I never tried. It looks very difficult for me. But it has to be a good technique since Shinzen Young and Leo strongly recommend it. Just try, if you are capable of follow all that instructions.