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Everything posted by RedLine

  1. Wim Hof breathing technique vs Holotropic breathing is like compare weed vs DMT. The first one is kid´s game, the second one strong stuff. You can combine both. A couple of minutes of Wim Hof breathing techinque 3x30 every day and one holotrophic breathing 40 min session every week. That is what I do.
  2. As long as I understand you, you basically mean that Leo states that God is only present in the mystical non-dual state and it is not present also in separte ordinary life. Am I wrong? I think definetly he doesn't think that way.
  3. Good job! What kind of vipassana meditation are you doing? Scaning the body? Focusing on the body as a whole? Just "observing everything without manipulete it (like How To Meditate - The No Bullshit Guide to Meditation indicates)?
  4. Have you try bioenergetics? This techniques are fire. You can search Elliot Hulse videos.
  5. Entertain yourself whenever you want but not to avoid to "do the job" which is what we are looking for most of the time when we need entertainment. In other words: when we are looking for entertainment, what we are really looking for is "avoid present moment" most of the times.
  6. Following Leo's latest video and his statement that he has accessed to degrees of awakening higher than that of most spiritual teachers, I would like to bring up this theoretical distinction that Ken Wilber makes in his philosophical system (especially in his first works ) and put it in relation to the phenomenology and doctrine of Leo. Ken Wilber makes a distinction between states: those peak experiences that reveal unity with God, to a greater or lesser extent, then returning the subject to his usual level of consciousness; and stages: changes in the permanent identity that are achieved through contemplative practice (it would be like layers that overlap each other). In his early work Wilber establishes the following transpersonal stages, which I will briefly describe below: -Centaur (Vision-logic): period of existencial crisis. The individual no longer considers his identity to be his mind but also begins to become aware that his body is part of his self. - Subtle: experience of some strong God insights through meditation. -Causal: There is no ego anymore but a Witness who is always there. -Non dual: there is no distinction between subject and object. Pure God permanently. In his work, Diary Wilber describes very clearly how his experience of being permanently in this stage is, not because a trip of DMT or in the peak of a meditation journey, but as something he got trought lot of years of meditation that slowly led him to that stage, just as a bodybuilder builds his muscles little by little. He also describes that he drops to the Casual level sometimes when some ego attachments appear or if he drinks alcohol. Wilber demonstrates how these stages are present in all spiritual traditions and in the most important spiritual teachers. His theory, in this way, establishes a series of stages through which the individual goes through from birth until he builds an ego (Piaget), and then from the ego to God (transpersonal stages). Now the question is, Does Leo agree with this stages? Is Leo in some os this stages (¿causal? ¿non-dual?) or does he only have these experiences of God when he is in meditation or in psychedelics? What surprise me the most is that in the last video Leo suggest that the path to God is understand (¿rationally?) some ideas about what is the ego, what is God, etc (what he says he is going to focus on in the future, when he will be back of his retreetment) more that just practice meditation. But Leo has not also told us a lot of times that it is worthless to reason about God and the ego but what is important is the practice, the experience? From his last video it seems to be extracted that the only thing that matters to enlighten is an understanding of what God is (is not enlightenment the oposite of thought? Silence the ego?). This matter is very importante and I think Leo should give and answer. God bless you all and sorry for my english.