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Everything posted by RedLine
mm and how do I know how much do I have to fill the microscoop? Depending how much I fill the scoop it can go from 5gm to 30mg. It would be good to have an augmented photo and what the vendor considers a scoop filled.
I see the only practical tool they offer in their videos is creaming. And it is not even possible to do if you live in an apartment in a city. Also a point I want to make regarding this "social conditionaing battle" this people are proposing. I truly believe if I set free my emotions and what I really want to express, I will go full demonic and I will ruin my life, I will get arrested for public scandal, people will reject me for being a weird maniac and I will lost my job. I have aanger and agression agains society reprresed inside me but I feel I can´t release it because I will hurt me and other people. I tried energy work, holotropic breathing, LSD, etc, but this little energy relase looks "fake", what my body ask me is real release in fron of the eyes of society (it is like masturbating but what you really want is sex). I am still trying to finding out a "healthy way" to release this energy without making a fuss and fucking my life. Goin demonic/animal mode feels super good but it can very easly ruin my life.. If social condition exists is for something. In my path towards de Absolute I feel I need to embrace this "demonic" part of reality, otherwise there is alway a fight, a duality between what society expect me to do vs my animal feeling, but I can´t find a healthy way to express it... Maybe I need to take risk and kick a couple of asses? Idk
brother I have been doing holtropic breathing for the last 7 years, it is a child game, it is the same that LSD or MDMA, it gives you the emotional release and all your body buzz after you do it but after some hours you go back to your default mode, it does not cure me I stop doing it becuase the amount of efford that requieres to breath that hard for 45 min is not compensated for the results.
I am oriented towards spiritual pursuit but my ego is goal oriented. This, lets say, spiral dynamics orange cravings can be summarize in 1) money 2) status 3) woman abundance 4)aesthtetics and muscular body 5) be recognized by society for something I have produced/I am I try to combine this two areas. I do holotropic breathing, I mediate 2 or 3 hours per day, and, in the other side, I work to build my business, go to the gym to get muscle, build my social media to pick up girls, etc. The problem is it does not seems to work since my Orange craving seems to obscure the spiritual path and when I am meditating my mind just want start thinking about how can I get more chicks the next day, work more efficitely in my business, etc. Recently, I am very driven by this thing since they are working good and my meditation is worst every year since I don´t really care about it too much anymore, the other things are more appealing. However, deep in my heart, I know the most important thing to do is spirituality. So the two solutions I see are 1)Quit spirituallity completly for a couple of years until I complete everything and I burn all the karma and that ego thrist is not appeal anymore -this is an option that Leo recommended- or 2) Really fight and reject this desire and extra focus on spirituallity.
Maan, and the the murderer's desire to strangle the victim to death is a a desire of release trough the death of the vicitim, which is projection of his desire of disolving his ego into the Absolute and stop suffering. But this does not make murder something good to pursue. What kind of reasoning is that haha
Actually, I feel they are contradictory... To get into the Truth you need a very very strong intention to get into the truth, into the present moment, whatever it is. If you are in the orange path you are entertained, you are addicted to the improvements your ego is making and you put aside existential/spiritual issues. I got massive spiritual improvement 5 years ago, in a bad life moment, when I put everything aside and my only goal was Truth, 24/7. I suspect that this orange shit is just evil to make us keep rolling on the wheel of samsara.
RedLine replied to Holykael's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
All that BS are just thoughts you have. Don´t you realize all that ideas are craving? only that. I don´t mean that they are some real thing that you experince as craving, I mean they are ONLY craving and not anything else -
I see two ways: 1. If what you do is pure theorical stuff you can offer some public content and private content where you go more deep (in patreon for example) plus you can make vip lives (¿discord?) where you interact with your followers and make Q&A. I think you can make some money trough this, but not much. I see some guys doing this kind of things like ContraPoints or Luke Smith 2. If you have somo practical "phillosopy of life" you can create VIP groups and form a community. You can sell courses and you can do workshops. Here I see more money but this is a bit far from intellectual work...
RedLine replied to justfortoday's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Why the idea of the "huge open window" is more true that the regular idea that I am behind my face that the people has? Both are ideas and therefore mind created. One is not truer than the other. Same with most of the rest of the points you make. Those are mind creations, you are just tripping sober. That´s not awakening. -
I am doing this too, but the problem I see is that I feel anger and sad of spending most of the hours of the day in 1. which is something I don´t like and I do only for the money. The craving for the second one is huge.
Can you give examples? I don´t see that as something practical. You can create an actualized.org a hustle university or be a powerlifiting coach online but these are a few excepctions, I don´t see how most skills can be marketable on the internet. For example, my "life purpose" is philosophy, I am almost expert in several fields of philosophy and I don´t see how I can get money from it outside academics unless I produce best sellers books which is almost impossible in this field.
RedLine replied to Billy Shears's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The point of the alcohol is that it is a social drugs. It is like a social rite, you join with your friends and drink togheter and develop brotherhood. There is no other substitute since it is the only drug that is legal so the rest lacks of the social context. I don´t drink anymore but I still thinks it is a good drug. The liver recovers easly once you stop driking for a long period. -
Congrats, this whole forum is about that: mediation, energy work, pschycodelics, etc...
The fear that cold approach is considered harassment in woke countries like Spain where I live.
When all the the ego attachments (five aggregates) are deconstructed, what is left is not infinite and unconditional bliss and goodness but Nothing, no experience, oblivion. I challenge you to convice me that the God/Atman/Infinite love, etc as essence of reality makes any sense. This experience is also an ego attachment, still craving, and therefore can be deconsctructed too.
RedLine replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You say Emptiness and Absolute are 2 sides of the same coin. Correct me if I am wrong, in that post you implicitly mean that the bias of the Vedanta towards Absolute notion has to do with the meditation technique they use (Non-dual awareness) vs Buddhist using more analytical meditation (Vipassana); rather than ones being more "spiritual advanced" that the other. Did I understand correctly? -
RedLine replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Not sure if you mean here that Leo God Realization is stage 3 (Wilber Causal) or stage 4 (Wilber Non-Dual). How do you explain 4 path buddhists denny so hard that notions Leo handles, and choose more "materialistc" or "mundane" lingo to describe experience and reality?. Is it because they are in Stage 4 and Leo in Stage 3? Also, why do buddhists reject the God/Absolute concept and Vedanta use it? Are they in differente stages of transpersonal develpment? -
RedLine replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
10/10 quality post thank you very much. A couple of thing: 1. Just to make sure. Nondual Realization/Enlightenment you mention is the same as "living withouth an ego", the 4 path, the moment to moment experience that Angelo Dullio, Frank Yank, Daniel Ingram, etc have and use to describe rigth? 2. I don´g get how can be form and this form not be formed by craving. Doesn´t it cotradict the 5 agreggates frame? it is hard for me to understand how nirodha samapatti can´t be ontologhical superior than nirvana. My current undestanding is that if those enlighten people are still alive and not went into mahasamadi is becuase they still hold some little craving for forms related to surviving. I will follow closely your posts in the forum. We are in touch. -
RedLine replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The nirodha samapatti meditator I mention can "realize" nothingness. An not trough a dmt but any moment he wants. Your nothingness looks more mental tripy and his experience looks more grounded. I trust buddhist over psychonauts -
RedLine replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
1. By intelectual knowlege: is craving, on of the five aggregates that can be deconstructed 2. By my direct experience: never experience anything that can relate to that word in a strong way, neither I find that word has importance in my experience. Maybe is a good label to describe the experience of mental silence, non-control just watching I experience sometimes. -
RedLine replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I don´t think direct experience is something. What is indirect experience then? It is either some metaphor to give instruction to a meditaiton practice or in the worst case a word to sell you some spiritual idea/ideology -
RedLine replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Oh yeah, all is imaginary, oops but the idea of "all this imaginary" is imanginary too, ooooo but the idea of " the idea of "all this imaginary"" is also imaginary. Mental loop. Mental masturbation. -
RedLine replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Stop this sophistry. It is annyoing. Speak clear. not spiritual poetry you repeat from the forum. What is your experience of reality?, What is the experience of reality of most hardcore meditators? how they conlfict each other? etc. I can also repeat all that non-dual/awareness stuff and be the same guy experiencing reality from my ego, just ideas Describe clearly your direct experience of reality and comment if you think it has metaphisical an ontological implications, in case you are a yogui and not somebody who just play with spiritual ideas -
It is common to read in books on philosophy and spirituality that all traditions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, atheist practitioners, etc.) experience the same type of mystical experiences and stages, as this is something that is beyond social context. Philosopher Wilber, for example, places special emphasis on this. This is also something that is assumed in the forum. The fact that the label "Spirituality" is applied to everything demonstrates this. However, if one examines these traditions in detail, we see that this is not the case. Those who come from a Hindu tradition speak of Consciousness without attributing any qualities to it, as a pure witness.In contrast, Buddhism denies that Consciousness is the foundation of reality, and asserts that the experiences of an arahant are objects that arise and disappear without a line of continuity. Mystical Christians and other non-religious mystics, including users of psychedelics such as Leo Gura, attribute qualities to the Absolute, such as Infinity, Beauty, Infinite Intelligence, Goodness, and so on, which is not compatible with the description of Buddhism and Hinduism, either as a neutral witness or stuff arising and passing away. This is not merely a linguistic distinction (which I know is what you're going to argue), but the spiritual experience they describe is indeed different from one to another. The only one that makes a genuine attempt to integrate all experiences is Buddhism, which attributes the experience of the Witness and the experience of God to intermediate stages yet to be deconstructed.
RedLine replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
sensations, thoughts, mental images, colors...