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Everything posted by RedLine

  1. And here you are, reacting to my commentary. Shadow theory ultimately leads to death. Why? because if you push in one direction, you are gonna react when reality push in the opposite direction. There is no men without shadow. The only way to have no shadow is to wait for death in a cave, like Ramana Maharsi. God chose to create dualities - suffering - over his infinite goodness. Never forget that. Don't be blinded by Absolutism.
  2. Practice and more practice. It is like a goldmine, you need to break and break stone every day to find gold. The further I advance in my practice, the more clearly I see all those elements that make up the ego's fiction.
  3. Again, even the greatest masters have preferences, they want to alleviate the suffering of others, they opearte trough their little ego. The closest master who went trough what I am talking about was Ramana Mahasi when he as young and left his town, he literally would have died in a cave if some monks hadn't helped him, because he had no preferences. Then he changed a bit and decided to live and answer those who asked him questions. If you goal is Absolute Truth then your goal is biological death
  4. Nobody has this problem unless they realise it. Probably you have problems that I don't have and I have problems that you don't have. It has to do with personality and circumstances. Everything is perfect asi it is but if a thristy men comes to you, you would probably give him water to quench his suffering from thirst because you think -and act follwing that thinking- that do not suffer from thirst > suffer from thirst . This is an intelectual mindfuck. The thing is you probably dont give a fuck about this intelectual mindfuck but it is not my case, this problem make me insecure in my life.
  5. you are avoiding the problem that I raise in this thread. You always use that non-dual rethorical that is pretty dishonest and childish by the way. I know that your intentions are good but this answer style you always use is narcissistic. -Somedoby: Gravity is 9.8m/s2. Prome me wrong -Nahm: There are no such thing as gravity. Gravity is a relative concept. 9.8m/s2 is also a concpet, can you see 9.8m/s2 in your direct experience?; of course not. You are imagining all this. Of course Nahm is right here but don´t you see how ridiculous this kinda aswers are?
  6. I am an INPT, my passions lead me to look for the Truth again and again. What is the problem? The Truth is incompatible with the existence. The Truth is everything is Love/Good but in order to opearte, in order to be funciontal, we need preferences, as long as you have an ego you have prefernces, and even the greatest masters have an ego, a little ego, yes, but and ego, otherwise they wouldn be functional. The problem here is the hardcore search for Truth -who Leo Gura is promoting by the way- leads ultimately to dead, and I dont´mean death in a symbolic way -death of ego- but biological death. The virtue is not to pursue the Truth to their last consquences. The virtue is the renunce to Truth to love others, even when you know love is an ilusion. The virtue is to renunce to Truth, because ulitmatley the search for Truth is vanity. That is the example of Christ, he sacrifice himself for others, He did not stay in a cave in a trance state. I agree. But you cannot let it go completely and continue to exist.
  7. Sorry this teological problem have been consuming me for years. I cant just ignore it. It comes to me again and again. Everything is Perfect as it is but we can't assume it, otherwise we would just fell vegetable, go to mahamudra or something like that; definitely we wouldn't be functionals anymore.
  8. Absolute all of you, including gratest masters, who are stating that everything is Love/Good and there are not degrees of love/good, are been hypocrites because you don't actually believe this in your day-to-day life, you are just saying it as a belief but you are not asuming the consecuences. "I am a big master, everything is Love, everything is Perfect as it is, but I have to help humanity to reduce suffer" Hypocrite
  9. There are better and worst things. This is the same as saying that there is good and bad. Look at my metaphor of the thermometer. Even if you admint everything is good you have to admite there are differente degrees of good (for example it's better (good +++) not to be tortured 24/7 than to be tortured 24/7 (good +). good+++ > good +. You have good and bad here. Then you cant´label it as Love anymore, if you label the Absolute as Love, it means you are relating to the love concept you have experience in your "relative life". What is the relationship between Love and love?
  10. Truth and Happiness are the same. If somebody is seeking for Truth it is because they think that the fact of knowing the truth is gonna bring them happiness, even if Truth would not be "good news"
  11. Because if you don´t try to achive/aime for something you are gonna fell into laziness and nihilism and you are gonna suffer. So the answer is to live a better life.
  12. that is part of the technique, if you are daydreaming it doesn't mean you are doing the technique wrong quote error
  13. Is it possible to contemplate a glass without imposing the idea of "glass" over it? Is it possible to contemplate a glass without contemplating a glass? Do te distinction between ideas vs direct experiencie actually make sense? it looks like reality is always made by ideas/concepts that we LEARNED, even when we directly contemplate it.
  14. he is a low quality liberal thinker
  15. Becuase I still think words/ideas (philosophy) are intincrated with our understanding of reality so it is interesting to deal with them. Any experience you have you are interpreting it with your ideas and your words so you are manipulating backwards what you have experience. That dicotomy between experience vs thoughts is not accurate.
  16. I meditate 5 hours per day. So you are the only one who is allowed to deconstruct concepts in your 2 hours parloting videos?
  17. I am creating everything. Even in deep contemplation I am creating what I am experiencing.
  18. Even if you are enlighten you see forms. Here you can take 2 position: 1. You are still seeing reality through ideas. 2. You make a distinction between the idea and the object. The idea of the glass and the direct experiencie of glass as object. But then how can you explain where the glass come from?. Isn't it a demarcation you made at some point? Isn't something you are creating rn? So what is the difference regards to toughts/ideas? They have the same properties.
  19. You make a distinction between ideas and forms. I don't think ideas and form are different. You are still seeing trough ideas in that states you describe. Of course is much more clear that the regular mind noise but still ideas.
  20. I know what you mean. I did the experiment. But there is still a form there, a form of a glass. You are still seeing reality trough your map of meaning that you learned when you were 2 years old or whatever.
  21. What is direct experiencie? Is it Nothing/Oblivion? Because whatever object (form) you see, it is a learned object, it is an idea.