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About ZenAlex

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  1. Shit just checked you cannot just add any practitioner it has to be one of their registered ones. There's a list of gut microbiome analysts and dieticians available. I'm not sure who I should exactly go to for full understanding and what to do with this. I have the tests and it shows some issues consistent with long covid but not all. Some things definitely do seem to need improving. I was mostly concerned with the below one.
  2. There isn't really a report I can print off, but I can "add a practitioner" on the website, and it gives whoever I choose access to a version of my full health profile, including my results. The website is designed to allow people's doctors and nutritionists access. I understand I'm not paying you so I don't mind if you say no. But if it's something you're intrigued about or interested in, let me know. Thank you
  3. I did an gut test with a biomesight who were offering a special for those suffering from long covid. Most of the tests came back with positive results, apart from the section labelled "probiotics" which was scored as "poor". I'm not sure if these bad results are the result of a pre-existing condition or long covid has fucked up my gut. Any advice or even just interpretation would be helpful. Thank you. @undeather @Michael569
  4. I just with my palms up, eyes closed or open depending on the day, take some deep breaths and let reality be as it is.
  5. Yes because meditation makes me feel better. Most I've tried to meditate at once is 2.5-3 hours. I do it largely just to see what happens, not looking for anything. After 40 mins to 1 hour or so I feel considerably better.
  6. I don't know how to make my time meaningful while housebound guys. I can get out for short walks 15-20 minutes once a day but that is it. I'm still off work, and cannot exert or concentrate for very long without feeling overwhelmed. Even typing this thread feels like an effort. I've got further appointments to see doctors but I feel like I'm gradually getting weaker and less able to handle exertion, physical or mental. Long covid, me/cfs, dysautonomia. One of these. I was on a call with a therapist and was asked to concentrate hard on something for like 30 minutes and I've felt more dizzy and unbalanced ever since. It exacerbated my default symptoms. I feel more drained more easily. I'm making sure to maintain a healthy diet including supplements. So I'm going to take the next month to just chill out. Exertion is something I need to avoid as much as possible right now. My plan is to just meditate for hours with reality, still try and get out for short walks to avoid deconditioning even thought it does bring on symptoms, and listen to audiobooks. But want to know what else you guys can recommend I do while recovering. I cannot work now because concentrating on work eventually leads to tinnitus and blurred vision, as well as dizziness. How to make it meaningful? I feel like I've done as much investigating into my symptoms as I can, and I've got an appointment in 2 months with a syncope clinic. Even concentration on writing threads like these - It's like I can only tolerate it for so long. Meditation is obvious, anything else?
  7. @Keryo Koffa @Leo Gura Something of great significance?
  8. Well, I usually think that it means something of emotional significance to the individual, but i'm not sure if this is the truth and am looking at the wrong thing.
  9. When I hear nihilists and others argue about this subject, I personally find myself a tad uncertain... My question is - What would actually make something meaningful? Is it just something that has significance to you? For it to be objectively meaningful would it have to have some significance to everything in the universe? I believe in subjective meaning if what is meant by meaningful is that it experienced as important/emotionally significant to the individual. I don't know what the exact definition would be for something to be "meaningful".
  10. Not all fish have the same mercury levels, avoiding fish completely for this reason is silly. Tuna definitely avoid, Salmon is not so bad.
  11. Why not just advise to eat Fish? Unless they're vegan obviously
  12. For the last 6 months of my Veganism I ate 1, sometimes 2, portions of soy per day. No avocado, Tahini. No olives, although I did have some olive oil with salad/cooking. I was eating 1 portion of nuts, sometimes 2, and one portion of chia seeds 5-6 days a week. There may have been some variation depending on how many calories I needed.
  13. I was Vegan for 8 years. I consumed a lot chia/flaxseeds and an EPA/DHA algae oil supplement daily, and my omega 3 ratios weren't good and despite only taking half of the recommended dosage of DHA, my fatty acids tests put me above the suggested range for DHA, and the test even said DHA supps are the cause. I switched to eating just Salmon and stopped eating seeds and DHA supps and my omega 3 levels are better. IMO just eat Fish and you'll be ok.