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Everything posted by ZenAlex

  1. I am getting air purifiers soon, better bedding, hoover with a Hepa 13 filter. Hopefully this works. I'll mention it to my GP.
  2. @Michael569 @undeather Hi. I've been continuing to look for answers, I've come across a potential answer here - Histamine Intolerance/Response. For about 10 years now I've had issues with my sense of smell/blocked noses even though I don't have a cold or anything and feeling otherwise fine. I do get rashes on my arms that go up and down. Stingy/red eyelids I know that exercise releases Histamines. Is it possible this could be an issue with histamine intolerance/response? Could this issue I've had with exercise be because of this? I've got a doc appt on monday, I'm mentioning the possibility of long covid, omega 3, SHBG to them, but could docs do a test for histamines? Also Michal, I'm considering that test you told me about, I'm emailing my local phlebotomist, to see if they can do the test, will get back to you on that.
  3. @Leo Gura @Michael569 It's more so the skin around the eyes, rather than eye balls themselves. They get a dry, red flakiness to them. I've also noticed that for a while I've had a diminished sense of smell and a poor appetite which I've had to manage through consuming things like nuts and medjool dates to bulk up my calories, to make sure I'm getting enough as my appetite is inconsistent. Exercising helps a bit with this, but I remember times where I'd not be hungry much at all throughout my day, but wake up at like 4.30am considerably hungry. I mention stuff like this to the doc but they just sometimes focus on a couple of the things I mention and don't consider the others, or just say it could be depression or stress lol.
  4. The more and more I pay attention to my symptoms, the more I see my brain is responding to stimulating activities in a negative way. I think I'm experiencing an exaggerated stress response from physical activity and other things now. It's been happening for 7 months, and nothing I try makes a difference. These symptoms are so strange. I don't feel physically unwell, and I think my lightheadedness literally just comes from heightened levels of bodily stress as I noticed harder days at work leave me feeling more lightheaded, but specifically the more walking I do, the more the lightheadedness comes, as well as the tinnitus. I have another appointment with my GP that I made through e-consult, and have also advised them of my Omega 3 test and SHBG test and I will see if they do anything with those.
  5. The food intolerance test is Igg Alergy test is IGE. They didn't charge extra for the nutritional therapist, that came as part of the deal. https://www.yorktest.com/products/food-allergy-test/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5rnpzsuPhQMVtZBQBh3ujAxsEAAYASAAEgKP6fD_BwE
  6. So some of you may be aware of my issues and I've had tonnes of tests done, I decided to get food intolerance/allergy test done. My NHS told me that it's basically bullshit and not based on science, but I did it anyway. I remember a month before I took the test, I had my last handful of almonds. I coughed for 30 minutes after eating them and remember my throat feeling itchy. May just be coincidence but I thought may it's worth getting a test done, and I stopped eating almonds out of fear because of my last experience eating them. lo and behold, the biggest allergy I have is to almonds, according to this test anyway, despite eating them daily for many years. I am giving being gluten free another shot, I am also giving up nuts of any kind during this time, and my doc advised 6-8 weeks is sometimes a necessary timescale to notice any changes. This company that I did the tests with also offers an appointment with a nutritional therapist as part of the deal. I am going to go to the apt with an open mind and see what happens. Allergy test - Food intolerance.
  7. https://www.holistichelp.net/blog/autonomic-nervous-system-dysfunction/ Also the issue with this is that so many of these conditions have so many related symptoms that are associated with other conditions there's just no way to know or test that you have this. There are literally thousands of conditions that have the same symptoms.
  8. I've been trying to figure out what has been causing my symptoms recently. No evidence seems to point to any clear deficiency. I have changed my diet to increase my intake of certain things and have done so for about 2 months no, but seeing no improvement. I see no reason to believe now that diet is causing the symptoms, although I'm making adjustments just in case. For whatever reason, any form of physical activity is now triggering what I can only describe as a stress response. Literally just going for walks I feel lightheaded, but mostly it aggravates my depression and anxiety symptoms. It's not even strenuous exercise, just walking. I'm under no significant stress in my life, and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. It's been this way for 6 months or so now with no noticeable improvement. I've mentioned different possibility to the doctor and they've done tests on me. Doc is referring results of my ECG's to cardiology, but I think she's taking stabs in the dark now, and is often just insinuating that it's just stress that's causing it. But i've had depression/anxiety for 10 years and I've never had issues exercising during this. I don't feel tried, but I just feel really depressed and anxious, even after just 1hr walks. The more physical activity I engage in, the worse it gets. I've been reflecting on this a lot and I've been trying to associate these symptoms with symptoms I couldn't explain in my past. I don't jerk off anymore, but I remember at times when I have done, when I became sexually aroused I started to notice myself shaking at times uncontrollably. It was incredibly weird. My depression/anxiety has been here for 10 years, and I notice any form of strong mental stimulation makes me feel bad so I've avoided video games/tv/music for long periods because of this because instead of triggering normal emotions, it triggers an anxiety/depression response TL;DR It's like mentally and physically stimulating experiences of most kinds are stimulating depression/anxiety in me, and I don't know why. It's just at times in my life a switch has flipped and I developed worsening symptoms out of nowhere. I do plenty of activities that are self-soothing activities to activate my parasympathetic nervous system, I have meditated for years now. It makes no sense. I'm seeing a psychologist now to take a last stab at my mental health to see if this will help or not, but I don't know what else to try. I feel I've ruled out all the physical possibilities I could try. Anything that anyone is suggesting to me now seems out of alignment with the evidence or just something I've tried before or am already doing.
  9. All do meditation/do nothing. I understand what you're saying about socialisation though. I hate that all of this is so fucking complicated to figure out.
  10. Can you post a screenshot of your blood tests?
  11. I eat spinach most days, what do you guys think of spinach?
  12. Around 2015, a switch flipped inside of me one day. Since then, I've felt by default way more flat emotionally, and in a state of regular unease for more often that seems to overshadow many of the things I used to enjoy. I experience no excitement, no passion. I can calm myself down and find some peace, but it's limited. I've given up alcohol and caffeine for years, no recreational drugs or cigarettes ever, I eat way healthier than ever. I've at times played a lot of video games and watched a lot of TV, but have given these things up for months at a time to try and remain more in the present moment, and go for hikes, meditate etc. I've gone to therapy but it wasn't of much use. I've tried socialising more. I've also stopped jerking off and watching porn regularly, and have only done these things occasionally for many years now. Sometimes this has helped and I've felt a bit better, but nothing ever seems to really fully resolve the issue. I can only manage it. I admit I didn't at one point live the healthiest lifestyle, but for years now I've been much healthier. Did something happen to my brain chemistry that is now irreparable? I feel like at times I've found some peace, but nothing I do seems to resolve this shit. And at times I feel like it has gotten worse. The only thing I've not really tried is anti-depressants/other drugs. Could this just be permanent and I have to accept having very limited peace/happiness in my life?
  13. I don't really jerk off much anymore as I am on nofap. The last time I had a serious jerk off was before christmas, I experienced a hefty ejaculaton, probably because I hadn't jerked off in about 4-5 months before then. That's another thing - Looking at porn and jerking off makes me feel really irritable and depressed afterwards. It makes the symptoms worse. It was the first thing I did to battle depression back in 2015. I noticed an improvement in anxiety and depression about 2 weeks after nofap started. I noticed since then when I would sit down to jerk off or look at porn, experience any sexual excitement was coupled with a weird shaking of my entire body, as detailed in my OP. It's like something has been fundamentally wrong with my body since a young age. I've never experienced strong sexual attraction to anyone, and have never really had strong, lasting erections. I left behind my friends in school at 17 and have never had friends since because I simply never felt the need to bond. Something is very wrong with my brain but I've just try to manage and live around the symptoms.
  14. This. Homosexual OCD and Pedophilia OCD are both real things. Look it up OP. lol "repressed gayness".
  15. Never idolise a guru/spiritual teacher. The role attracts narcissists. I notice that they find subtle ways to make people reliant on them and mess them up so they can "repair" them and say they are responsible. It wouldn't surprise me if this guy was just another narc cult leader, the most obvious one I ever saw is Teal Swan.
  16. The thing I've been pursuing really for years is zen/peace and beauty. I want to be able to master my internal state and enjoy the beautiful music and nature I was able to enjoy at one point. It felt meaningful to be in nature, although I cannot really much now because of my issues. At times during my issues I was able to get myself into some pretty peaceful places, although I had to have very strict routines to get such an end result. So kind of, although at times I feel like just ending my existence because my symptoms for once haven't improved in several months and I struggle to get peace beyond just calming everything down. It's difficult to be hopeful when you don't know exactly what's wrong.
  17. Why did you stop? Just curious. I never followed gurus but sometimes their advice was helpful. Sadhguru's followers never really annoyed me as much as Teal Swan followers.
  18. He was in such incredible pain that none of his techniques would suffice and he needed the help of science and technology. He was in such incredible pain that even he couldn't bear it. This should enlighten everyone as to why it is compassionate to allow assisted suicide at times because there's only so much anyone can bear, regardless of there level of mental discipline.
  19. Nice. I eat sweet potato 5 days a week. Why do you like pomegranates so much? What specific health benefits?
  20. I dunno guys, my brain is weird. Even before these more recent issues, regardless of what diet I followed I often felt a bit weird, off and funny. I believe I have an anxiety disorder, probably OCD, depression, ADHD (diagnosed previously), possible ASD or SzPD.
  21. These were the docs comments about my shbg Although the total testosterone level is marginally high, it is now generally agreed that the 'free testosterone' is a more accurate estimation of the true testosterone level in the blood. By this reckoning, you do not have excessive testosterone in the body. The high total level is likely to be down to a high level of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) level. SHBG is a protein made by the liver which transports hormones in the blood. It favours testosterone and oestrogen, but can potentially transport all hormones, including thyroid hormones. When hormones are carried on SHBG, they are not active, and only free hormones (those which are unbound) are able to enter cells to cause effect. If SHBG levels are too high, the effective level of hormones may be too low to exert proper effect. SHBG can be elevated after intense training programmes (although will often drop in the immediate aftermath of an event), in hyperthyroid states, if too much thyroxine is taken and if there is chronic liver disease and in other circumstances. Lowering the SHBG level may have an impact upon general performance, and will increase the amount of testosterone available to your body. Increased protein intake and a number of supplements - eg Boron, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc Vitamin D, Fish oil (or any other polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements) and Tongkat Ali - may all help lower SHBG levels.
  22. These were taken end of january 2024. These were done in november 2023
  23. Makes sense which is why i was stunned when my blood tests came back with normal cortisol levels.
  24. Maybe you're right, but I thought the MMA test would confirm that but it's normal lol. It's one thing serum and active b12 but if your MMA test shows no signs of deficiency, it starts to feel unlikely. My b12 levels are definitely not optimal but that doesn't mean I have a deficiency. I do appreciate your advise buddy. I am eating meat, eggs, cows milk and cheese. I've got a version of cows milk that has 3-4x as much b12 as normal milk or non-dairy milk. I'm eating wild caught salmon 3x per week, chicken/lamb, cheese. Milk everyday. I'm nervous about the idea of getting shots because I cannot be sure my issues are definitely b12 related. Even if my b12 levels are not optimal, I cannot be sure my condition is a b12 deficiency. Shots can cause serious side effects. My doc will not do a b12 shot. They're convinced my b12 levels are fine and I shouldn't listen to anyone else and ignore other companies tests lol.
  25. I am a loner. I feel content in it. I don't get lonely. I have a social job that though requires me to speak to people daily. I have never had a relationship, I have no real sexual drive, have never really found anyone significantly attractive. I have tried to socialise more at times. I set up an online group for people with social issues in the later stages of covid and it helped a lot of people make friends. I find that I'm a bit socially anxious, but not that much that I cannot socialise. I simply notice that i just don't have much interest in socialising. It doesn't excite me, the only thing that interests me is activities that may involve being social like attending football games etc. I find that I'm a bit awkward (potential autism/schizoid), but I can people myself for the most part, but I often don't speak much, not because I hate people or that I'm holding back, I just notice I simply forget I'm around others because they don't interest me that much. I do notice though a lot of my thoughts that I'm discussing with my therapist are negative social thoughts, so hopefully I'll gain insight. But when I'm around people I'm not usually very antagonistic.