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Everything posted by ZenAlex

  1. In order to be an incel I think you need to identify as one. It's one thing struggling to get laid and being lonely, and another to be a woman hating man child who thinks all women are psychopaths and think that if a woman gets raped she deserves it - All because they are angry at the world for not giving them what they think they're entitled to. Person A) is simply a lonely person struggling to find a partner. Person B) Is person A except with a narcissistic sense of entitlement that poisons their mindset and stops them from working hard to get what they want. That's an incel.
  2. Well assessments of people's personalities from afar are largely meaningless. Putin could be a psychopath, but also could just be a normal person in a difficult set of circumstances. Any decent professional would never diagnose or claim to do be able to make any judgment close to a diagnosis unless they've assessed a person in a clinical setting. It doesn't matter how well educated a person is in the field. There's certain things you'll not know about a person until you've got them in a private clinical setting where there's a rule of confidentiality.
  3. Depends on your needs. I'm a vegan, and my diet doesn't give me much omega 3, so I supplement that. Also I take a vitamin D supplement as well as being from the Uk you don't always get much sunlight. Depends on your needs.
  4. I'm torn. I've found some of her videos on anxiety quite helpful, and some of her info is very useful... ... but I can't help but get an off feeling about her when I watch her. It's not like "she's weird" off. I'm a weirdo too. But it's like I'm not even watching a human, I'm watching a robot or a member of another species pretend to be a human. She gives off a really inauthentic vibe. Anyone else feel the same? P.S. I'm not bashing anybody, if you are teal tribe or you like her, then fine, I'm just relaying my thoughts and impressions.
  5. I used to talk to a girl online who had severe PTSD after suffering from something truly awful. She states she can never allow herself too much time without a distraction/escape or just something to pre-occupy her mind with, because the worst starts when she has too much time alone to be with her mind. She has done tonnes of therapy and tried meditation etc and she states she really can't bring herself to try again because it's so painful it overwhelms her. I usually think that one should deal with their issues head on because that's the only way, but are some people so far gone that they simply need to keep their mind pre-occupied and themselves doped up? She specifically plans her day to have something to pre-occupy her mind, exercises every day with music on and tires herself out at night so she's so exhausted she goes to sleep quick enough to avoid thought. Her whole life surrounds avoiding the silence. This is the exact opposite of what most people on here would suggest, but would you ever consider something like this if dealing with it the right way would just be too painful? ---- I also recently watched an episode of the UK TV show "Peaky blinders", and the main character Tommy took a break from work and this is pretty much the best example I could give of what I believe she talked about. The main character, with no business/work to lose himself in, was a complete wreck when he had no distractions/worries to focus on and almost had a breakdown when flashbacks of the war came back to him.
  6. I'm getting rid of games for 6 months on a challenge because I notice that, although I enjoy them, My motivation to do anything else drops significantly, and I find it hard to drag myself away from them.
  7. I just buy my fruit packaged rather than at markets. I saw this guy at my local fruit market picking out dates with his hands.... Stay away. Buy the expensive stuff from health food shops.
  8. The only question you need to ask yourself - Are you satisfied with your life as it is while playing games? If so, then there's nothing really more to question. If you love games and you are happy, then there's no problem, ignore everyone else. If you're not satisfied with your life and you feel games are distracting you, then yes you should consider removing them from your life.
  9. TL;DR - I realise no one on this forum is obligated to respond to me or pay me attention, but if you're going to try and help please take the time to read this full post. If the responses that I get on this forum help me I promise that once my issues are resolved I'll spend more time on the forum trying to help others. I'll make it as brief as possible. ----------------------- My time meditating has lead me to become a lot more self-aware. I've improved my symptoms of depression, anxiety and ADHD, but there's one thing that I'm seriously stuck on, and I believe the best words to describe it are - Social catastrophizing, although it may not be that simple. It may be some form of being neurotic. The symptoms - My mind pummels me with social scenarios that turn negative or are awkward sometimes for hours on a daily basis. I have managed to reduce the frequency and severity level of the emotions surrounding them by lowering my default level of mental activity and learning how to let them go, but the disease is still very active with an active mind. IT IS NOT - Rehashing and reliving old arguments. I know how not to dwell on past things. My mind produces scenarios that HAVEN'T EVEN HAPPENED. At it's worst, I would walk past to men in a truck, and my mind would create a fantasy about me being kidnapped, raped and killed. I would pass a gang, and automatically I would have fantasies about being screwed over or imagining myself killing them. And it's not even something that relates to what I'm experiencing in the moment, sometimes I'm just sitting there and I imagine myself in front of a hall front of people having to argue - At one point the symptoms were so severe that I would lose myself completely in the thoughts and talk outloud the content in them. The arguments and fights would feel so real. I would not be able to get rest until I had beaten the other characters in my head or resolved the issue. I'VE LITERALLY HAD 30-60 MINUTE LONG CONVERSATIONS WITH MYSELF, SITTING ALONE IN A ROOM TALKING OUT LOUD LIKE A MAD MAN. And the weird thing is - I started to wake up from this during my meditation days starting, but the energy that went into creating the internal catastrophes was too great. Noticing what I was doing would only stop it for about 10-20 seconds, but it was like steam that needed to vent, I had no choice but to continue talking to myself. Here's the thing - I'm completely and utterly calm and patient with people 99% of the time in real life. I get on with my work colleagues, I see my family, I don't get into arguments with anyone really. I tell everyone I see and meet - "Have a nice day", I can feel empathy, I like animals, I'm a vegan. What I've done to try and resolve this Becoming more aware of the thoughts, and recognising what's ACTUALLY happening. Writing down all the positive social scenarios I get in, reminding my mind of the fact that I can get on completely well with people Improving my diet to reduce anxiety levels Almost completely eliminate any use of technology beyond necessary means because it would rev up my ADHD and Anxiety, primarily because of the mental activity level it would inspire. All this stuff has helped a lot, but the disease in my mind seems to be there. My life quality has definitely improved, but I've noticed these thoughts are the most common thoughts on my mind. The only life I know how to live now to get some happiness is a life of peace and quiet where I get some relief from the thoughts with a more quiet mind. I believe this issue to be some kind of neurosis because I think the reason I've spent time losing myself in them is my brain trying to resolve something unresolved inside of me, but I don't know what it is. There must be something lodged deep within my subconscious trying to get me to view others cynically.