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Everything posted by ZenAlex

  1. No, not all females hate you, you are not in a position to verify this. And even if most of them did hate you, who gives a fuck? Raise a big old middle finger to the world and just make yourself happy bro.
  2. Peace/Fulfillment are not acquired through getting anything, this is the realisation you need to detach yourself from material things. Peace/fulfillment is GENERATED through wisely selected repeated behaviours. Health comes from repeated behaviour - Eating healthy, sleep pattern, exercise. Good mental health comes from repeated behaviour - Meditation/Mindfulness, therapy, journaling, introspection etc etc Awareness is maintained through repeated habits/behaviours - Avoiding distractions, meditation, hiking, mindfulness etc. Everything that goes into feeling better is not primarily about what you HAVE, but what you DO. Fulfillment is GENERATED not acquired through having anything, besides of course meeting your basic needs/requirements.
  3. I can relate to what you're saying, but sometimes you've got to work through these obstacles. Coming more into the present moment can lead to existential crises but as you get used it and learn to deal with the higher level of awareness, you can simply learn to live differently and be happy.
  4. Anything that gives you instant gratification needs to be limited or restricted, that's a big part of the secret. Video games, TV, junk food, alcohol etc. Without these things you'll likely be more motivated and focused.
  5. I think it's harsh that you've been prejudged @Preety_India for your disorder. I've seen people with the disorder that seem like loving people who talk about their therapy and their trauma. But you have to understand why people are concerned as soon as they realise someone has a cluster B personality disorder, simply because the behaviour these disorders provoke is often very toxic. The two most famous celebrity toxic relationships around right now involve women with BPD and/other cluster B PD's. I hope you find peace and find someone understanding.
  6. You don't need to do anything with it except live and pursue your interests. You don't need to become more wealthy than you need to survive and pursue your hobbies/interests. Appreciate that you have 5 figures in the bank when many people are living from day to day, paycheck to paycheck with little disposable income, if any. I'd just focus on maintaining those savings, having a job that allows you to continue building savings, and spend it on stuff that really matters.
  7. Why would you cut fruit out of your life? Fruit and veg are healthy. Learn the difference between low/mid gi carbs and high gi carbs. Carbs are getting a bad time recently, like fats were about 20 years ago. Complex carbs and healthy fats - Get both. Sugar outside of it's natural form is bad for you, not in it's natural form. Fruit sugar will cause you no harm because it doesn't spike your blood sugar.
  8. Sorry for late response. Did I touch a nerve or something? I'm simply interested in the discussion because I personally believe most people who rely on caffeine simply have crappy lifestyles, as we live in the most physically relaxed generation ever, and somehow they need caffeine to function. I know there'll be exceptions when some people have unavoidable health issues etc, but IMO most people would not need caffeine if their lifestyle was better.
  9. There has been times where I accidentally ate too few calories and lost weight gradually. I was exercising for about 30-60 minutes a day during this time, plus hiking on the weekends. I'd have to wake up regularly at 5-6am. I never needed coffee/energy drinks at all. I understand why some athletes might, but why the average person? When I eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, and get a good nights sleep I feel fine and productive all day, and even if I only get 2-3 hours, I can still get up an function. I know there are some people with bad health conditions that make it difficult for them to function, but that's not most people.
  10. It's amusing just how many guys I see on the internet asking "Is this Alpha", "Am I Alpha if". I cannot help but cringe whenever I hear men or anyone describing themselves as "alpha". It just insinuates to me that they are too bothered about categorising themselves and then comparing themselves to others. Why can't people just be happy as an individual rather than needing to put themselves in a particular category? I don't understand why they can't just live as an individual... nope, it has to be about finding out "which one of these am I?" and then posting their results on social media and expecting everyone else to give a shit? Just another psychological medallion to attach to your ego?! Is it purely about just not being able to stop comparing themselves to others or needing to feel better than others? I know in nature there is such a thing as a pack leader, silverback - Alpha Male. But all there is to being an Alpha Male is being a dominant male. You could be dominant in one situation but be inferior in another, as per the diversity in society where it's not just all about whoever is the biggest gets to fuck all the bitches and get the first pick of the food. You could be Alpha in one situation, but be the Beta in another... Yet people create their own descriptions about what makes you an alpha or beta male, and I've seen many different criteria to judge if someone is alpha or beta. As if you are Alpha or Beta wherever you go if you meet enough of the requirements. To me when people refer to others as beta it's just them perceiving them as undesirable and/or inferior, and themselves as the superior as an "Alpha". Funny how so many of the people who describe themselves as Alpha give off massive insecurity vibes. It seems to me that insecurity is the main thing that leads people to concern themselves with being Alpha because to achieve Alpha status is the biggest ego booster and confirmation that you are better than everyone else. Whether your Alpha or Beta who fucking cares? It's how satisfied you are with your life that matters. I don't really spend any time thinking about whether I am one or the other, but human psychology and behaviour interests me. I've also seen this new trend of "Sigma males" as well. Basically guys who want to be everything the Alpha male usually is except trying to give off a more "not giving a fuck" sort of vibe. Like a lone wolf Rambo sort of guy. TL;DR - To me it all feels like too many people caring too much about how others perceive them.
  11. I believe that most Christians and Muslims are peaceful enough people. It's stupid to say that Christianity or Islam are religions of war or of peace, when their holy texts clearly have passages in them that support the use of violence. The reality is that the religions and their holy texts were created by humans, some of them well intentioned, some of them not. Violence is a part of life, and the religions were formulated in more primitive times where humans had not learned to settle their difference is less violent ways, so along comes religion to put people's minds at ease by justifying it through god/religion etc.
  12. At the end of the day no one on here is an expert neuroscientist/biologist/doctor, that's gonna have all the answers. I personally feel more depressed/anxious for days after fapping, so i can relate to OP. I feel better when I don't fap. There may be some desire to do it for a bit after, but after a while I go through a nice flat line and don't really think much about sex. Some people report feeling better, some people report feeling worse, everyone's body is different. To OP - Doesn't matter what anyone else says, do what works for you. Anyone critical of nofap should try it for a while and see what happens. For some people it's just cope and bullshit, but for me - It makes me feel better if I don't fap regularly, that's I'm gonna say. It's not a self-esteem thing, It's not about feeling like a loser, I just feel mentally and emotionally worse after fapping. I feel better, less anxious, less emotionally numb and less irritable when I don't fap.
  13. @OceanRiver @DnoReally I never said status hierarchies didn't exist. I'm saying the whole Alpha, Beta, Sigma thing and people trying to assign their worth to a category like this is kind of stupid, especially if you're thinking about it regularly, and actually put an excessive level of thought into which label applies to you. It's also kind of sad, because there are plenty of people who have climbed the top of the social hierarchies and "got everything" and still been depressed and miserable people. People think that if you climb that hierarchy that "you've won", but in reality you haven't really won anything because the only winning in life is being satisfied and fulfilled with it, and you don't need high status for that shit. People place value on stupid things. Status have survival value, and that's why people obsess about it, but it doesn't make you happy at all.
  14. Everyone is ugly and beautiful at the same time. It's a matter of perception. Realise there's so much shit to enjoy in life, you being "ugly" is hardly a death sentence ffs.
  15. Ok so what do you choose to label the two main distinctions in biology separating the two halves of the population? Man and woman are socially constructed. Male and female are obvious facts, and you see it throughout the animal kingdom.
  16. No, but the closest thing you'll find is - Incels.is Be prepared though.
  17. Your depression/anxiety will make you zone in on things that will fuel. It will find endless amounts of negative things to focus on. Heal yourself. Discover yourself. Get healthy if you are not already. Become aware of frequent recurring thoughts. Take those thoughts and symptoms you've listed to a professional if needed. Try, try try until something works. Unfortunately, that's the best I can offer you my friends. Some love from me and hope you get better man.
  18. Honesty/Authenticity Beauty Self awareness
  19. Art = Music, drawings/paintings, photography, movies/tv shows etc. Most human beings enjoy this. Without it, my life would be a lot less worth living.
  20. I think if you're a healthy human being who's comfortable with themselves, you'll be as feminine or masculine as you need to be. I don't compel anyone to behave a certain way because of their gender.
  21. @Yarco @Arcangelo @Shawn Philips If by default state you mean your motivation eventually wears off, and old habits can start to creep in, then sure, but wise people can learn discipline to keep themselves going even when they don't feel like it. Self improvement can stick.
  22. I think I have schizoid personality disorder. I have no desire for close relationships, and very little desire for sex and often none. I am healthy in shape guy. I have spent most of my adult life in solitude and never really cared. I am just curious as to why this is personally. I wasn't the victim of a lot of abuse or anything. I just never really felt close to others. When I left school at 17, I left all the friends I had, even the ones I new from 5 years old, and never really missed them that much. Since then whenever I've met anyone I thought was decent, no matter how vulnerable I allowed myself to be, no matter how much we had in common, my interest was never more than just stimulating conversation and fun activities, there was nothing beyond that, and one day I was just lose contact with them and not care at all. I don't feel like friends, sex, relationships at all are necessary, and most people treat them as if they're the bread and butter of life. I don't understand. Even though I have no real motivation to get close to people, I've made an effort to do so because I thought that this must be my fault and I'm not trying hard enough or being vulnerable or authentic enough, but I've tried this, and even though I've met girls and had sexually charged conversations and shared secrets etc etc... my interest in them is nothing beyond stimulating conversation, and then I lose interest in them. I've hurt girls due to this as they liked me, but I realised after a while I didn't really care that much about them, they were just stimulating me. I'm happy being alone for the most part, I don't feel that anything is missing, except complete understanding of why this is.
  23. It depends what you mean by Incel? When people villainize incels, they're not villainising people who are simply involuntary celebate, like those who are not so attractive or struggle to get laid or find a partner. Those who label themselves incels are often toxic humans with awful views on the world. They're involuntary celibate, but these people aren't just your typical sexually frustrated or lonely people, they're a band of misogynistic, entitled people who hate the world for denying them what they want. They hate that sex is unevenly distributed, despite the fact that this is actually advantageous for a species so the males of the best quality get to pass their genes down and create stronger offspring. The incel community nail their own coffin with their terrible attitudes. The most famous incel "elliot rodger" was actually a decent looking man, but with awful levels of narcissism.
  24. Rarely. Like I've literally gone several months without orgasm and not felt the least bit frustrated.
  25. It's say you need to sort your own shit out and have other goals in life rather than treating a relationship with her as if it's all you have.