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Everything posted by ZenAlex

  1. I eat Tofu daily, but i'm not gonna worry too much about this.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1tYe3TkhTc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcDppXRDNj8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ipPWOv73Lo
  3. What about an armed security guard rather than police? Not quite the same.
  4. On a normal day - Breakfast Oats + Cashew milk Tofu and beans Lunch - About 70-80g of mixed nuts - Cashews, almonds, brazil FRUIT - Banana, Medjool dates. Dinner - Big sweet potato, with tofu and beans inside Salad with spinach/olive oil Fruit - Pineapple, blueberries, grapes.
  5. If his intuition is guiding him towards teal swan, I'd highly advise he proceed with extreme caution.
  6. Are you worried about being murdered for saying the wrong thing while in Iraq?
  7. Probably true, but it's an unwise decision. The only wise decision is to know the person inside and out because humans have become masters at appearances and pretending to be something they're not.
  8. Also about your post above, I think you need to mind your perception of what a confident man is. Not all confident men are expressive and go out of their way to dominate. It's not all about being dominant and submissive. Some men can be confident but be quiet and unexpressive. Being quiet isn't necessarily a sign of low confidence, and I think sometimes the more someone is animated, the less calm they are and the more they have something to prove. I am confident, but I am often quiet. It's not because I am scared, it is because I have nothing to prove. Sometimes cocky people are capable people, but their cockyness is still largely compensating for something. I think you need to realise you can be assertive without being cocky and need to dominate others.
  9. Are you sure it's not just confidence you're attracted to? Are you sure it's cockyness? At the end of the day though, I see cockyness as over confidence, it may not be built on anything to back it up, so be careful. Not everyone who is attractive is good or even strong. Some people are delusional and that leads to a form of shallow confidence. You need to wait to see if that person has something to be back it up.
  10. Just enjoying a peaceful life hiking, finding new music, finding moments of bliss and peace.
  11. Hey guys, as time has gone on throughout my adulthood, I noticed myself becoming more emotionally flat. I noticed in my early adulthood lacking strong preference in most things, being apathetic and not caring. Then around my early twenties I started to notice myself feeling more flat, and then by default more discontent. I've done a lot over the last few years to combat this - No regular alcohol consumption, healthy diet, better sleep, given up video games/tv regularly, trying new things. I'm grateful for my issues for forcing me into self awareness and helping me discover new things, but despite feeling better than I did a few years ago, It still doesn't feel like it once did before. It's like around 23 years old I noticed something flip inside of me and all of a sudden I became a lot more neurotic and lacked the same enjoyment from things. I'm over the worst of it, because I can take some satisfaction from things now, but things have never felt the same. I've gone to a psychologist, but she didn't really have much of an answer, and just told me to socialise more, and that I may have Autism. I tried socialising more with people, and even though I did enjoy it a bit, it didn't change my default feeling. I used to be an emotional kid, but now I feel mostly apathetic and uncaring. Anyone ever overcome this?
  12. I don't really want anything enough to be disappointed really. I'd be disappointed if I could never walk again and hike I guess. I always just try and find away around obstacles, I don't complain.
  13. Because we're literally made to survive above all else. No point in valuing happiness and love if you're dead.
  14. I really don't understand what people mean by "trust nature". Everything is natural, including you thinking twice about what you're doing and put precautions in place to avoid the damage certain parts of nature can do to you.
  15. Just because you have no doubts doesn't mean you're not delusional.
  16. Do you - Drink alcohol? Drink caffeine? Drink energy drinks or anything else with stimulants? Take drugs? Get terrible sleep regularly? I've had paranoid thoughts, and it approved my paranoia massively when I stopped drinking alcohol and caffeine. If you do anything of the above, try changing these things. There's so much crap in people's diets. If none of the above apply to you, then go to a professional, because you may have paranoid personality disorder or this may be leading onto something more serious like schizophrenia.
  17. lol 30 here. Young whipper snappers, just make sure you don't a mistake that is so bad it causes irreparable damage.
  18. I'd say Leo is INTP. His main desire is understanding and accuracy above all else. This is very TI dom and very INTP like. INTJ's enjoy understanding but their main concern is applying ideas/strategies to reality, and understanding usually to the degree that they can get use from something. INTJ's don't value understanding as much as INTP's.
  19. No anti-depressants. I do feel things when listening to some music, yes. I can feel some satisfaction from some things.
  20. The fact that abortion is banned shows you how many mindless, religious fundamentalists there are these days. There is simply nothing good to come from banning abortion. A child will be born into a scenario that they're not wanted by their parents, cannot be provided for well. A young mother who's made a mistake or been raped will be forced into having a kid. It's just stupidity.
  21. My advice - Try to make your meals balanced with carbs, fat and protein. It usually gives you the carb energy, and the satiating feeling due to the fat and protein. If people were eating healthy whole food from birth, I highly doubt anyone would be obese, or at least not many. Junk food has little to no nutritional value, so it doesn't fill you up. I could eat a 2000 cal mcdonalds meal and be hungry within 3 hours lol.