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Everything posted by ZenAlex

  1. It's one of the things that concerns me about her though. She's doing work with traumatized and severely mentally ill humans. Mental health professionals that take care of people like this are governed by authority, and their methods and behaviour are kept in check. Therapy and meds handed out are tested and approved. Teal doesn't believe she needs any governing body of people to approve her work, because she believes she has a level of awareness above all people she's ever met... Is this not a reason to be concerned? The documentary may involve sneaky editing, but some of the things she said... she said. There's realities about her situation that are concerning. Again - No conspiracy theories here. I'm not spreading crap. I'm looking at the evidence and seeing reason to be concerned. It's perfectly reasonable.
  2. It's not guilty until proven innocent at all. Like I said. READ MY POSTS! I never said anything was proven, I said there was evidence enough to be concerned. No one is spreading conspiracy theories. I said evidence is there through allegations to be concerned about her behaviour. That's it. I never said anything was proven.
  3. "She's proved her case". No she hasn't lol. How has she proven her case? She may well be right, but nothing has been proven either way. Even without this documentary, it doesn't clear her completely of wrong doing. I'm not spreading conspiracy theories. There's a documentary that hasn't been proven to be devoid to evidence yet, the things she said are questionable, regardless of whether or not she claims they're out of context. Maybe some of them are, but maybe not. There are many allegations from many people of wrong doing, which have not been disproven yet. Read what I'm saying. I'm simply saying there is reason enough to be concerned. It's not a conspiracy theory.
  4. @integral Multiple allegations are not proof, but it's evidence that something may be going on. Remember I didn't say anything was proven, but if multiple people that are not connected to each other are making similar allegations, and those link together with what we've seen on video, then that is reason enough to be concerned. If multiple people who aren't connected are making similar accusations that can be considered evidence. I am not convinced that everything I've seen on the documentary that makes her look bad is purely down to editing, as there are long clips where she's clearly behaving in a questionable way that clearly a not edited I am completely aware of how I'm interpreting this bro. Like I said, I'm not saying anything is proven, but the evidence shouldn't be ignored. My position is completely reasonable. Nothing has been proven, but evidence is there to be concerned. I interpret, you do to, and we all assume and believe when there is no absolute knowledge and I am keeping my beliefs in check. It's interesting she's spending a massive chunk of her time trying to debunk this. Her channel will start to become a drama channel soon enough.
  5. I would never judge people on them, but in regards to my own consumption - There's a big part of me that doesn't like the idea of going on them for the sake of mental health, because part of me wants to be self-sufficient and feel like I can resolve it on my own. If I go on meds, that feels to me like admitting defeat - Like just accepting that I'm screwed and damaged beyond my own ability to repair, and the only thing that will work is a medication that may do harm as well as good. I could accept it in the case of physical health issues, but not mental, unless I was Schizophrenic or something.
  6. Do you not want to use any of that time to help a world that is suffering while you laze about?
  7. Good luck to you bro. Hope your escape goes well. I'd suggest learning to forgive and forget after though. Don't hold on to the grudges.
  8. So we don't disagree too much. We both prefer to find natural solutions rather than western medications. Medications as a last resort basically.
  9. This. I've worked in companies that treat me bad and ones that treat me well. Capitalism involves exploitation but some are businesses are better than others.
  10. Nah, I don't think it's helpful to assign mbti to this stuff. It's more about the individual. I've seen douchebags of all types here. Plus we need plenty of personalities of different types to keep things running.
  11. If they have a boyfriend, just back off. It's the right thing to do.
  12. Well I hope the risk is worth it, because if you're eating all that unhealthy food it may end up destroying you eventually. But you go ahead. You literally poisoning yourself. You made an argument that a bit of junk food is good for you. By junk I assume you mean food with little/zero nutritional value and unhealthy elements to it. Don't play russian roulette with your health.
  13. How is bombing anti-abortion clinics stage green?
  14. I don't think Jordan is all bad. He's a psychologist that's helped people. He sometimes offers decent advice to people who are struggling. Many people have stated he's saved them from suicide. He's a human being remember. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone at him.
  15. Agreed. This is why people commit suicide. You don't know what death is, no one does, as you haven't experienced it. You know what pain and suffering is though. And we conceptualize death as sometimes a release from pain.
  16. Achieve what you want practically. It acts as a sort of self-validation, rather than needing others. Also accept getting offended. It's unavoidable sometimes, but just learn to place less value on what others say, journal about it, write about it. Reflect on the fact that others bullshit doesn't need to stop you in anyway from getting what you want.
  17. IMO if you're not applying your teachings to reality then you're bound to forget them.
  18. I disagree. Junk is never good for you. I agree with not being neurotic about it, but in reality junk food should make you feel bad to the degree that you stop eating it, not out of guilty but simply because you feel better without it. I eat some junk sometimes, but I don't really feel better physically for it, I simply feel better in the moment because I'm enjoying myself. But there are some junk foods I'll never eat - Sugary drinks - Energy drinks, sugary cola etc Sugary sweets. Haribo, candy etc. These things make me feel so bad and sickly, it's not about guilt, it's simply about eating shit will make you feel like shit. If you can eat junk without feeling like shit then fine, but eat more than a small amount and you'll likely feel bad.
  19. - Healthy diet - Exercise - Good sleep - No alcohol, drugs - Technology detox (Porn, video games, tv, streaming sites) - Nature - Good music - therapy, self awareness etc It can help.
  20. "Assumptions", "interpretation". Of course I'm aware of this. This is basically like coming along and saying "well that's just your opinion". Of course we have beliefs, assumptions etc, but some are based on better arguments, evidence than others. If you disagree then fine, but at least in the future provide some sort of counter argument or evidence rather than just saying "this is just your interpretation". Yeah no shit it's my interpretation! But not all interpretations, beliefs and assumptions are based on the same caliber of argument, evidence etc. Without absolute proof/knowledge, there's beliefs, and sometimes we have more reason to believe one thing is true than the other. You're acting like this is some massive revelation to us all, but it's not. You're not smart for pointing this out at all. It's obvious fact. But that doesn't mean I'm not still going to express my concerns. Like I said, it's literally like going up to two people having an argument and saying "well that's just your opinion". Yeah I get it! My only point really is that there's strong evidence to suggest what might be going on here, and I said in my previous posts that nothing has been proven, I'm simply saying there was evidence enough to be concerned something might be true. I fail to see what your issue is. It's enough evidence to convince some people, and not enough evidence to convince others. I already explained to you why the may not release the footage previously. Because the documentary took 3 years to make, and likely involved hundreds of hours of footage. What I'm saying is that it's entirely possible that she's asking them to release it because she knows that will likely not happen. If she's that concerned about all this editing causing her that much damage, then why doesn't she sue them? I'm sure this would fall under defamation. Like I've said a million times before, I don't know 100%, I'm simply saying there's enough reason to be concerned here.
  21. Sigh, now I remember why I gave up talking to you before, you don't even bother providing arguments of your own. Whenever someone tries to provide arguments or evidence, you just gaslight people and do whatever you can to make them doubt themselves and their own thoughts on the subject. You'll try to pass this off as talking from a higher perspective and trying to encourage people to be introspective, but in reality it's because you know you cannot provide an argument back of your own or any real evidence, so you just start the "you're debating from stage orange", "you're deceiving yourself" crap. You tried to defend Teal by saying she's asked for the footage be released, I responded by advising you why this is stupid, and you just go back to your old tactics by claiming self-deception. You start to create your own defence of Teal by thinking her asking for the footage to be released strengthen her position, I explain why that is likely a devious tactic, you don't provide an argument in response or address my points, you just start gaslighting again. You're not arguing from a higher perspective at all, you dismiss evidence that has been provided as not real evidence, you start providing your own argument then when you get a counter, you immediately just start trying to gaslight and manipulate your way out of it. And btw I remember some of the earlier posts on this subject you literally admitted you don't even bother watching that documentary, and then only skimmed it, immediately assuming stage orange. I am annoyed at myself for allowing myself to get involved in an argument with someone who doesn't bother formulating their own real arguments, and clearly cannot recognise their own clear bias. You don't even counter people's arguments or take in what they're saying, you just gaslight and then try to pass it off as "I'm just trying to make you introspective". My ass.